Bring back 5mans

I think what op wants is the equivalent of doing a +20 in 355 gear.

You can make a challenge without a timer.


Except CC was a gamble for many classes, thus increasing difficulty. CC did not clear dots, nor did certain moves ignore cc’d targets like it doers now. If that rogue didn’t have extra stealth talents or path it right with a distract it was over. If a lock feared and didn’t take into account where the mob might flee GG, if that poly was left in the isle and a pat came by GG. Thinking before acting is a form of challenge. The raid diary or youtube telling you what to kick, kill, pull is not. All the add ons are not.Tell me how many addons these ‘uber M+’ people use. I wonder what key people would be on without their precious timers etc etc.


Curse of recklessness and fear juggling was real skill.


I’d love to see some Karazahn style 10 person raids. Maybe not as much trash as Kara, but interesting and tough trash.

I miss the more baseball like teamwork where everyone has their roles that they have to execute perfectly. Kill orders, off tanks and CC. Really promoted tight knit teamwork. Which was probably their downfall as well.
Pug’ing those was probably more problematic then high keys. That and it required patience and the ability to take a lot of wipes and keep trying.


Return to Karazhan, imho, was one of the best 5 man dungeons released in recent memory. It rewarded relevant gear but was still challenging when it came out but pugging it was still fun as there was no timer and whatnot, people were able to collaborate and strategise on bosses (I’m looking at you Moroes).

But the two dungeons after that were horrible and they were never able to recreate RTK.


it wasn’t hard, sorry.

now it is

maybe when your average player was a lot worse but

timers are required for challenging 5 mans, anything before was not.


The most fun PVE I’ve done in a long time was trying to get a +10 done right at the start of BFA with trash gear when everyone had bugged keys.

Slowly going through a really difficult dungeon is a lot of fun. I think what they should do is keep the mythic+ system, but just let players choose what key level they want, so you can run dungeons you will be able to clear in time, or methodically conquer a dungeon way above your level.


And you are completely entitled to be wrong on this. :sunglasses:


seems blizzard agrees so

maybe time walking is what you want? not too challenging but slightly harder than a normal heroic


Compared to now where it’s just grab everything and AOE. Opps, couple of adds. No problem, just aoe those down as well. Oh look, a DPS’er is tanking something. No problem, we can get through that.

CC wasn’t used to make it easy, just possible. Break a sheep or accidentally pull something and you wipe. DPS on the wrong target so the primary isn’t killed before CC breaks, wipe. Over eager DPS trying to impress themselves on the damage meters, pulls agro, and wipe. No unforced errors.


The last encounter in wailing caverns from classic is harder than anything before +7 probably.


Sorry little fella, but you are painfully oblivious.


If you want dungeons to be hard why didn’t you try running them on the first few weeks of the expansion? Just like always once the raids come out, loot from dungeons becomes worthless and there is no point to running them. Luckily blizzard fixed this with mythic+


Vendors would fix a lot of problems right now, or at least alleviate them a bit.


Ok so are the dungeons going to drop raid equivalent loot? Raid loot would be worthless then since dungeons will always be easier than raids

…noooo lol

I quote again.


Because Mythic + isn’t very fun for me. I don’t like the speed run element.
I loved however, trying to push way too high keys for my gear for completion at the beginning of the expac.

The problem is I can’t do that, because to get a key that’s hard enough for that to be fun, I have to speed run the levels just below that.


Ok do the badges give you gear that is equal or better than raid gear? If so my point still stands if not why would you want to do dungeons once you have raid gear?

I mean, heroic raid loot is already pretty worthless? With warfronts, weekly events, world bosses, weekly chests, ect 370s are hardly worth the trouble anymore.

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Sure, no one ran raids in Wrath, Cata, MoP. you’re right. D: Looks at Warfront reward gear ilvl, looks back at raid gear.