I predict that they are going to eventually put in a Replica Corrupted Ashbringer, most likely as a WoW anniversary thing or maybe as a trading post item.
So you admit to just trolling threads because you are toxic and you don’t want others to have any bit of happiness that you may had when you got something for feeling special which you could stroke your ego about.
If there was anything special about any of these items, as you or Blizzard says then:
All special content in Vanilla would have been removed such as TF, Sulfuras, Atiesh, Scarab Lord, and more.
Same for BC only really the only special thing there was the ZA Bear
Meta achievements would have lost rewards at the end of that tier & 100% drop mounts would have been nerfed to the average lower rate.
Blizzard doesn’t care and when they say they do, they don’t. If they cared, they’d have done something about it early. Just like they didn’t care about Scarab Lord until the last realm was opening its gates, and they blocked transfers to that realm. If they actually cared, gates would have been opened on all new servers once BC was out.
But they don’t. So, please take your toxicity elsewhere. Clearly you are not understanding “entitlement” because the actual word doesn’t apply to this situation, and probably any other thread you troll. You just like to derail things because you for some reason don’t want others to enjoy something. I’m guessing you earned something back then so you feel like only you are entitled to it and therefore don’t want others to earn it in another method.
Entitlement is not collection. Entitlement is not enjoyment of accomplishing something. Entitlement is not being able to experience something for yourself.
This statement actually has merit in real life.
But this is a video game. And on top of it being escapist entertainment, people were able to get these things in TBC with ten additional levels and all the stats, class improvements and scaling benefits that came with it.
So it’s pretty dumb here.
I bring up entitlement because you are acting like you are entitled to things that were “part of the times”. You, just like me, ain’t entitled to time lost times.
Furthermore you keep stating that you played the game during these times, making it a crystal clear case of you missing out on it because you never went out and did it. You didn’t care about it back then, but you care about it now. Entitlement to these long-lost times is 110% applicable here. -
You are making some rather bizarre assumptions about me. I’m not a collector, I don’t tend to collect things that are even easily and readily available to me. But I don’t go onto the forums to make threads about stuff “I missed out on”, leaving out the important part of “because I didn’t bother to go and get them”.
I don’t have any of these old timey stuff. The most “exclusionary” and “exotic” are quite literally the examples Ion states as items that won’t come back. Because they were part of the experience at the time you got them. -
Someone disagreeing with you politely doesn’t make someone into a troll. But behaving like you are makes you certainly an interesting type of troll.
Hope you have a good day.
You base your entire thing on this assumption.
I missed vanilla because bad or lack of advertising for the game. I started early-mid BC. I missed nothing in BC.
My guild was just short of of the Glory 10 achievement timing. We got undying, but we didn’t or guild had issues with EoE. I would have completed my Plagued Proto-Drake but the week I was going w/ a friend’s guild, a capacitor on my video card exploded & started leaking something. Would’ve got the 25 version just about the same time, too. The hardest part of BOTH metas were the Undying/Immortal titles. I have both of those. Those alone should be enough to count as eligible to them. The others weren’t hard from what I recall.
As for say TotGC 25, tribute to Immortality. We should’ve had that. I was a 3rd tank, so wasn’t in for Anubarak. Had zero prog on it when we went to 2-tank strat. Prot paladins were the worst for that fight because you had to be 102.4% and there were specific items from dungeons, Naxx, and Ulduar you needed. But that left zero room for hit. Our warrior tank took a break, so I was the add tank, and I had never done that strat. Thankfully, we always had some wipe to something silly on the Faction Champs, so Tribute to Insanity was not mine to lose. The one time we got to Anubarak without any wipes, we 1 shot it. I was gkicked the next day because the recruiting officer chose to not come that night, and was mad we got it without him. I think they then got immortality after that, which I was more than capable of doing as I already proved it.
If you look at the dates on my achievements, you’d see they were pretty close.
As for Scarab Lord, that was only “special” in Vanilla. Every Scarab Lord that came after BC started aren’t special. Content was significantly easier at the higher level. You could get Scarab Lord through WotLK. If Blizzard HONESTLY cared about it being special, it would have been locked to the original level requirement or removed with the BC prepatch.
Vanilla Naxx - you could do that up until WotLK prepatch. There is no prestige in WoW, but if there was, things like Atiesh or non-legendary drops like Corrupted Ashbringer, aren’t special unless they were removed with prepatch.
What you’re not getting is, Blizzard is anything but consistent with their “logic”.
-Hand of A’dal & Champ of Naaru removed prepatch of WotLK, but if you had the quest in your log, you could complete it. I don’t know if the quest is still there as an alternative version, but you can’t get the titles now.
