Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

If you mean new rewards sure, but as it stands the ones that were available in Legion shouldn’t come back.

Yes, it would need to be new rewards. The Legion rewards can stay in their safe deposit boxes (or whatever archival method Blizzard uses). :slight_smile:

Better not be AP.

Not anyone’s fault but their own. I wasn’t playing the stock market when apple was just starting, should I get the low stock price of back then because I wasn’t?

No what makes them entitled is that they want to be exceptions to the time limited rule just because they are the special snowflakes. They had 15 months, but will find some excuse to have blizz make exceptions for them and protect them from the consequences of their choices.

Asking is inappropriate at times too, when someone worked hard and earned something within a timeframe, asking for the time frame to go away because you couldn’t be bothered to do the same effort is inappropriate. Asking a husband to sleep with his wife because you didn’t get the chance to sleep with her before they got married is inappropriate (normally).

No, actually many of the challenges were hard, especially the tank ones. People spent hours working on completing the challenge. You are just being salty since apparently you couldn’t do something you have been claiming is just pressing buttons.

and more players that earned them, and players that didn’t, feel like the limited time things that blizz said and have kept should stay just there. So why should blizz go with your opinion and ruin the one promise they have kept (keeping challenge things exclusive to those expansions) just because people couldn’t be bothered to complete them?

its not for them but they are entitled since they pay the sub, they feel they should get every little thing others have because they pay the same amount.

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Have you seen druids? A completely lack on customization for them, they add new customization and guess what? Just for ppl who play hardcore in just a part of an expansion, pathetic don’t you think? If druids had a lot of form customization i’d be agreeing with not taking this forms back and maybe adding new ones for instance with new challenges and stuff, but DRUIDS NEED MORE CUSTOMIZATION for god sakes


The mage tower was an overtuned, silly tuned, slap in the face.


As someone with one of his main alts as a druid, I can tell you that you are over exaggerating things. They added in 6 new forms each with 4 colors for feral and guardian. The MT going away, took away 2 total. You still gained 5 new ones. You really wanted harambear or sparkle cat? Should have played and done it. Druids also have several colors to each of their vanilla forms. If you break it down there are at least 5 vanilla form colors, then 20 colors of the artifact appearances, so even with MT gone you have 25 versions you can use. That is alot of customization, for a class you choose to play that turns into animals…You do not choose druid to get to play barbies first bear doll…

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As soon as you said “You really wanted harambear or sparkle cat? Should have played and done it.” At that moment that argument start being “blah blah blah” to me. Dude, what you’re saying there is “You want to listen to Queen, you should have born a few decades before”. No, you don’t need to, you can simply go to Spotify, Youtube, or buy the albums. “You want a classic car? You should have born in those times” Again, no, you can simply buy an used one in perfect shape. So no, that stupid argument of “You should have played it” it’s ridiculous to me, if i wasn’t playing Legion could be because i didn’t know the game at the time, or i didn’t have time, or something else, but playing the game now and paying for it, should be enough to access all the content. YOU WON’T BE PLAYING all races at the time with the same character, so no, druids don’t have that much customization, compare having hundreds of mog customization with just a few forms, that’s nothing in compare for being a druid.

No, no it shouldn’t. Your entitlement is your own problem. It is your own fault you didn’t play at the time. No one but your own self stopped you from playing. Even if you were in prison and couldn’t play, it is your own fault. Tons of things existed before I started the game and I can never get. Difference is I am not entitled to think my sub fee entitles me to things removed from the game.
Limited time events are just that. You miss out you miss out. Should I get to by stocks in apple for such a low rate because i wasn’t alive at the time? Nope. I still pay stock fees and make investments now, so I should there too. At least according to your entitled logic.

Also you really cannot comprehend what I read apparently. I didn’t address all the races forms. I specifically referred to all the colors one race can have, plus the 5 forms and 4 colors of them still left. 5+4+4+4+4+4=25.

Also apparently you do not understand how limited time things go. Yes queen can be listened to on youtube, etc. but with Freddy Mercury dying, you can’t go see them in concert can you? That is the limited time thing. You can see pictures, watch videos, or see others with the form, but because you chose not to play and get it, you can’t see it yourself. You learn to deal with it like a functional adult…


A recolor is not a different form haha but well, you’re such a crybaby that doesn’t have any good arguments, but “it’s your fault if you didn’t play” hahahaha i will better let you be with that, be happy crying out loud alone then.

Cheers :wink:

Its really ironic the person crying about not playing during the time something is implemented and now wants it like a kid crying someone else has a shiny toy they don’t is saying others are crying. Go take your entitlement elsewhere lol. You do not deserve anything you didn’t earn, and do not deserve things removed in game. If you can’t accept that, go back to offline games since you apparently can’t comprehend online ones


This is an exaggeration. You didn’t need to be a hardcore player to complete the Mage Tower.

Where have you been?!!

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God you didn’t even have to be a regular casual. You could get argus gear, and then just smash your face against it until you got lucky.


Please let me know when Queen advertised their music was a limited event and you wouldn’t be allowed to listen to their music unless you bought the CD during that limited time.

Same for the car analogy.

Oh wait… neither did that, which the Mage Tower was advertised as such.

Try again on your comparisons and do better.


They got a chance lol, a year and a half long chance.

Absolutely false. Legion gave druids A TON of new customization, with only a small fraction of it being gated behind the Mage Tower. Quit ignoring the forms that are still obtainable.

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Pointed that out to him already. He doesn’t want to count alternative colors as choices

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Because the game’s tuning is also done in a manner which no longer has anything to do with these things. The artifact weapon and legendaries, as well as old talent builds, were also needed / what the mage towers were built around.

A really good example is twinking at max level for previous expansions. A fire mage in full level 80 ICC gear pulls more dps than people above that level in the same gear because of how DR’s work within stats. Essentially, Blizzard would be forever stuck tuning and retuning the same content over and over every single patch.

I’d much rather Blizzard spend time on new challenges with new rewards. The mage tower is over and done with. People should be submitting suggestions on how to make a new time sensitive pve challenge (since BFA doesn’t have one) for Shadowlands.


I support this.

The mage tower being a seasonal event like the Darkmoon Faire or Brewfest would be an amazing decision by Blizz.

No it wouldn’t. It would turn one of the few promises the company keeps moot and then why would we ever do something they say is time restricted again, if we can just do it later?