Bring back [Glyph of Ascendance]

Still waiting for this too. I loved the way the Ascendance glyph looked. I was so mad when they took it out. Bring this back.


I actually disagree, I quite like the ascendance form. But I see no reason not to give a glyph to people who dislike it too


I would also like it if they updated it with higher res textures and animations that actually work. The current one is extremely dated.


I’m an orc. Can i stop turning into a weird humanoid based off of an underwater twilight hammer cultist?

Can my character be covered in the elements? Maybe give me a tornado like windfury procs, and an earthen “armor” with glowing lava and ice hands?

Let’s be real, blizzard doesn’t care about Shamans.


Bump, bring back Glyph of Ascendance


Yet another bumperino…

The Dragonflight talent changes are in, but no change to the look of this form.
I would love to be running the passive proc version of Ascendance they introduced with these new trees, but not if it has me looking like (as one Wowhead user put it) “a weird homeless man skeleton who is a fan of naga culture and has a back problem.” Lol

Please Blizzard


bump after nerfing us 25% bcuz a blizz employee doesn’t know how to disarm an enh shaman


I cannot BELIEVE we are still stuck with this atrocious placeholder model, they literally DO NOT CARE ABOUT SHAMANS.


+1. I really, really hate the way it looks. It just feels like a placeholder. Even bringing back the glyph would make me happier.


It feels like a placeholder because it is a placeholder lol.
It first had the same twilight ascendant corrupt tentacles on the hood and the twilight hammer sigil on the belt.
After weeks of complaining they finally quickly edited those features out and continued leave us with a pathetic rushed model.


So what you want more being viable in all content or new skin?

Art team and balance team are two completely different teams you dummy

I actually like the ascendance form however I wish it was the lightning blasts instead of the wind. It was way cooler in mop.

I will ask you again. You wanna be strong or you wanna be beautiful? You can’t ask both coz it’s too much. You are not a dh or evoker for god sake

Another question, you play a female character, why do you like turning into a macho dude with barely any clothes on?

Id be cool with a female version tbh but also i cant stand the male character models for draenai i wish i could be a VE or human sham.

OP Post was 2 years ago. Now we’re in an entire expansion with all sorts of new beautiful elemental models and we still have this placeholder. Lol.


I hate the look of ascendance… and don’t care for any more shapeshifts for my shaman. What I really want is a healimg elemental that basically has the same abilities.


I have an entire list of things I need added at this point. I feel like Dragonflight was a step in the right direction for WoW, but now I need class updates.

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Bringing back an old glyph that got removed when Ascendance became a talent is a different story.
That excuse just doesn’t cut it now after the talent overhaul that made a lot of baseline abilities also talents.