Bring back Legion mage tower and artifact appearances!

Please bring back mage tower and artifact appearances! It’s been long enough! please let them be accessible again! It’s kinda a big deal for this druid!

Thank you, that is all.


This has been discussed many many many times.
Good Luck, but personally, I donʻt see this happening any time soon

Thanks, that is all.


That poor horse.


Got my vote.


The answer is a firm “no”. And this has been brought up endless number of times. There’s other appearances to that one can get (both old as well as new), and the miniscule amount of unavailable items in the game isn’t a big deal for anyone.

Including druids.

If you want to disagree, you gotta start by firmly ascerting why Ion would’ve been wrong in this clip (the url is as such so you can click on it and get straight to the 1 minute he spends explaining this).


not another one of these threads.



The WoD challenge mode weapons are way cooler.


Your only recourse is to ask for recolors/remodels, as per posts above prove to us, along with the new werebear forms.


Give it time. They will eventually. The wall of No was torn down.

The same will happen here


I wouldn’t be opposed to them returning in some way, but I think it would be far more likely if they were recolors and such, which would be fine by me. I love having more options.


I used to care a lot about these.

Just my take on this but I think they have given enough to satisfy the itch for mage tower IMO. You can get a full armour set, a mount for completing a number of challenges and all other artifact appearances except MT. I think that is ok and I’m fine striving for those pieces instead.

They haven’t released any more warglaives that have a full glow effect on them yet so until they do this will keep coming up. “There are other mogs to get” only works if there are actually other comparable mogs to get.


It’s stupid, but they will be leaving the druid forms unavailable.

I couldn’t care less about any of the other mage tower artifacts, but it is a shame that a relatively large ratio, four out of like thirty something total options, are completely unavailable only because you didn’t play in legion. For other classes which have hundreds to thousands of other options I don’t care though.

However, Blizzard has already shown they don’t care and you shouldn’t expect a change on this.


No. There was a long time you could have gotten it. You can still do the challenges and get a transmog, even the guardian druids can get a version of the werebear. Leave the transmog for those that got it, since they earned it.


You’re assuming one played during Legion. They can make it difficult if they so chose devs have shown they’re quite good at overtuning content.


I mean. If they did open back up the mage tower to give those artifact appearances, the people would still have to earn it.

It’s obviously not gonna happen.

I just think the “diminishes others accomplishments” excuse is a load of horse shirt.


So if they didn’t, they still could have. Everyone had the same access. Limited time things are there for a reason. Why take away the exclusivity of something because people who didn’t earn at the time it was there want it now?


Because there are no other comparable options I think my post was clear. Are there any other full glow warglaives?

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ya the only reason i want mage tower back is because as a DH id like to have full glow warglaives and now that i missed mage tower ill never have them which is sad. best looking glaives in the game hands down and if its no longer available then everytime you make a xmog it will never be as good as if you had them. i dont see how bringing them back would make them any less special to the people who already have them. its not like they would have to do it again and they still keep their appearances.

i have the dk ones and i wouldnt be mad if they opened it back up for other dks to get their mogs. anyone who would be mad about it needs to maybe spend more time outside of the game because to be mad about others getting shiny pixels in a game is petty imo


I just want a sparkle kitty, idc if it’s a recolor or not. :dracthyr_heart: