This person did not agree with me, but gave a productive argument. I upvote him because I agree’d with his points even though I do not align with his overall message.
You are just out to inflame posters, insulting them, accusing them of being childish. And picking all posts apart, not just mine. I have seen you do this in countless threads over and over.
So when I ask you not to reply to my posts I do so with reason.
They will never be able to re-create the original difficulty of the mage towers after the fact since many of the abilities for each class no longer exist. It would be a tuning nightmare with all the specs and changes that have happened since the last expansion. Especially if they brought it back every few months.
If someone is being childish, you call them childish. You call a duck, a duck, even if the duck wants to be a chicken, regardless if it hurts the feefees of the duck. If you are being entitled, people are going to call you entitled, as others have. You do not have to like it, but the only thing that can change is you. Stop acting entitled, asking blizz to give you more time and go against what they told EVERYONE was going to happen. Otherwise when you do, people will call you entitled. Much like others have said:
Heres the big twist. Id be 100% ok if they started making mythic variants of the armor sets time limited. Make it where you need to get it that expansion. Id feel like itd entice more people to raid mythic and go for the sets. And you know i want the recolor of the cmode sets to be given to us that earned the orginal but it wont happen even though it should. But oh well.
Your example doesnt really work because one is about a perceived loss of incestment. The sunken cost fallacy.
The metaphor is about trust being broken.
The thing is that Blizzard is the abusive ex gf that promises one thing, does another, says she wont change, but you get with her anyway.
Umm you do realize that absolutely none of those posters where speaking to me directly. Many of then where posting replies to other posters. But it was a good try.
I do not wish the rewards to be given. I wish for a timewalking challenge to rarely spawn that with deliver similar skins with the same challenge as the original.
Others are fighting different battles. For much more then me, I would ask you not to confuse us but alas I think you will. You don’t seem to care who you inflame so long as you inflame the post and have people rally around you.
Ok I’ll message you directly so that you may understand, anything i state about cmode armor/weps as well as mage tower is infact directed towards anyone that wants them to return in any form. They shouldnt return and if they do they should still only go to the people that earned the orginal. Blizzard shouldnt take the time to add old stuff back to the game instead you should ask them to bring a new challenge with new better looking rewards. I guess you didnt see how upset people got over the class hall armor sets being way to close to cmode. Its lazy of blizzard to do stuff like that.
No but you do want blizz to protect you from your own choices in not getting all the appearances you wanted. That is entitlement too. You had 15 months, and nothing but yourself to blame if you did not get every single appearance you wanted, same as every other person period.
Had other things pop up you had to deal with? That is your problem and choice.
Had other things you wanted to do more? Your choice.
Couldn’t complete them? That sucks but still only on you.
Didn’t have a char at max level ready to do them? On you, your choice, your problem.
No one is to blame but you, and wanting blizz to fix this problem and go back against their word to the player base that they said they would take this away as of the 9.0 is entitlement, because you feel that you should be excluded from the time frame that was presented.
Since you also seem not to understand this concept: You I am referring to is both you and anyone else this applies to, not just solely you.
I wasn’t crazy about any of the appearances. For example, the scythe I’m using now looks better to me than any DK skin. I also like my WoD CM weapons more.
There’s a few hidden appearances I think look better too. Feral Druid, Fury Warrior and Arcane Mage for example.