-Naxx was only moved for WotLK. Why? It was a lazy way to put in a raid that was related to the expansion. Plenty of other undead fortresses available to use there as well. But at the time, it was easier to copy & paste a raid than to make something new. If they didn’t move Naxx, nothing would change with Atiesh or any of the drops. How do I know this? The legendaries in Molten Core are still there and MC had a couple updates at least to monster models. If Blizzard “cared” so much about those things, they would have changed them. They didn’t.
-Black/Plagued Proto-Drakes - We didn’t know this, but I think it was intended to be within season like PvP mounts, but they went back on that, without putting them back in the metas, and then left future metas alone.
So, I was there in content. Most of the things I earned, however, the argument they use just does not fit with how they do it. While they may “say” this is why, the truth is that they simply don’t want to go back on their decision and don’t have a good reason. They’re anything but consistent.
All in all, I was there for the content, things happened. Blizzard changed the rules of what “earning” things mean while at the same time they don’t actually seem to mean what they say behind having things be special. If they meant it, they’d have acted on it timely. They didn’t. It’s just bad excuses when really it’s an ego thing. Whoever decides these things don’t want to go back on their word and look like they lost.
Funny thing about Scarab Lord, you can do ALL the work, which at the time, wasn’t easy to farm the rep (if you avoided the AQ raid(s), and get enough people to do the old content (pre transmog days). The simplest thing to get the big prize was to do 1 final quest within a 10 hour window. And I repeat, you could do it up until the last gates opened (mid WotLK). So any sanctity or specialness was lost the moment Blizz ignored this and let it continue to be done post Vanilla. And technically, by those standards, I was there, and could’ve been there for the 10 hour event, but they changed the rules, because they didn’t like players following the rules that were already set.
Ion is wrong and he’s just using his position as whatever he is to act as if his answer is good enough, but has anyone actually challenged him and broke apart his already broken logic? No. Atiesh wasn’t any more special than TF or Sulfuras. Yet he’s treating it as such only because people want it now that it would be easier to get, but ignores the other things that were just as special, if not better. TF was the bet legendary in Vanilla. It was the coolest.
If he wanted to be taken seriously, he should actually apply the “had to been there” thing. And I guarantee that many of these devs went back to old content and farmed things they couldn’t get at the “correct” time. Doesn’t matter why, they still did it. Most of us have.
So, while you’re trying to form a counter and assume this or that, you’re ignoring actual facts and basing everything on assumptions when you haven’t provided data. You’re quoting someone who can’t even do as he says.
A lot of the stuff I’d like to see come back, I already have. Others would enjoy them and should be able to. I had 2 friends, one I raided with then, 1 now. During ZA, we had our lock friend sub in for our hunter, got him the bear. The hunter, who was there every other time and was in our guild, never got it. The one raid he should have, they wiped because they went without me and I was at work.
Other friend I raid with now, similar situation. However his guild master decided to give the mount to some girl (because you know how guys would get over Vent when a girl was speaking). Of course she took the bear, and didn’t date the guy or anything. But my friend was robbed of it yet he healed all of the other runs and was simply waiting for his turn.
Old ZG mounts; NOTHING special about them. Just low drops that should continue to be similar to Death Charger. They’re only “gone” because Blizz wanted to reuse old content, instead of making something new. That’s honestly just being lazy because the new ZG/ZA weren’t that great.
Perhaps you should do a little more research on why someone makes a suggestion. I’m not going to play this game forever (I hope not). It’s a great game, but I’d like to find something else to do that is equally satisfying. Others however should be able to experience the same fun as I did, regardless of the time. Most games, you can repeat the old content or levels if you want. You can start over on a new save. WoW isn’t that much different. It can evolve, but it can also preserve.
I’d gladly speak to Ion about this 1 on 1. I just prefer writing because I am autistic so my mind races and my mouth can’t keep up with the hundreds of thoughts I’m processing at once.
Yes please, I want to go play in old Sunken Temple again.
Didn’t they already do this with scholomance and Naxx?
Scholo, yes, but Naxx, you just unlock the original (I think) port crystal to the raid in Northrend. However, you just get access to finding a vendor and special drops that allow you to complete T3 and other old gear. It’s not the original Naxx like many believed.
Honestly this would be hilariously funny, especially if tuned for how it was at the time
PTR Naxxramas was a FUN TIME. Plenty of groups just wanted to try the new raid and didn’t have the rep on live, y’see.
We didn’t even get past the first gargoyle. My fellow Naxx vanilla runners know exactly which one
But yeah, I do remain supporting this as a thing because the dungeon was there avaialble for peopel to just stomp all through TBC. Running through it in Sunwell gear wasn’t anything special
Having skimmed through what you wrote … you still don’t get it, do you?
Precisely nothing of what you are talking about matters because they did remove things, so we know stuff in the game wouldn’t always be around. We didn’t know on what reasons, they have gotten way better with that since WoD, arguably Mists but that was their first legendary questline that was removed even though they did provide implications it wouldn’t be around forever IIRC. Regardless, even with this you would still be wrong and miss the entire point of it, and yes you’ll hate this next part:
Why do you feel like you have “missed out” on something, especially since you did play when these things were current content? Because you didn’t complete them, and you missed out on things. Just like everyone else in human history have always missed something … so the question is this; why do you think it should be brought back?
