Bring back 5mans

Dungeons have definitely lost their way. They brought the Challenge Mode play-style from MoP and converted it to all dungeons, and it’s just lame.

The only thing that looks enjoyable this expansion is hard mode Mechagon. That seems like a return to form, but it’s only 1 dungeon.

Lol really?

There are no shortages of people trying to get into 10 keys and dont have any completion history.

Also there are no shortage of twitch streamers peddling carries for viewers/followers.

Might want to take off the rose colored glasses.

Also people are only crying about mythic + because the bwonsamdi buff is gone. Where sone groups required the 20% buff just to finish a 10, period.

Learn to read bro.

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I think you’re a troll and will ignore you from here on out.

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And I think you are not very smart and trying to trivialize mythic+ when its likely the best addition to the game in a long time.

Again if you want content to be designed like 14 years ago, then go play classic.


I agree 100% we NEED MORE of this kind of content. Mythic+ is a lazy math game where you slowly turn up the difficulty and people think its fun and rewarding game play when in reality you’re just doing the same content over and over with slightly bigger health pools and more damage taken.

I hate the whole e-sports thing is a fad that needs to die. Blizzard should count this as advertising that worked and people have tuned into those things but please let it die. I hate sports and don’t want my escapist media to become something I despise.

Yeah and then close the coffin on WoW.

Mythic + is likely the one thing keeping the game alive.

Watch how bad classic flops. That will be a good indication of what your design philosophy will market in 2019 moving forward.

Prime example of talking out of one’s rear end.

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Do you have any data on it’s participation percentages when it comes to the overall player base? Or is this just your personal opinion?

Speculation without any facts to back this up. Method just streamed their world fist raid kill yesterday and it had around 300k views total among all the streams. Raiding hasn’t changed much as far as core design goes in 14 years and it is still very popular. Old ideas still hold merit.

Speculation without any evidence to back this up.

The private server scene is huge, the Classic game play has a lot of interest. Old School Runescape is a very popular game, have you seen the graphics on that game? That game is old as dirt as far as games goes, but it is very popular.

I find it ironic your profile is hidden too lol. Why are you hiding your progress?

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Mythic plus invitational had 2.5 million total views.

300k lol.

Fortnite just ran a tournament with 40 million players? If i remember correctly.

And yeah that private server data is soooo reliable lol.

Raiding isnt even in the same league as mythic +. You are dellusional or just RPin like you do on Moonguard.

Go do some research. The few hundred thousand if that, playing on private servers is nothing. Wait til they cant start over for the 20th time too and see what happens when the game dies off (quickly as well).

The MDI had at best 70k viewers at one time. Method had 300k watching at once. I never said total views. Also, the MDI has been losing viewership at an alarming rate too. The newness has worn off.

What does Fortnite have to do with this? How does Fortnites popularity have to do with anything WoW related? Apples and oranges my friend. If you alluding to the fact that e-sports are popular, well no duh.

Never said it was reliable, but the fact that Nostalrius had 150k active accounts was enough to convince Blizzard to open their own servers. That isn’t chump change.

Mythic raiding has it’s own set of challenges and trying to compare it to M+ is just dumb. They are both different content. I was just pointing out that Classic content is still popular and relevant among the player base.

As far as the Moonguard comment goes. Your ad hominem attack makes your arguments look weak and it shows what kind of poster you are, mean spirited with little evidence other than personal attacks to back your claims.

Again, big companies don’t take risks like opening old servers if there wasn’t an interest. Classic just might surprise you. Its all speculation at this point. Also, why wouldn’t you want Classic to be successful? If that version of the game makes money, this is good for everyone.

I never understood the hate that people spew at Classic? Are you scared that it might over take the current game?

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Long post with no substance.

Fortnite is relevant because it can attract 40 million gamers at 1 time. Even in its heyday WoW had at best 11-13 million players or so.

Clearly the game is out of touch with modern gaming.

I am not saying I want classic to do poorly, I am just confident its an old market thats been tapped and will not attract new gamers for any length of time.

If raiding was so profitable and popular, I am sure Blizzard would drift away from it like they have?

Cause its blizzards MO to not try and squeeze every dollar they can out of their customers… no no, they aren’t like that at all.

I was responding to your poorly written word salad.

Fortnite is a completely different game. First person shooters have way more popularity than MMOs. WoW is an old game too, it has been on the market for 15 years now. Apples and oranges.

WoW isn’t the new kid on the block anymore, trying to attract new customers to an old game like this is difficult. Plus, MMOs aren’t as popular as they used to be no matter what modern features you add to it.

I’m starting to think you are playing the wrong game. Your profile is private, so I have no idea what actual content you engage in.

This is the exact case for modern WoW, that is why they need to embrace their roots, because there are way too many games out there that just do e-sport type content better.

How is Blizzard drifting away from raid content? That is the primary focus of most of their development now and always has been. If M+ was as popular as you claim, why are we getting tons of new dungeons every patch?

Not sure what this means.

The problem is there is such a large disparity in player skill these days.

