Bring Back Classic Naxx with All Drops in Retail

Never saw either in use. I saw a guy with some Atiesh fragments/shards. Never saw a CA. Well, I saw a CA in a video on Youtube once, but it was from WoW Classic, so it was the pretend version.

Classic Era is that way


Clearly reading is hard. Classic WoW doesn’t count. Please read the thread before wasting the time with a ridiculous comment like that. :slight_smile: People who play retail don’t want to get something in classic that they didn’t get in retail. It’s not the same. It’s pretend. Just like fantasy football is pretend compared to regular football.

Perhaps you should go to the classic forums where you belong?

Again? for the third time now?

??? You have a point to say something pointless, or you going to use words and put in an actual thought? You know that forums have certain rules. If you don’t have something to positively to contribute to the thread, then you don’t need to say anything.

I’m sorry that you are so bitter over something or hoping others have a chance at something that would bring them a little bit of joy.

dude naxx has been brought back enough let it rest lol

You can craft all or most of the naxx 40 stuff.

I think youre the one wasting your time shouting into the void silly goose

Naxx never had to leave. :wink:

The armor isn’t my favorite, and I did spend too much time crafting the blue set they brought back, but most aren’t after that stuff. Blizzard, and you, know exactly what most players would like to see.

You don’t have to reply if you don’t like the thread. Adding negative comments doesn’t add anything but just potentially get you silenced by Blizz (or Microsoft).

And a pvp server too

When they did the naxx stuff for T3, all the old loot came back for xmog purposes with the notable exceptions of Atiesh and Ashbringer.

Other than those 2, there’s 0 difference in wotlk naxx and vanilla naxx for the purposes of retail. Thus, there is 0 reason for Blizz to “restore” vanilla naxx. Because they already made all the old naxx loot obtainable again, except for Atiesh/Ashbringer.

I don’t see a world in which Blizz brings back those items. For the same reasons as all the other stuff they won’t bring back. There would be an outrage from all the snowflakes who think it makes them -SOOO- unique.

People said the same thing about Classic itself.
In fact, there was a wall of text devised that people would often drop in threads concerning it. The “Wall of No” they called it, or something like that.
All that is to say you’ve chosen some shaky ground to stand on.

Okay, and they did bring naxx 40 stuff back so

The quests are still in the game but they are alternative versions I believe.

It was actually because hardly anyone experienced Naxx 40 when it was current content. Since the TBC prepatch came out quickly afterwards. So many guilds felt it was not worth progressing into it after they finished with AQ40.

That’s exactly what I’m saying.
The position that things are simply the way that they are and to move on instead of asking them to be changed is very flimsy at this point.

‘Prestige’ sits between the player and the item, not the perception of value from rarity. Blizzard can’t take away the memory of raiding way back in the day and winning that stuff.

I’m here to say…

Classic is that way


Please follow forum guidelines. If you are going to reply to a thread, read it first. I already clarified Classic not being the same or real (it’s pretend WoW). Reading isn’t hard as you made it this far, but you putting up a dumb response as such because you want to feel special is grounds for report for trolling. Keep it related to the topic, or move on kid. Someone already made the same dumb comment as you, so you’re just repeating bad taste which makes you worse.

I had a feeling it was also related to this, but I wasn’t 100%. There was roughly 6 months between Naxx 40 and TBC, and I don’t recall if that’s a good length for a raid to have a solid life.

I still think it was a lazy decision though and got them out of having to make something new. Eye of Eternity was a disappointment as well as Obsidian Sanctum. Vault of Archavon wasn’t really a raid.

I’m sure there was another plot left unresolved that could have been resolved in a raid instead of Naxx reboot.

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