Bring back 5mans

Its been a zerg rush since forever. Like at no point in the history of wow were people running dungeons and not trying to clear it as fast as they could.

Also, I dont know what level of dungeons you are doing but rarely do I see people pulling for the tank.

I’ll go slowly since you have trouble.

  1. M+ is on a timer and therefore is excessively penalizing for people who dc or have irl issues that would require them to take a short break. It does not reward fun for the time investment.

  2. M+'s popularity is deceptive because many sycophants argue that it is popular due to it being fun. In fact, the majority of people doing M+ are doing it as a chore to obtain good gear and do not consider it fun. It rewards a chance at good gear and not fun.

Do you understand? I wouldn’t expect you to, but try. You dishonestly substituted "being unrewarding in the sense of not giving a return of fun for time investment " for “being rewarding in the sense of providing a chance at good gear from the vault.”

It’s exactly the kind of dishonest reasoning given by sycophants who seek green text.


Make mobs do 1000% extra damage and take 99% less damage if multiple packs are pulled. Problem solved.

M+ does not take very much time. Whether there is a timer or not you should go into it expecting to dedicate the amount of time needed (30 to 40 minutes). If you need to take a break in the middle of the run take that break before you get started.

DC is an unexpected event, therefore shouldn’t be considered into game design. Sure it does happen, but if you are DCing every M+ then you should probably speak to your ISP. Besides a short DC usually won’t automatically ruin a run, unless it’s the tank.

Who’s this majority of people you speak of?

Anyone doing +16 or above isn’t doing it for the gear, that much should be obvious.

Being condescending gets you nowhere. Do you understand? Maybe you never will, but try.


I’m not speaking for myself. I have KSM and have run plenty of M+. It was always a chore to me btw. I’m arguing against the design philosophy of M+. Try to keep up.

Less than 5% of the playerbase does Anything greater than +16.

I’m condescending to people who condescend to me. Go read his post. He said “Do you even know what you are arguing about right now?”. And if I come across as condescending to you, it’s probably because you failed to read what was said.

I’ve had plenty of keys ruined by dcs, not on my end. There were people in the group that dropped and even issues with Blizzard dcing people earlier in the expansion. It is a frustrating experience. Most of SL has been a frustrating experience.

I think the direction they are taking this game is incredibly bad for its future. And I’m going to be vocal about it. And if you don’t like that, too bad.


I think you’re gonna enjoy the new mega dungeon that’s coming! I know Im stoked for it!

Hey 2018 what’s up guys ??how was life before this crappy pandemic :sunglasses:

This doesn’t add up because Blizzard went in and improved the gear that drops from M+ because the gear rewards were not rewarding enough for the people who chose to play it. The implementation of Valor in 9.0.5 refutes this theory wholly.

I guess those times during WOTLK and MOP where I was regularly doing 5 mans and almost never had DPS pulling or healers DPSing and had actual fun were just in my imagination lol.

I fondly remember the days when that often resulted in said DPS getting kicked. I remember it being WoD when things got bad enough that I just stopped enjoying myself.


Pretty much the same as now, though I’m fortunate to live in Western Australia where there’s been virtually no community transmission.

I am sorry but you dont know what you are talking about.

There are 12 Classes with differing specs. Perfect balancing cant be done and imbalances occurred since Vanilla. There would always be top performers and bottom performers. The top performers whom you call Meta is only applicable to top keys above M+20. But a regular M+15s can be completed by any class/specs even with bottom performers.

FYI, Shadowlands introduced AoE cap. We cant pull 2 group of mobs now and AoE them all. Becoz of this cap, there are also some trash mob groups that needs some CC. I saw the difference between my successful timed run and failed timer runs on high keys. The failed ones were all caused by wipe from the large trash hard-hitting group becoz we tried to CC them all and we got pwned. The one where I successfully timed it, we chain-CC one or 2 targets while we AoE the rest.

And the thing is, Mythic + has both AoE fights and Single Target fights. If you set your soulbind/conduit/legendary/talents for strong AoE DPS, your Single Target DPS would suffer. With Tyrannical weeks where bosses has 30% more hp and has 15% increased damage, sometimes you wont be able to put down Bosses when you are on AoE setup. That’s why I have a balanced AoE and Single Target setups… decent AoE to clear trash group with decent Single Target to put down Bosses especially on Tyrannical weeks. My setup changes week to week depending on weekly affix. If you think, we (average players) faceroll Mythic+15, you are wrong. Those who do M+20 and up could faceroll M+15s. But most M+ players just stop at M+15s as gear loot max’d out at M+15. You dont get better loot above M+15.

This is still being done today. My M+13s and M+14s require some CC or we get overwhelmed. When Pride mob pops out surprisingly to us, we chain CC the other high hp mob we didnt kill first.

