Get those same addons and see for yourself. When you’re still stuck on baby keys a few months from now you’ll figure it out.
I agree with you that M0 is there as something people who don’t like M+ should be doing and (if done at the appropriate item level) they actually capture the experience that people here are asking for. I know that because I started doing them with guildies at around the 300 item level mark on the first few weeks of the expac and they felt exactly that way.
However I do see a problem but it’s not with the dungeons themselves, but more with the gearing system, what made old dungeons stay relevant longer was that players would not overgear them without actually stepping into raids.
But right now all the free loot and titanforges push even casual players get to such high item levels that M0 becomes irrelevant very quickly, not only in terms of rewards but in difficulty level too. It might seem as a good thing for casual players that it’s easy to get nice loot but it actually hurts the gaming experience a lot.
What add ons are they?
deadly boss mods, gotta go fast, method dungeon tools, weakauras2
You forgot icantplaysoilldownloadamodtoplayforme.
;). Just kidding. It’s totally you.
Not really, but yeah.
Wow that’s so funny. /s
Thank you for saying so. It’s refreshing to see someone on the forums who isn’t interested in getting someone. In “winning”.
But you can. They’ve done it before. I’m sure it’s great if you play a meta class like a rogue, but it’s not fun for everyone.
It’s definitely not fun having to gogogo continuously without even thinking about having a quick break, or having to answer the door or a phone call.
Blizzard could quite comfortably make 5 man dungeons that were extremely difficult that don’t rely on a timer, or cancerous random affixes.
The biggest mistake is that people just seem to think timer = skill. It is not the only way of measuring skill or increasing difficulty. There are plenty of people around that enjoy the gogogo ADHD playstyle, so good on them, it’s good to have choices and options. But it’d be great if Blizzard could also cater to the rest of us who find timers and affixes obnoxious.
And none of it addresses my other dislikes. What’s the point of bosses now? None of them drop loot anymore. I liked farming bosses for loot. Now it’s all just gogogo rush to the end, maybe get some random thing from a boring chest and activate the casino slot machine at reset on Tuesday.
The devil is in the details.
How are you defining challenging?
What is the assumed gear for doing it?
What gear does it drop?
If it drops 370, and we assume 355 going in, should Method be wiping dozens of times at 355? 330?
Should random pugs be expected to have a successful clear rate if they are all at 355? Are consumables expected?
There just isn’t a single “challenge” scale when you have a spectrum of gear and skill a mile wide.
Even things like the heralded Cata heroics. Remember these were being done with LFD pugs, no consumables, no voice, and bad gear. How well do you think even a +4 would go if you queued via LFD and your group was all in 335 gear?
Even return to Kara and likely the new gnome dungeon will be steamrolled by good players, medium challenge for others, a great challenge for others, and impossible for even others. Stating it should just be “hard” is kind of meaningless.
They have fancy new scaling tech they like shoving everywhere, and it’s already used in Flex raids. I’m sure they could scale the dungeon to ilvl (and make sure the rewards scale appropriately.
No dungeons or raids currently scale to item level so it would be quite a departure.
I also think it would be a really bad idea to do that for a lot more reasons than world item level scaling.
It would help if most of the content in this game wasn’t a face roll to begin with.
I’ve been going back to some of the other “options” out there since i’m getting bored with this game, and the level of difficulty for even killing a single mob i those games compared to WoW is quite noticeable. Its been nice actually. You mean i have to actually heal myself up after killing a few? What is this nonsense you speak of?!
WoW is a shell of its former self.
Classic might be interesting, but it think we all know that these are the end times.
I am curious to see how Classic goes though. Maybe that will be WAY more successful than we all imagined.
I was hoping Mythic dungeons would be like running a TBC dungeon when TBC was still relevant. Mark targets, crowd control, manage your threat, and fights that can easily go south if you dick around.
What we got was just a repackaged Challenger Mode with an affix system.
I also hate the linear “hallway” design of dungeons.
Agency of choice makes dungeons fun, even with a timer.
Zulaman timed bear run comes to mind.
Ya, but mythic + sucks.
I’ve never understood world of Diablo dungeons. The modifiers add nothing fun or interesting, only lazy extra crap that aren’t real mechanics.
Yes! ZA or even ZG
I want old school 10 man Kara type content or ZA and ZG. Original 20 man ZG was my favorite Raid. It was the best.
And how did any untimed dungeon ever add anything interesting, in a challenging way, that wasn’t lazy extra crap that wasnt a real mechanic? I am not talking about the special ones like ZA/ZG. But the rank and file dungeons of the expansion.
Unfortunately most people don’t want it to be difficult in the world.
Both during the WoD squish and Legion 7.3.5 patch they gave the outside world some teeth and the forums were ablaze with it.
Even now leveling dungeons with any slight difficulty (DM, strat, Cata in general) are actively complained against.
So…is Blizzard actually listening by nerfing it? Should They? No matter which direction someone thinks they did the wrong thing.
Ozruk pre-nerf was super challenging, as every ability 1-shot.
I really liked the “extra crap” though. Halls of Reflection was super fun despite being horrible for LFG.
Heroics and baseline Mythics with no timer are still in the game. Of course neither are difficult after you’re geared up, but wasn’t that always true in past expansions as well?
Maybe the main difference compared to Classic/BC is that back then you had to keep gearing up in dungeons if that character wasn’t raid geared, whereas now you get so much catchup gear on every toon/every alt that H/M0 are quickly trivialized even if you barely run them.
Also the power creep is probably steeper, so outgearing is more extreme.
MoP though, wtf is up with the people saying we had good 5-man content “up intil WoD,” MoP had no dungeon content unless you count spamming trivial heroics for valor cap as “challenging 5-man content.”