This excuse is as lame as removing PvP vendors because players couldn’t find them or bought the wrong ring. Just come on!
The Devs are calling us morons with this justification. It isn’t complicated you can 100% figure out who is the Tank just because someone plays a Dps with a shield doesn’t make it confusing
I’ve always played Prot to do as much damage as possible which is why the introduction of Glad stance really satisfied so many for class fantasy. Glad stance was the best Dps spec ever introduced.
At least in WotLK we can play the original Glad stance again because as Prot we can just stack Arm Pen, Block value and mix in Dps Tier sets to do massive damage. That was the best iteration of Prot we could go defensive or be one of the best offensive machines in the game.
the way they implemented it, as a talent that changed a bunch of things, it was confusing. That doesn’t mean the spec should die for their sins. Make it a fourth option, flesh it out, sword and board dps should be a thing in the game and gladiator was very fun to play. Blizzard is lazy, though. Minimum Viable Product is all they can understand these days and adding specs is work. Hell, they can’t even be bothered to make more than two for new classes.
Let’s remove shadow priests because dps confuse them for healers. Definitely a lame excuse since the UI puts a dps icon beside the name of dps players.
Since my initial way to fix the reasoning for its removal was put as “pvp” talent then it wouldnt be too much of an issue as it would only be in bg’s/arena/world pvp so having them listed as tank or dps would be irrelevant in alot of situations. Since its a pvp talent you wouldnt see them in dungeons or raids where it would cause issues.
Currently with 4piece, and venthyr condemn my prot warrior is super fun and i hope they keep this going forward.
I dont feel aimply like a auto attack and hit shield block/IP bot. Feels good to pump out damage at the start and have some reaiat from the dmg prevention part from condemn.
Now I’m back to speccing Prot like a Dps to try and fill the role of Dps which is harder to explain in a group. Yea I’m a Tank but I’m really Dps guys. It’s actually more annoying.
I play Prot to do damage and it doesn’t matter whether Blizz feels different about it or not. It’s my Sub I want to Dps with a Shield. This would just be easier if they bring back Glad stance now it’s just extra steps.
I got endless 30 as gladiator in 6.2 (so after the mastery buff it got).
I would say that it did fine damage.
Even more so in 6.2 as you had to use the legendary dps ring when in gladiator stance to get the use effect. Defensive stance for the tank legendary ring.
Although tbh I did experience my fair share of confused people early into WoD. Mainly with how the bonus armor stat gave attack power. Reminded me of how spirit in Cata gave hit rating for ele shamans, shadow priests and balance druids. To help transition from healing to dps or visa versa.
Damage was better than several other Dps. Had no problem being near the top in the Raid with similar gear as other Dps.
Glad stance scaled very well with gear and mastery/bonus armor. Then obviously rotation separated great players.
I mean it’s more confusing now. Since I have to find a group that will let me play Prot as a Dps since there is no Glad stance. I’ve done some M+ where we 2 Tank it and there is an actual Tank and I’m just playing Prot as Dps. Since I am always trying to do the most damage possible as Prot.
People need to realize that Prot in WotLK was the original Glad stance. We had many ways to do significant damage (best burst in game) from Block value, Arm Pen, Tier sets and attack power.
So when WoD came out it was great to finally just play Prot as it was intended, to do MASSIVE damage.
Honestly, with the new talent trees, I don’t see why it’s not a one-off side talent that removes threat generation from Prot abilities and swaps your role from tank to DPS.
I’m speccing my Prot to do damage whether they give us Glad stance or not. Early Data mines did show 2 Shield Slam talents that increase damage. Hope they bring back some old Wrath glyphs like they did for Prot Pally. (They brought back Avenger Shield hits 1 target for 200% more damage.)
As of now Prot Pal seems to have some really good Dps options to play a Sword and Board Dps in Dragonflight. Just hope Prot War does too so we can pump out some damage in builds.
I’ll just try and find some groups that will let me Dps as Prot. Which I have said before is more annoying than if they just let us have Glad Stance options with a Shield.
Just let us play how we want. It isn’t complicated you will make the players happy.
It performed/scaled well if you Min/Maxed the right way and had a solid rotation you could place in the top % of your raid. I never had a problem especially on single target being in the top Dps.
You needed to run double Bonus Armor trinkets and full Mastery set/gems and that caused it to scale incredibly well because of how Bonus Armor functioned/synergized.
Further more was super fun to 1 shot people in PvP with Glad Stance. I did guides and used to have a Glad Stance Youtube channel. Of course that all went away when they removed it.
So yea it is missed but hopeful we can get some Dps builds for Prot War if not Ill be playing Prot Pal as a Dps in the Mad paragon, Avenger Shield block build.
PS- When they removed Glad stance they gutted Prot of many signature utilities. Please bring back Shield Slam dispel. It’s 100% essential and annoying that was removed from Prot for no reason.