I join pugs for keys from time to time, in the +6-9 range players don’t interrupt, dispel, stun, use CC, they generally just mindlessly DPS and ignore mechanics. They don’t care to learn or even know how to learn what different abilities do.

Compare that to top players learning a new dungeon. You get hit with a debuff, you are reading what it does, can I interrupt it, stun it? sheep it, knockback? Does it have a max range? How does it pick who it goes on? Is it the closest target? Does it prioritize ranged players?

They quickly pick up and process this information and figure out the best way to deal with said mechanics, and the gap widens between “skilled” players, and casual dungeon runners.

Now, there is nothing wrong with running dungeons casually, but what do you really mean when you say you want “hard” content?

If Blizz releases content tuned around better players, a lot of people would complain that it is too hard.

If they release it balanced around the more casual crowd, a large portion of the community would blast through it and consider it “ez mode”.

Mechagon came close in terms of being a good difficulty imo, and I especially had fun doing the hard mode week 1, but it will inevitably be rendered obsolete, and it will be fun to dive back in when it gets split up and added to M+ rotation in 8.25 or 8.3.

I’m not really sure what you are asking for I guess. “Hard” is subjective, and static difficulty dungeons have less replay value.

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Are you serious? They made it clear the game is no longer raid or die. This xpac is evidence of just that. Most content was not raiding.

The raids were full of bugs as well. Uldir and BoD had tons of bugs.

Dont be lazy. I doubt there are any beefytanks that are a druid or 110.

I am sure i have completed much more difficult content than you.

Between like 1 and at best 3% of players clear a mythic raid. 20-25% get aotc. That doesnt factor in people gettong the achieves on their alts. There are websites that track this sort of thing.

Clearly most of the players are not trying to or bothering with raids.

Its people like yourself that are misinformed and have no idea what you are talking about.

That’s when they need to learn how to play their classes and use their abilities wouldn’t you say?

I’m not a top player and im always reading any debuff I get when a new dungeon comes out and learn how mechanics work by seeing them. I never watch videos or anything before a raid or new dungeon comes out. I learn as I go because im a kinetic learner and that’s how I navigate the world.

Of course not that’s why normal and heroic exist. They can see the content and enjoy it. Then they have the choice if they want to try a harder challenge there’s mythic dungeons and mythic+ and all dungeons should require focus and attention.

I want a return to the dungeons of old with one difficulty level that’s very steep but to climb to the peak of that mountain is the best thing in the game right now.
I’ll add my last comment for my own post on this matter and see how it jives with you guys.

You listed 2 difficulties, and only factored in the people that killed the last boss…

Over 60% of the playerbase that capped a 120 toon killed G’huun on some difficulty or another. Looking at later raids is less informative, as a lot of players quit the game so the stats on capped chars completing BoD will inevitably drop.

Even so, 25% of 120 toons stepped into mythic BoD and killed champs.

Mythic is not the 1%, and the majority of players raid.

Stop being disingenuous.

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I think the main problem with them is that there’s a timer attached to the dungeon. If that didn’t exist I would participate a bit more in the escalating difficulty. You would think determination and skill would be enough to say, “Okay, you can go to the next level of you really want.”

Maybe if there was a way to adjust key levels. Choose the level at the start. Then remove the timer and then completion allows your next key to go up +1 more based on the key level you finished. Even more if you get under par for deaths or boss kill time.

Lol mythic champs and the first boss in Uldir were loot pinatas.

Even with 25% of characters getting aotc, you can you expect a significantly lower number actively mythic raiding.

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The have put out the same amount of content as they did in the past when it comes to patches. Raiding content is always the featured content of the patch too. Do you have proof that Blizzard is moving away from raid content? Or is this just another one of your opinions?

That has nothing to do with their commitment to raiding. This is a lack of QA, which Blizzard has had a lot of issue with lately. The entire game is full of bugs. To single out raiding as full of bugs to back up your opinion that raiding is no longer the featured content is just silly.

I was never trying to compare myself to you either. I don’t care about pushing tough content in the game anymore. I was just pointing out that as an advocate of M+, I find it odd that your profile is hidden. That blocks you from having a IO score which would make getting in M+ pugs tough.

If you can provide actual data on this instead of a 3rd party website, I would be happy to take a look at it. If raiding was as unpopular as you say it is, then why are they still developing raids?

Speculation based on your own experiences.

I’ve been a Wow player since beta. I think I know what I am talking about. Plus, I have played almost every MMO on the market. I have seen first hand what happens to your MMO when you abandon
making raiding content. If anyone doesn’t know what they are talking about is you. You can’t even spell or write coherent sentences.

Raiding content attracts high skilled players. These are the players that write guides and play the game for a living. Without these players creating content and marketing the game for you, like the Method world first, your game usually starts to fade from relevance.

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I’ll give you mythic champs being easy and puggable. Lets look at Mythic Zek’Voz, a boss that was not puggable and anyone who killed was in a guild and genuinely interested in mythic raiding.


Mythic raids are not the 1%, and the majority of players raid.