Bring back alliance vs horde

Considering the last faction war we did in BFA was utter poo poo, I’d rather they not. Would I like to see maybe some Alliance focused characters go rogue? Absolutely. Why? Because I am still a tiny, tiny bit salty about how the Horde were treated in BFA.

So no wars or ethnic hatred irl?


Shhhh, don’t use that word. Next thing we know, the Alliance will be getting anthropomorphic pigs to counter the Tauren.

About wiping out the tauren? Yeah, I can see where he was coming from.

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No, bollox to that. Just because they wrote the last two wars to be not only almost identical but crappy like hell should not be a reason to install Peacecraft forever and ever.

How about this, get a few war novelists to consult, to give their writers some idea of how a war works. Then find a way to present the war story in a non-biased manner, meaning, not like BFA and MoP, where you had the poor Horde players running around for half the expansion doing what their faction required and the other half being guilt tripped into the ground over doing that. I know that might have been too much for the previous writing team, since they specialize in writing about weepy guys and girlbosses, but we have a new team from what I understand, or a restructured team, so there’s hope.

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After Cata and BFA I’m good on the faction war. I’m tired of seeing Horde running over our zones and killing our people endlessly even though we ‘won’. Recently flew from Exodar to Silithus and the trip past Teldrissil through Darkshore seeing undead and goblins all over it and through Ashenvale was depressing.

I don’t need another expac where the Horde runs roughshod over us but we can’t do anything about it until the ‘noble’ horde asks for our help and we defeat the bad Horde but all the zones are still full of Horde murdering us 24/7 but hey some text somewhere says we won!


We can but many people don’t really care about crossfaction. They just want to ruin the narrative by removing factions from the setting.


I agree, there are still a lot of Horde leaders for us to kill off. How are we supposed to do this when we’re at peace? Is Baine still sitting on the floor?


I don’t think Horde vs. Alliance should be done anymore, but I would like higher stakes in general. Horde vs. Alliance usually means one side has to lose and that always sucks for the one that loses, especially when it’s portrayed like it was in BFA with the Horde’s campaign making it feel like it was winning only to be told the Horde lost and the Alliance’s making it feel like the Alliance was losing only to be told the Alliance won. I think a better alternative would be to fight a threat and lose to it only to be able to overcome it in the next expansion. Would keep stakes a bit higher and give both sides something meaningful to fight for.

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Calling it ‘garbage’ clearly shows how ignorant you are so your views are ignorable.

Hasn’t been a faction war since Warcraft 3 chief.

Countries around the world are culling cow herds to combat global warming! Garrosh was ahead of his time.

Every time we have alliance vs horde a character i like gets butchered for plot.
Garrosh, nazgrim, voljin, sylvanas, rastakan, etc…

Im good keeping the few characters i have left alive and not inexplicibly EEEEEEEEVIIIIILLLL for the sake of plot.

This holding hands plot is TRASH! Cross faction is broken. Can’t queue with LFG tool. Can’t do open world content together b/c its BROKEN. TRASH IDEA! Get rid of it.

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WoW has decided a long time ago it’s a “Gameplay first” game. There is no right or wrong with this decision, it’s simple a directive whit its Pro’s and Con’s.

Thing is this decision has a paradox in WoW. Our character’s have a set in stone faction. It doesn’t matter if you like your faction or what you do for your faction, you are there. Forever.
The consequence of this is simple: the factions can’t progress their stories and place in the world whitout affecting player agency/perspective/daily activites which to a “gameplay first” directive is simple counter intuitive.

So that factions can evolve freely from the playerbase’s grasp we would need the option of joining neutral factions or to some extent work, on our own choice, only to some extent, with the rival faction.

Dalaran can travel, be destroyed and rebuilt in the narrative whitout an issue same cant happen with SW and characters linked to ir or Orgrimmar and characters linked to it due faction straints.


We need the War back in Warcraft. I don’t want to love the little foxes and the cows. Foxes need to die and cows are food so they need to die too. Death to the horde!!

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Most players are vastly Catching up.

All of this shenanigans would not happen under our tru warchief Garosh Hellscream.

They gave Horde this muppet named Thrall who wants to be a diplomatic leader than being a warchief.

The moment he stepped through the dark portal he started scheming.

Horde vs Allisnce is the only thing we need.


Heh! Best line of the thread, bar none.

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Thrall aka ‘Token’ is not my warchief

I stand with Garosh J. Hellscream
