With current tech, there’s no reason Classic Naxx can’t return to retail. We already did the attunement quest (I remember it) to get T3 looks. But just bring back the original.
Make it a Time Walking thing or just put it there like you did for the other Vanilla dungeons that returned.
Let people do Atiesh. Let people get the Corrupted Ashbringer. I’ve not seen either of these things and I started back in BC. Make the drops low, but still obtainable.
We have the tools available to add these files back, so just add them.
Probably leave the T3 thing the same as it is or add the original method back.
Alternatively, you could just have the Bronze Dragonflight bring us back to old Eastern Plaguelands where Naxx is. I would love to get revenge on the Scarlet Crusade Priest and her (seemingly) thousands of holy paladins for all the times they destroyed me back in the day.
Bring back the old version of every changed dungeon/raid tbh
But those are prestigious items for people.
Who? It’s a game. These pixels don’t matter as far as prestige goes. I’ve yet to see one person who would throw a fit if they didn’t feel special (had to clarify because apparently people are hung up on this and can’t read beyond it). But people who weren’t around then may want them now. They hold zero real-world value. And if they are, then what about Thunderfury, Sulfuras, or others? Those didn’t get removed.
Your argument does not work unless it was used evenly. Only reason these were removed was because of WotLK and they needed to have a relevant raid for the first tier. Back then, they didn’t have the tech to allow 2 variations of the same raid. Now they do.
Getting to that. I’d love to see the old Sunken Temple again, but as a Mega Dungeon.
Well the counterpoint to that would be if these pixels don’t matter, why do they need to return?
The argument is that corrupted ashbringer and atiesh are prestige items due to their rarity. They were hard to get in original vanilla and they were removed shortly after. Bringing them back would make them less prestigious for those that have them.
How other items were dealt with is a bit irrelevant to the discussion.
No, they’re completely relevant. And Naxx was a very short tier as BC came right about. People spent significantly less time in Naxx than they did any other raid.
With the return of the old scarlet dungeon, which we didn’t need, we now have the option of the special content where you can bring the corrupted ashbringer into the monastery and see that special event.
Why add something to delete it and pretty much have it permanently gone? Most have said items no longer play and have moved on, leaving them only as a memory to those who happened to discover them after the fact.
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They could do it, they brought back classic SM.
Exactly. I feel the initial reason to remove and not duplicate was technology at the time. Naxx didn’t get the love it should have in Vanilla, so it was added to WotLK because it worked.
But we’re seeing old stuff return, why not the rest of it?
They are doing that slowly. Scarlet Monastery and Scholomance are back. I suspect the next dungeon will be Sunken Temple or UBRS next.
Make old world timewalking a thing and have this be the timewalking raid. Like BT for TBC and Uld for Wrath.
ST though wasn’t changed so much as they just closed off access to parts of it. UBRS, I don’t remember the old one, though I did it. I would need to see a visual comparison.
You make a thread wanting them to return
But you say this, which honestly, pixels don’t matter. Which means your whole point of this thread became null
So make up your mind, do you actually want them back or don’t?
Or are you just saying this because you’re jealous of uniques others gotten at the time
Maybe you shouldn’t be on forums if you get hungup over something. You understood what I said. Don’t feint confusion. You’re nitpicking at something when trying to derail the thread.
Move on.
You’re the one who contradicted yourself by saying you want these back and then tell the dude who quoted you “these pixels don’t matter”
So if it doesn’t matter then why make a thread about it
I edited the post to clarify if for you because you were having such a difficult time with it. Anyone with a 4th grade reading level knew what I meant and knows the difference. There is a difference of people holding “prestige” over things that aren’t real vs people who want them to use them every now and them, but they don’t hold any special significance over other meta achievement mounts or other legendary items that still drop.
I haven’t seen a single person mog that because truth be told, they more than likely no longer play this game
Just like Legion artifact appearances… I see one of them mogged maybe once a month.
So it means it’s meant to be unique and extremely rare
Thanks for telling him he’s right.
I do use my legion artifact mog on alts, just because it goes with the other mog they have. Atiesh, from what I recall, saw a pic once, wasn’t that appealing visually.
Then you shouldn’t mind them remaining exclusive then. Good talk!
Extremely rare is not the same as it is now, which is pretty much extinct. Keep it rare, but still difficult to obtain. Why put something in the game if nobody is going to see it again?
Who would look twice at an ugly atiesh? I would just want it to have it.
Glad that you made an edit to be catty but disregarded that I spelled out what I meant because you couldn’t figure it out the first time. No response to that? I clarified to help you. So, where’s your counter?
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