Nice assumption, but you are wrong. Did I say “i want” anywhere? Nope. Most of the things I’ve posted about, I’ve completed in one way or another. But these things pretty much don’t exist because they’re so rare. Prestige is not a thing. People just like doing and seeing old content. Whether it’s at content or later, it’s still earning it in some respect.
Players could get Scarab Lord back in Vanilla and “earn” it. Players could also get Scarab Lord in BC/WotLK, while the gates were still shut, on new servers, and still “earn it”. The method of earning is not the same as clearly you could out-level the content. By WotLK, the bugs weren’t elites and easy to farm. So you’re going to tell me that folks like Ion say that it’s equally special when a player in Vanilla got the mount/title and then another player in WotLK also got it because they started on a fresh server with closed gates?
If you say that those are the same, then you have zero credibility. It was a joke to get it post Vanilla, but it was still fun to earn as you had to do A LOT to get it done. It took dedication and patience at the least.
I’m not the biggest fan of Ion because he’s from days when Blizzard GMs would run around in game and kill players, or play active roles. I mean, WoW started as a group of friends with similar interests wanting to make something cool they’d all enjoy, and also see if they could get others involved. That’s how many games start in starter companies. Only, while the game was “their” game, it grew. However, how they saw the game did not evolve, so they were protecting how they felt the game was vs how to make it enjoyable for the majority of the playerbase.
When it comes down to it, most players don’t want things to be gone. They can all talk up a storm saying “leave it gone or special” but that’s either to jump on the bandwagon, or because they already have it. Ion is a relic of Vanilla WoW and the game has changed in directions that he has had to accept because it wasn’t the path envisioned back in 2004.
I farmed weekly with my guild for the Amani War Bear. We got many of them. I was glad I got it, but not once did I think it should be removed so others couldn’t get it. At the most, make it a super rare drop. Completely fair. Most of us fly anyway, so it’s not common to see it. If you got it (not sure if you did or not then), I would be happy for you. I wouldn’t say “Oh the value of mine is less now because some new guy/gal has it”.
Just like in that horrible game Pokemon GO, people farmed hard to get a shiny Gible. Then suddenly Gible had a community so everyone could get a shiny. All the people prior were “mine has less value now”. No, the value was always 0, get over it. That’s no difference than items in WoW.
The only counter argument is PvP stuff. You earn the thing within their seasons based on the gear but mostly the builds at the time. You can’t easily go back to the older builds without changing the game.
However, stuff that’s PvE, no point in removing it. Leave it in, just change the method of obtaining it.
Another example is ZG Tiger/Raptor. I wasn’t better than someone for getting them back when I got them both. A player who wastes 10M gold on the BMAH for the Tiger did more than I would do for any mount, but the value is the same. Personal value is just that; personal.
When it comes down to it, Ion and whoever’s left, don’t want to change their minds, and it’s simply because “I said so”. That’s it. As I said, if Naxx wasn’t moved to Northrend, this thread wouldn’t be here. How do I know that? Thunderfury & Sulfuras were left alone and were still as “valuable” as Atiesh or a non-legendary 2h sword (Ashbringer).
Also, you’re telling me that Blizzard, mostly Ion and whoever’s left, wanted cool content in the game, but also didn’t want everyone to see it? The Corrupted Ashbringer had a mini-event if you went into Scarlet Monastery. Why put time and work into that for less than 0% to enjoy it?
There is no entitlement, you’re just saying that when I don’t know if you fully understand the meaning of the word. Atiesh isn’t even something I’d want to xmog. I just enjoy the farm. My getting T3 now, or via BMAH isn’t special like getting it back in the day. But there is no value to either method.
Most players, not the ones who Ion and whoever listen to, are top players. They don’t listen to the average player, so that argument is not the majority opinion. It’s just a way to hold on to their “we want to hold on to what the game was when we made it” instead of letting everyone enjoy it, no matter when they did it.
As I said, I have stuff that’s gone from BC. I would not care at all if someone got an Amani War Bear today. It’s a cool bear. I’d be happy for them. I’m also not an elitist though.
But probably shouldn’t assume things let alone post videos where people talk. That’s just a video and people can say what they want then later come around and “we have listened to your feedback and now we agree with you after much consideration”. Blizzard has changed numerous times, and come up with “reasons” to make it reflect the popular opinion.
I would not be shocked if Vanilla Naxx came back, even if they go out of their way to remove certain items out of spite. Even with the stuff they did to Naxx recently, MOST players didn’t bother because honestly that farm is so annoying for all the things to craft the gear.