Bring back Mage Tower appearances so my friends will play again

Omg that made me spit my coffee out.


Would the people who have the exclusive tmogs quit if they brought them back, or would there be more incentive to subscribe if you could still earn the tmogs?


You made my day!

I have all but 5 or so weapon appearances unlocked from the Original Tower and while I understand it was a limited time event, they should change this stance. If people want to put in the time or wasn’t around to experience it, let them. Keep the exclusive items to Seasonal events like Mythic Plus and PVP at the highest levels.

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They should have at least done recolors for all the specs. I would have spent so much time to collect all of those

that made me laugh. i know, i know… however i’ve been looking into this for a while now and it just breaks my heart everytime i log on to know years of work mean nothing just because i had to move. i have no problems with the ms but the timezones make the game practically unplayable unless i switch my sleep schedule to suit an entirely different time
zone - which would’ve been easy in my teens but not so much as a working adult. Raiding is completely off the table, as are any forms of progression save solo progression. i just keep thinking to myself - for what did i invest so much time and effort into the game if i’m forced to either not really play, or lose everything and start from scratch.

The reason that isn’t a good comparison is you can trade collectable cards/stamps/coins, you cannot trade account unlocks in WoW

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No. It will gatekeep lore-correct transmog colorizations for RP-servers on various sets and will result in lesser populated servers and players quitting the game.

So it’s not a collecting game because you can’t trade mogs? Did you not collect it if you cannot trade it?

Is pet collecting more a collection game than mount collecting because you can trade more pets?

And who drug this up? They brought back the mage tower.

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Sometimes you need 5 months to form a proper response.

I will take things that never happened for 300 Alex.

Dude, anyone that would quit a game for such a stupid reason, was going to leave for any other reason, or no reason.

You can still collect, but your argument of arbitrarily rare/unobtainable as new things, falls appart completely in the realm of real life physical goods comparison as they are digital code items, that are untransferable and cannot be altered by the owner in any way/shape/form.

You are collecting for the sake of collecting/completing a collection and that is fine, but arbitrary ‘oh, you weren’t here at that time for xyz real life reason that’s more important than a game’ as a reason to curtail other players enjoyment is a really bad reason to do so. As yes, transmog does affect enjoyment (particularly amongst the RP community, also makes me a bit annoyed that my pfp on here hasn’t updated and had the glitch of not showing the gear in it’s mogged state)

Dang, didn’t realize this thread was 5 months old.

Thanks for bringing it back!

As someone who has the cloak several times during mop. I could care less about exclusively.

The questline was neat but other then that kiling ordos (Which back in the day was just loot for alts) theres no reason for exclusivity.

As for the transmog, If druids can have a recolor for their bear? Why can’t they make a recolor for the weapons? its not like its hard :smile: honestly make it gated behind currency 5k timewalking badges might make people work for it :slight_smile:

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bruh I got baited by necropost

Constants in life:

WoW playerbase getting an inch and asking for a mile


These limited time things are like trophies. You get the trophy for completing or winning an event. It’s why a lot of people take part in the event, to get the trophy for completing it.

You don’t get to take peoples trophies for yourself because you want to play with it.

And you don’t get to tell people it shouldn’t matter to them that you want to take it.

As the blue post says


What are you talking about? Most of the Mage Tower appearances are garbage, and most aren’t the same exact things you got from Legion.

Heck the bear one is the one that got the most attention and is the closest to what it was in Legion, yet it’s still a diff color and not the same, even.

Yes, it actually is worth keeping them exclusive. They were promised as a timed event to go away when Legion was done. They should stay, again, because Legion isn’t here.

Stop trying to take prestige away. If your friends quit because of it, then sucks for them.

A limited time only means limited time only, not all the time.

But we aren’t saying ‘take it from them’ but ‘hey, it’s been long enough other people should have a shot too’

And before you go with the ‘oh well, prior years trophies in muh sportsball’ comparison: every year there is a new, equivalent trophy to earn with only the number on it it changed but it is an identical item to the prior year trophy with that stuff about 99% of the time, so no, that argument doesn’t hold weight either.

I don’t think anything in the game should be time limited. Everything should be available to acquire at your own speed. As a casual solo player, I tend to farm old content for stuff that has been out for years. Maybe rather than make things unattainable, just implement Feats of Strength for accomplishments or even just Achievements that are dated so people can flex their… egos. There are so many mounts and appearances in this game that people don’t even use anymore. What does it hurt to allow other players to get them? I have many of the original mage tower skins and have gotten to the point where I could care less if other people have them.


You’re welcome to the achievement since you think it has value. You’re not getting the appearances.

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