Bring back Mage Tower as a seasonal limited time event

No, do not do this.

Blizzard, you have (I think?) guns… please stick to them.

I can honestly see how it upsets people. But I can also see the other side of this as well. I have the skins I want. But that doesn’t mean if I manage to master another class I wouldn’t enjoy the ability to go back and get that skin. Yes the mage tower was up a long time, However it wasn’t as much time as you think considering it was up a 3rd of the time. Remember we had to build resources to get at it. I always want to take both sides into account and come up with a solution that everyone can live with.

Lol I love how you say this to a person who literally has the mage tower outlaw swords transmogged.

It was also up for 2 months straight at the butt end of legion when blizz just open it up permanently so people can get all their appearance that they’re after


Look at the useage of all there. That means more than one. Also again, and i know you are having problems here, but as I said in that very same post, the you isn’t directly you, its you to everyone that it applies to.

Yes spent 15 months working on all the appearances I wanted. No you cannot since you have not come up with a solution everyone can live with. Nor will you. Because not everyone is ok with the company going back on their word just for the people that didn’t want to get off their duffs and get the appearances.

That is true. Many got them on the char’s they loved. However most people did not have the time to level every single possible alt combination just in that amount of time. They have RL responsibilities, raiding and wanted to do other things. Yes they made a choice.

However asking for it back during timewalking for their alts and anyone who started playing during BFA is not a sin. It’s not being entitled it’s just hoping that Blizzard may listen. I do not agree with the downright witch hunt that happens every time people ask for this.

Yes it is entitled. It is asking blizz to make exceptions for them to a timeline they put in place because of their choices. Again definition of entitled is:

believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

Special treatment being not being held to the timeline of something being removed in game. From protecting them from the consequences of their choices, either for choosing priorities, for not having the time, or not playing the game yet. All of that is a choice and you want blizz to remove that consequence from their choice. That is entitlement.


There are no do overs in mage tower.

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If they didn’t work for it back then. They didn’t care about getting it. So why all of the sudden because it’s no longer in game that they suddenly “care” about it?

Blizz gave people over a year to get the appearance. You’re telling me people can’t find time during that time?

Not a sin but also inconsiderate. People who spend time playing the game during legion and did the best they can. Are you telling me screw those people? I don’t have any of the challenge mode gear back in MoP and WoD due to my inexperience. And I’m the only person to blame on that. You dont see me creating a thread about it to bring it back. Exclusivity is a good thing both irl and in-game. Otherwise what the point of trying to strive for everything. Also no I dont have all the MT skins. I pick what I wanted and did only those. So I dont have everything. AND I’M OK WITH THAT

Blizzard needs to announce a new version of the Mage Tower for Shadowlands, with new skins and such.


The Mage Tower was set up, advertised, and experienced as a limited-time event.

The Brutosaur mount was not; this was a surprise decision.


Because you do not have the entitled mindset, and are a rational adult. Congrats, you are in the minority apparently.

Lol forgot I’m in GD. Rational mindset isn’t allowed here. Sorry

We just need a new mage tower challenge equivalent with new skins. Give newer players an opportunity without it potentially affecting those who worked for them. Even if you missed one you specifically want, there could be something new that’s just as cool!

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I can be down w/ that. I like the MT challenge and getting new appearance is always a good carrot on a stick.

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Absolutely. New is the key term there. There needs to be new things, not time spent bringing old things back simply because these people chose not to do them for whatever reason, and now want to not have repercussions of that choice.


It would be dumb to reissue a challenge with mechanics that depended on classes/specs playing differently than they do now.

They should make a new challenge with new rewards though. Sorry if you missed the boat!


Yup. It sucks for you if you did, but you grow up and learn thats life and go on…

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A 3rd of a year since it was only up 1/3rd of the time. With the 2 months at the end. Considering the relative amount of classes you had to level to max ability and each class needing the mastery of 3 spec it really was quite limited time to get all available content.

Agree to disagree.

No I am one of these people. It’s a interesting conclusion to jump to.

Nether do I.

I didn’t make the thread.

I believe things should be locked behind challenges not by if you happened to be playing on the right day. I do not think rewards gained by simply showing up are rewards of great value. In a game built around the players available time limited time frames are bad in my opinion. But that is just me, agree to disagree.

The challenge of beating the event when it was hard was something to strive for.

That’s cool, No need to shout. Gratz on getting the skins you did.

They should bring back old bands to tour again because I didn’t get to see them when I was young.

Oh wait…

Anyhow, no! FOMO was a thing when it was active and you should have succumbed to the urge to get as many of the skins as possible while you could have, haha.

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Entitlement: now trying to say that it shouldn’t have been on a cycle because you couldn’t do it when you wanted to…

my opinion (because i can)

i didn’t get any MT skins, i spent a lot of time ill, and spent more time in the forum than playing the game.

the skins need to stay unobtainable.

i missed out.

i don’t feel like i’m being “punished”.
i don’t feel “entitled” to having the skins returned.
i don’t believe anyone feels “special” because they have the skins.

Blizzard already made their minds up on this.
They told players it was a limited time thing.

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