Then you don’t know what the term means and just like to throw it around. People have explained why outside of the “They said it was exclusive” reasoning as to why it’s not coming back. Or did you ignore what Purplelime said? Here. Read it again. Or the first time if you missed it.
For me, Hunters don’t have Sidewinders > Marked Shot which was the bread and butter of MM during Legion. So now the challenge has changed along side of missing artifact abilities and legendaries that don’t work anymore. Which for me the Roots pants played a massive part in the BM challenge to be able to properly survive the damage.
It would be a new challenge, therefore you shouldn’t get the same reward. To add to what Purple is saying, I should not be rewarded Arena Season 7 Elite gear for competing in Season 10. At that point classes have changed therefore the meta has changed meaning that the reward itself should be different.
You can keep calling it elitism, but to a lot of people here it’s pure, 100% entitlement. You want to do something for your friends and guildmates? Ask Blizz for new challenges and rewards in Shadowlands. Stop trying to undermine those who put in time and effort during Legion.
This perfectly worded my opinion on seasonal or patch based rewards. It is a reward of doing it when it was current, so when people see someone with what ever reward it is they know what they accomplished.
For example I remember in legion I ran into some in dal with the mythic NH (the suramar raid) they looked so cool and I knew they must be a very good player. A expansion or two later that guy looks just like another guy who soloed mythic NH for transmog. The fact you can do that diminishes what the guy who did it when it was current accomplished.
I am wearing the elite 1800 set from last season. I don’t really do rated PvP but I had to get the transmog and seasonal mount because it was soooo undead themed I had to have it. Now in shadowlands when I am wearing the elite set on my vicious skeletal warehorse (purple one) people will know what I accomplished and that I didn’t just go back late and get it.
Your friends and guildmates had the same chance we had and they missed it. Sucks. We shouldn’t trivialize the rewards’ prestige for the players who did get them just because a chunk of people are sad they didn’t obtain them when they could. You claim not to be selfish about things that don’t affect you directly, and yet here you are trying to cheapen the novelty of the rewards for players who earned them by reopening the challenges.
No I’m just gonna state that you’re wrong purely on your stance that it’s elitism. If you want to have that middle ground then you’re going to have to drop that faulty claim. Also you’ve yet to put up a proper counter to anything that has been said.
It doesn’t cheapen anything. You still have the rewards. You still worked hard and earned them. If other people worked hard and earned them as well then it would have no affect on you other than people having the same stuff as you. And if that bother you then that sounds like a you problem.
Wrong. It does effect us because it was marketed as a limited-time event. And your character does not exist in a vacuum in the MMO world. If someone was allowed god-mode status in game and could one-shot all raid bosses - even if I never played with that person - that impacts me because it impacts the world I play in.
If you don’t understand that exclusiveness is a draw to rewards then that’s not a Blizzard problem, that’s a you problem.
Yeah the person who doesn’t want anything from the tower is the one that’s the special snowflake. Not the people demanding that nobody else have access to some random weapon skins or transformations that they have.
Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended , and unable to deal with opposing opinions.
You seem to fit this bill with your current stance.
Not once have I said that I am entitled to any of this or that I even want any of it actually. In fact it’s exact opposite if you actually read my posts.
In fact my first post in this thread said that I don’t think Blizzard would ever make the decision to open up the MT again. I just said that I wouldn’t care if they did since it doesn’t affect me one way or the other.
Nah, you want people to have access to something - that was advertised as exclusive and reminded over and over again that it was a time exclusive event - because of what reason? You want Blizzard to go back on their word for people to earn specific cosmetics given the parameters of a limited event because someone else doesn’t have it? What valid reason does that other person deserve to get something that was a limited-time only?
I don’t see a valid reason as to why they deserve a shot at something that was advertised as a limited time-event. It doesn’t matter about balancing based on current, or somehow making it so people were “reset” to the standards of the content then.
What’s one valid reason why someone who missed out on something deserves a shot at something that was advertised as a limited-time event?
See, I have a valid reason why they shouldn’t: because it was advertised as a limited-time event and that window has passed.
I don’t consider that to be a valid reason. So we are just gonna have to agree to disagree. The point is moot anyway seeing as i have already said that I don’t seem them ever actually doing the MT again.
What i hope they will do though somewhere down the line is just bring back reskins of the druid forms. That way the Druids who missed out can get their hands on the unique forms since Druid forms are already severely limited. And the MT crowd will still have their desperately important exclusivity.
BS. You think that players who didn’t complete the MT challenges during the designated timeframe–which, by extension, includes you–should have the challenges reopened for them just because they’re sad they didn’t take advantage of an opportunity we all had. That’s a textbook example of entitlement.
CLEARLY you care whether or not they reopen the Mage Tower, don’t try to play it off.