But you missed my point. If only the only content removed was a challenge mode or two per expansion. Despite the claim that “we are doing this for the story” when they make changes to the game, more story and related content are removed with each expansion and change and none returned.
No. Bring back an equivilant with different rewards? Absolutely.
But limited time needs to. mean limited time. Regardless of people’s reasons it has to mean something.
I completed one so I am not saying I did it you should have done it too. I would LOVE to have the guardian skin. Long story I will get into it if you want me too. Butni don’t. And that is ok.
I feel like this has been said ad nauseum. However, I have also noticed you in particular like to not acknowledge the difference. So here we go again.
Mage Tower is advertised, before the patch launches as limited time. We knew it would come to an end, and when that end got closer, Blizz even announced the end date. From before implementation into the game until the end we knew it and the skins were going away.
Brutasaur. Nothing was ever said. The knowledge it was being removed was data mined and not even announced by Blizzard. Further Long Boi was a gold sink. Like the spider mount, the yak, etc. No other gold sink mount had ever been removed. One could even call it a precedent. So not knowing itnis limited VS knowing itnis limited is the huge difference here.
The general d forums are def full of entitled players that want a ton of handouts for sure.
I will say that I missed the mage tower stuff cuz I had unsubbed for a big part of legion. I don’t think I should get a chance to receive the limited time rewards because the it would take away from the uniqueness that people earned when it was current content.
I mean I’d be upset if someone got the mop challenge transmog and titles just because they’re new and think they deserve them for some reason.
Unique rewards are a dying thing in this game…hopefully they’ll continue to add them.
It is your fault for not playing during the expansion It is your fault for not playing X class during the expansion It is your fault you moved regions It is your fault you made a new account It is your fault for not being born or being old enough to play the game when the reward was there
It’s not that easy. The challenges would have to be scaled, the abilities would have to be adjusted for BfA tool kits and lack of Legion legendaries / artifact weapons…it is a lot more work than just copy/pasting a folder with the event data and then flipping a switch to push it out to the servers.
Those challenges were meant to exist within a bubble and reward players who were there for the bubble. There are lots of reasons why the answer is just going to be “No.”
I only play rogue and I got all 3 appearances, i busted my booty to get them because I knew they were time sensitive which makes achieving them so much sweeter