Yeah, there are still kill orders… The mob with mana usually die first…or we target nuke AoE them and interrupt/knock back to interrupt them.

And after long heavy intensive fights, the tank usually ask if the healer’s mana is okay before we pull another hard group.

On Necrotic weeks, All enemies’ melee attacks apply a stacking blight that inflicts damage over time and reduces healing received… the tank has to start kiting run out of melee when the necrotic stacks is high. And this is where hunters or similar classes come in to tar trap, binding shot, snare/knock back the melee mobs away from the tank.

BTW, I was a Vanilla Naxx-40 player and came back to Classic last year and when my UBRS group wiped except my hunter, I kited-killed Drakk. It was a first try. Was I showing off? Nope. I was just a M+15 player. Normal difficulty Bosses/mobs in Classic CAN NEVER KILL ME. I got bored in Classic back then and went back to BFA becoz M+15s challenges especially Shrine of the Storm are way better.

About Healing, M+ heals on Grievous week is the most challenging. Like this week’s Grievous, I have 2 failed M+14 runs becoz our healer cant cope with Grievous.

I dont think you know what I am talking about at current high key gameplay on current Mythic+. Your normal difficulty or even heroic difficulty is a joke compared to M+15 difficulty. To better understand the levels of difficulty, see this:

  • Normal - Classic Dungeons
  • Heroic - TBC to WoD
  • Mythic 0
  • M+2,
  • M+5,
  • M+7,
  • M+10,
  • M+12,
  • M+15 ---- we are here…

Yeah, I can confirm M+15 players would be bored to play Heroic Classics. M+15 Bosses and mobs are having a hard time to kill us. You expect a Normal or even Heroic Difficulty Bosses/mobs to kill us? It wont happen.

You could sneak and look at my profile. Yup I am still at M+13/M+14s on Shadowlands. But I reached M+15s on Legion and BFA. I will reach M+15 on Shadowlands eventually when I get more play time… becoz I am just a Casual with less play time but not noob as I do M+ ALL ON DUNGEON FINDER.

You typed a lot to respond to someone who is trolling. Nobody actually believes UBRS is harder than timing an M15.

Mslulz does. LOL. Classic players may also believe him. Just need to inform all of them that this is wrong. He thought that we are just nuke-aoe everything on M+15s. LOL. What a joke. M+15 requires us to use almost all the our class abilities… all our hotbars… all macro’d hotbars, everything. And that’s what makes Mythic+ great.

BTW, dont be afraid of timers. Just neglect it.

Look at me this week. I have 6 runs… 4 runs complete but only 1 out of 4 made the timer but the 4 completed runs alone would give me fat ilevel 226 loot gear on my weekly vault tomorrow. I had 10 completed runs last week… 7 out of 10 failed the timer… but i had 3 options with ilevel 223 on weekly vault. Timer? YOu dont need to time them to get phat loots on weekly vault. FYI to all people who scared of timers.

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M+15 is a joke outside of the community gatekeeping it to pseudo measures of skill. Just leveled an alt Druid to 60 and got full 197/200 gear outside of dungeons in 4 days. Even M0 groups will not invite you unless you are 200 ilvl. Should I spam the group leaders with me doing 5.5k unbuffed dummy dps? +15s are a tank running a preplanned route pulling 2-4 mob packs along the way and everyone spamming AoE to kill them with the occasional interrupt (which is really annoying with WoW’s crappy targeting in big pulls). Rarely do you even need to avoid the fire. Bosses are the same as they get dumpstered extremely fast outside of the few bosses with phases that extend the encounters.

The zerg gameplay is extremely boring.


this thread was started 3 years ago, let it die.

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I said a Hunter kiting Drak required more skill than anything a single person has to do in a M+15. When the content was fresh I would argue that the entirety of the dungeon was more difficult than any of the Mythics of today. Healing without proper raid frames, mouse over macros or addons like Healbot or Clique along with the crappy computers and internet connections made it so. You just don’t know if you weren’t there.

The thread is completely relevant to today. Nothing has changed and the experience is still terrible.


Fake news. I lead more than two dozen UBRS PUGs back in the day (my Rogue had both dal’rends as well as felstriker) and it was never, ever hard. The worst thing that would ever happen would be some oompa loompa refusing to stick to the wall and getting punted into whelps. And if you wipe, so what, there’s no consequences to anything in that type of content. Nothing was hard. It was never, ever heard. Fake news. #FakeNews

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You played the easiest class in the game with next to no responsibility and remember it being easy. Bravo.

I led the PUGs. It was my responsibility to ensure we won. And we always won. I never failed to clear UBRS with a PUG. You’re simply out of your mind bro.