“Oh but these things and those things, I want those things [I missed out on].” Framing it through an egalitarian perspective of “but I want others to have those things [I/they missed out on]” doesn’t change the mentality.
Things change, some things are available (for all intent and purposes) as part of ‘the times’ when they were around. There are things one can legitimately make fair arguments for to be put back into the game, but what you are asking for and oh so many others fall outside of that spectrum. And all you can do to try to argue your point is to call folks elitist, trolls, gatekeepers, liars, and many other things said by you or others on topics like these.
One can very much so argue whether Ion is right or wrong about a lot of stuff. But him saying that over 99% of all the items in the game are available to us isn’t a lie. The remaining less than 1% are all items that have distinctive experiences and memories associated with them. That’s why they get left alone, for the most part. Some of those things can and have at times been brought back when appropriate. See Tyrael’s Charger as one such example.
Politely, I’m not reading any of this, because YOU do not get it. I do, and you skim and skimming =/= comprehension. You are in the minority and again, politely, are not worth my time to chat with. You have no way of changing the game or anything. So thank you for your time. You just like to argue and derail threads that are good ideas.
If the majority of players read forums, the majority would agree. I use logic, I’ve used data going back, and other examples. You repeat the same useless information, and I’m shocked you didn’t post the same interview again.
Congrats on whatever you said. I hope it works out for you.
Funny story about this. In BC, I went and did all the reps. I was finishing quests in EPL, because that Scarlet Priest with the 10000 paladins, needed to die.
I got attuned for Naxx, not realizing I did that. I got into the raid. Fought that gargoyle, an died. I never went back. I didn’t know what Naxx was then as I was still learning the game.
If I can interject, there’d certainly be a bit of a different viewpoint in this today compared to, y’know. 2006. We’re nearing 20 years since its been out of the game. So, yeah. They did miss out on something. Other games handle this differently. Most games, you can just. Go back and play the game and play what you missed out on. I never played Baldurs Gate 1 but I can just, go and buy it right now and have pretty much the same experience playing it that someone back then did. Maybe a bit more annoyed with the controls. Same with Final Fantasy Tactics, even if I have to run through the hoops of getting a PSP
People made an entire movement out of that missing experience. Classic servers exist for a reason and went through all fo that history for a reason. If it was unimportant stuff, well, “You think you want it but you don’t” would have been true.
We’re not talking human history or real life here. We’re talking a 20 year old video game, something that is an entire genre of. It being more than that time since Mario or Sonic released doesn’t mean people who play them today aren’t allowed to access Doomsday Zone or the Star levels because they weren’t born at the time, or didn’t play the game at the time. You can just, load them up and play. Heck, even for the more obscure (and my own personal accomplishment), Welcome to the Machine from Ecco the Dolphin. You can still do that today. I can just, go and find someone playing the game, tell them to try the password that gets them there, and sit back and revel in the confusion as they have to deal with a 5 minute autoscroller
The sheer genre that is video games doesn’t sit well with the FOMO. People will re-create those old experiences. We saw it with Classic en-mass, but even outside of that, look how many projects there are to bring dead games that don’t work on modern OS back to life. Look at the madness people have done to make Lego Island work on a modern PC, or the re-creations of Japanese exclusion phoneline versions of Zelda and Mario. This is just, how people treat video games.
I actually wanted to make this point, but I didn’t know if I could compare WoW to like a regular video game. This is my first (and last) MMORPG. Thankfully, I did not come with the South Park group.
But that’s how I feel. I went a more direct approach with Blizzard, and will try that way. There is a suggestion option, and Blizzard SAYS they read them all.
There are ways bring back everything we lost without losing what we gained (Endgame reference). As long as the logic works, the method of obtaining isn’t just 1-shotting everything, and it doesn’t trivialize those who got them at content.
I’ve a post about bringing back old KSM mounts and I hadn’t seen the method I proposed prior.
Naxx 40 is done. You had a second chance in Classic.
Time to let it go and move on.
Time to learn how to positively contribute to posts. If you can’t, you simply say nothing.
Old Scholo was done, and yet here it is.
Classic WoW is like fantasy football: it’s not real. Nothing in it matters.
If its not real and doesnt matter why do you need it then? There are thousands of purps in the game. Why does having a couple of them being rare with some mystique have to go away?
When was the last time you seen Atiesh or CA? Last time I ever seen these was never, I’ve never seen anyone using those items, they are so rare there would be like 4 people left in the game who have these and still use them.
You are aware that when we say “classic wow” it refers to the servers that aren’t retail, right? Because almost every WoW player is aware of this. So maybe read the full post before making another absurd response. Thanks.