Bring back 5mans

You’re not even doing current content. Let alone anything challenging…

Here is the thing. Non timed runs are only challenging the first couple times you do them. After that you know the strategy to clear them.

Once you know how to clear a dungeon the next step is to learn how to do it faster.

Why do you think there are so many groups of people that do speed runs for games after they’ve beaten the game hundreds of times? It’s because once you’ve beaten a PVE game the only way to find challenge is with a timer.

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Last night I saved my group from a wipe by mind controlling a troll witch doctor in ZF and healing our tank with it.

Team work is the best.


Did a few Mythics+, didn’t care for it. Also I am not in a raiding guild. My lack of doing content you deem as ‘current’ is more my choice to enjoy the game on my terms and avoid a burnout.

I love Mythic +, don’t get me wrong. I actually love pushing keys as far as I can get them. But after awhile it does feel pointless. I would love to see more rewards the higher you go, gear, pets, toys, anything – something to reach for would be thrilling. Something to REALLY make me want to do that +10 outside of just hoping I get something good in my weekly.

That being said, I totally agree with you. I would love hard Mythic dungeons. Maybe that scale in difficulty to your ilvl so that you can’t just go in and out gear the place? I love the big dungeons. I could have LIVED in Kara, but after awhile yeah, you out gear it and that sucks, unless you do M+ and that is a LOT of stress.

There’s something charming about spending an hour or so in a dungeon, just messing around, clearing, getting to the boss, working together, etc.

I’d love to see that again.

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And that’s fine, but when you’re not even doing the level of content that requires all that it’s a little rich. Be a super casual that’s fine. But its a lot like if I started complaining about arena ratings when I don’t PVP.

And you assume I never tried out Mythics before or on another alt. I tried it, I didn’t like it. Cause I don’t like it, I decide to not do it presently. I see no point to do something that I dislike.

I am now a ‘Super Casual’ as you call it, but I was always not that.

I used to think that. But when I get saddled with a King’s Rest 12 and have NO OPTION to change it I then change my mind and think all M+ dungeons should be tuned to be really near each other in difficulty.

King’s Rest either needs massive nerfs, or most of the other dungeons need to be made much, much harder.


Theres a reason why I’ve only done a 10…KR is just over tuned compared to the others.

Going to assume you have another account…because achievements are public and your achievements tell a different story.

You assume correctly.

a lot of us dislike M+. I guess, since it was inevitable that someone would bring up M+, the OP should have been titled “Bring back 5mans for the rest of us”

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Sorry, newb question here - are world bosses and warfronts really comparable gear to Mythics?

To Mythic +0 dungeons? Yeah. To a 10+ M? No, the +10 would yield better gear.

So if Mythics are for coordinated groups on comms - thats the only set of people who can get top of the line gear?

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I mean…I wouldn’t say comms are a requirement. You can also pug keys in the Group Finder tool, as well.
I’m usually in comms for fun if I am at all on a key…

Sure maybe with keys higher than a 15…but that’s not your average player or even your average semi hc player…

My current situation is a busy work schedule, so I get maybe 1-2 hours at most a night to play. I am on an RP server (Cause I enjoy the crowd, I like things at a relaxed pace and I got burned out on hardcore long ago), so most there join RP/Social guilds, not guilds churning out Mythic keys like a factory.

That comment was relative to my experience in Wrath specifically. I was in every was possible, a casual player. Even as a casual player, i still pugged raids and heroics had little value after I started raiding.

Even if we could extend the life of heroics from a gearing stand point, which I have no issue with, I don’t understand why this needs to be an opposition to M+ as a type of content in the game. Many of the arguments here are really addressing two different issues.

I’d disagree with that, but that’s another topic.

As I said, I WAS that player. I was for the majority of my time playing WoW. If you want to argue with me on that, by all means.

But all of this has nothing to do with M+. A mythic plus style of gameplay could have existed in Wrath or really any expansion. What they reward, how they work, etc. is a completely different issue.

The original post was a complaint AGAINST M+. So many of the issues being brought up are placing blame on M+ as content when there are really other issues at play.

True, but my experience as a player is no different in many ways. I farmed Stratholme 300+ runs to get the mount. I have spent my share of timing farming old content when it had something to offer.

The issue here is a lot of of the complaints are really centered around how heroics are being created now. M+ has nothing todo with this. If people have issues with the lack of content or the lack of value heroics are bringing, they should address it only from that vantage point.

So don’t do it. Raiding is more than sufficient for gearing.

That said, issues of ego exist in every aspect of the game.

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I mean, It’s bad enough WITHOUT a timer. Putting a timer on just makes everyone angrier / stressed out, that’s a fact.