Bring back [Glyph of Ascendance]

It’s crazy to think how abandoned Shamans are when it comes to the pinnacle of their power.
Blizz knows it, rubs and dangles the new stuff in front of us this expansion, but will leave the player character in the dust.
I hope this all changes next patch when Shamans finally get some new glyphs for Ascendance.


Absolutely baffling how many of these posts are on the front page of this forum and we still don’t have this glyph back lmfao. It’s baffling how we have the most shaman themed xpac since draenor and there is literally NOTHING in the way of cosmetic updates for this poor class. Just absolutely unacceptable.

I tried to play with ascendance but. I can’t. Really need this glyph, esp in state shamans are in rn. It’s just such a massive identity shift from my goblin.


I actually specced resto and transformed into the model and remembered why I hated it. I was like “oh, there was glyph to get rid of this…I remember.” Went to AH, all I can change is my ghost wolf form and attach some ancestors to my rez… not cool.


I appreciate comments like this. You like something but also see the validity in others opinions. Appreciate people like you, insert the gif why not both everyone wins.

exactly why the glyph is good for everyone, which just like… makes no sense. why even remove this.

You know what would make an awesome glyph or model for it? Do something with the elements like the raid boss in incarnates… It’s pretty neat and would look amazing for ascendance form.


yeah. or nothing at all if they dont wanna put in work for something like that. but quit making me look like a bodybuilder dude in a cheap rock guy costume. im a beautiful… goblin maiden, for heavens sake.


It’s painful that the NPCs have such amazing elemental forms and we have… well… points at everything


I just read that they’re adding a glyph for DH’s throw glaive in 10.1
Gives me hope that one day we might be blessed with an alternative to the monstrosity that is the current ascendance form


I was looking for this. Why did Blizzard remove this glyph? I’ve been playing my Shaman recently and won’t get Ascendance (super important ability) because the model is so ugly. Please bring this glyph back.


good post! bumping it for good measure

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I’ll add myself to this and say I’d love to have an updated Ascendance model. The current model is so old, and, IMO does not feel like it belongs with the overall theme of a Shaman. I cringe a little every time I see it.


figured out how to add the glyph of ascendance back

With the modern game shaman feel outdated and antiquated. Shamans have never really gotten a redesign just lots of design upon design with a bunch of well that’s gonna break the game so nerf nerf redesign nerf. Moves lack continuity/synergy amongst spells, there is button bloat #savemykeybinds, there is needless complex rotations, there is buff upkeep, debuff upkeep, and builder/spender (complex gameplay).

Shamans used to be unique but blizz has given everything that shamans have to all other classes. Shaman archetype fantasy has dwindled. Speaking of which check out my post on Shaman Class Fantasy.

Shamans could definitely benefit from some love or atleast some TLC.

And while we’re at it … please glyph the experimental animations for chain heal, lightning bolt, chain lightning!

Shaman got a redesign in Legion/BFA and it was freakin’ awful.

At this point, the class is beyond F’d because each spec is literally it’s own class in regards to the mechanics/resource used.

Enhancement - Maelstrom Weapon Stack Resource
Elemental - Maelstrom Build/Dump Resource
Restoration - Mana

Unlike a druid, who changes forms to allow them to operate differently, Shaman share abilities across each spec, making it difficult to adjust anything because they have to make sure it works for all 3 specs/resource types.

I don’t mind a builder/spender rotation. Lots of classes have it. They just made stuff way to complicated because they kept pilling design upon design trying this trying that but just ended up making everything complicated and lack synergy.

Please correct me if I am wrong but are there glyphs for talent abilities? I dont think there are

At least now Enhancement does not feel like a discount fury warrior. I love this design it needs a few small tweaks but it feels very good imo.


i think you are way off the mark for most of your remarks. Aside from

is there anyway to see this online?