Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

My money is he is like the person on another thread that tried to claim transmog affected hit boxes and swing speed…
Seriously…he tried to claim the flail let paladins and warriors have longer reach and thus affected game play…


Never!!! Unic stuff must remain as unic stuff!

I lvled this druid just to get Bear and Feral form from mage tower.

Ppl had time to get it…

The ones who didnt play that season…sad sad ! Blizzard said it was a limited period.

The only thing i wish to happen is: A way to use my feral appearance during cat form regardless of guardian spec. And vice-versa.

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Mage Tower was advertised as a timed exclusive to legion. Had about a year to complete the challenge. Heck for the last month the mage tower was open 24/7 along with the massive ap boost that one day doing ap WQ got you to like 63 on your artifact weapon. If you couldn’t do it in the time frame that it was given, tough luck. Await the next challenge mode in-game. There are still plenty of other legion artifact weapon skins you can earn in-game.


So is entitlement… Quite ironic you calling the others “selfish”, when it is you who want Blizzard to break their promise made to players, so you can get the appearances.

Except i have already said multiple times now that I couldn’t give two turds about the appearances and have already said that even if the MT did come back I wouldn’t even be doing it. There is no appearance from the MT that I want.

You don’t seem to understand what this word means. Everyone had a year to get these skins. You didn’t have to be a raider, pvp’er, rich, have tons of hours, etc. You just needed WQ ilevel gear, knowledge of your class and a sub.

And if you couldn’t or wouldn’t do it in that year? Too bad. The person with brain cancer is in the same boat as the lazy guy. They missed it. It’s too bad but that’s life. I can’t go dig up Chris Cornell’s corpse and demand he play that last Rock on the Range show he was supposed to do. I just have to be an adult and get over it. I need to make sure I see other bands that I care about before they die.


Or, oooor and get this fun part.

It has nothing to do with you

Why do people look at others sense of achievement and immediately want to assume that it’s us putting you down or trying to puff out our chest?

Did I taunt you or anyone purely because they didn’t have it to be a jerk? No.

Am I constantly running around calling players bad if they don’t have it? No.

Have I ever made the claim that the Mage Tower was the pinnacle of skill? No.

Your imagination is creating a scenario that doesn’t exist. One where people like me who want to cherish the idea that I was able to get something before Blizzard pulled it out are now seen as toxic elitist players who are putting down casuals. I’m not on a high horse and you aren’t in the mud. We’re standing right next to one another and your perception has blinded you to the truth that nobody cares about what others have and look towards their own progression.

I don’t look at your character when I see my character selection screen I see my own. I don’t see your character when I’m running around cities I see my own. I don’t see you character when I’m doing any time of progression I see my own. Stop making this about you and the woeful casuals who apparently got pushed into the dirt.


Yeah BS. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be spending your time on the forums arguing for it.
I don’t care about the popeyes/chickfila sandwich fight, so im not jumping on forums or such claiming my chicken sandwich preference…
You are here though choosing to endorse a side, so you apparently do care.

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Oh god please don’t remind me of that character. Out of all of the things I’ve heard on GD that one definitely goes in my top 3 funniest complaints

Hardcore? A year.

Say it again

A year

People had over a year if you go by the dates.

And, you had to do the opening of broken shore to unlock the tower

Then, you had two years worth of casual legendary acquisition. LFR set bonuses, out of control TF rolls on gear, and a free level 50 concordance for the last few months of mage tower to faceroll the content.

If you didn’t beat it that’s on you.

You still have as a druid doing the rest of the content, base form, form for completing story, PvP form, power form, and hidden form. All of those have 4 color variants.

20, count it 20 new skins for feral and bear and 20 new balance and resto staves.

If you missed out on the mage tower form, well better luck with the next expansion only content.

This is a case of git gud. Not no lifing an expansion.

Over a year to farm forms for druid alone.


Right? Oh and him talking about it being common sense but unable to actually show numbers…or any form of proof, or able to come up with a reason why my chars that have them are hitting no different…

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I’m on the forums arguing for it because I have friends and guildmates that would like to have a chance at those mogs. Just because I wouldn’t benefit from it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t support it or lobby for it. I’m not so selfish as to only care about things that affect me directly.

More importantly the MT opening up again doesn’t affect me at all and i see no good reason why I should argue against it.

I find that… hard to believe. You want Blizzard to explicitly break their promise and bring down even more their integrity for no reason at all.

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When does blizzard make promises? Lmaoo

I literally just explained my reasoning.

Well I’m here to say that you haven’t really made any proper arguments for it. Instead you’re using the narrative that everyone else who agrees with it staying locked down is a toxic elitist. How did Patrick Star put it?

The game has changed, our abilities are different, legendaries don’t work anymore, artifacts are gone, the fights won’t work as they’re meant to work, it wouldn’t be the same.

This is why you can’t just bring back old elite sets or gladiator mounts, they’re a snapshot of the game in a specific state, if I see a warrior in S10 elite gear, I think oh wow, warriors sucked in s10, that’s pretty cool. If some guy could just wait for a season until warriors were really strong then get that elite set anyway it would lose its value and destroy any meaning it had.

Same applies to mage tower.


Because if they did, then you can never believe a thing blizz says when they say a challege thing is going away, and then when they make one exception then suddenly it opens the door for arguments of “well you did this why not this now”…
It doesn’t affect you (supposedly)because you do not have the sense of accomplishment of earning something that was taken away, and so not having a dog in the fight its easy to not care (supposedly). Your “friends” had 15 months to get it done, had blizz giving them handouts to do it. It is your friends choice not to do it, or their fault they couldn’t. Blizz shouldn’t make them free from repercussions of their choices, or from their inability to do something. That is life. This isn’t a participation trophy part of the game. There is enough of that

No excuses for the ones who didnt got the appearance.

THis druid was ABANDONED since cataclysm… lvl 85 with a poor healer gear…

When i saw the bear and cat appearance, i fell in love with it… i LEVELED this druid… re-learned how to play feral and bear… and… some wipes after… i got both appearances.


I got:

Warlock: All specs
Druid: Feral and Guardian
DH: Tank and DPs
PAlly: All specs
Hunter: BM

Was a Hard work, learning, reading, wiping…

Nobody would work hard for this if they knew it was “forever”

So, for the ones like us who got pissed off in wiping a lot… Blizzard should never bring this again. So all our efforts will worth.

BTW - Sorry about my poor english, is not my main language…

Except I’m not screaming. I’m just making an observation.

“They said it was exclusive!” is not a good enough reason for me to say tough luck to everyone who wants a chance to do the MT. As people have already stated transmogs do not negatively affect the game or peoples ability to enjoy it so I see no reason to lock those mogs away forever. As long as the MT remains the same and those who get the appearances have to do the exact same thing that everyone else did then thats fine with me.

The only reason I could see someone arguing against that is if they have it and therefore don’t want other people to have it. And that to me is elitism. So I will call it elitism.