Bring back 5mans

TBH I don’t think people want challenging 5-man content.

They want trivial content to spam to get raid quality gear via badges.


I want challenging 5 man content. AMA.

Congrats, there is challenging 5 man content in BFA.

Not without a timer there isnt.

Timers have nothing to do with my statement or yours (that I replied to).

True, but you also didn’t ask a question, so the rules were off xD

Rules are for dorks anyways!

So you want the ‘option’ of having very easy dungeons to do with no timer and affixes and good rewards. I don’t think you’re going to get that ‘option’ and presenting it as a good thing because it adds more ‘choice’ and ‘options’ isn’t going to fool anyone.

There is nothing glorious about marking targets and using pre combat CC. Usually the time you do that now is for infested mobs and that is just a very, very annoying waste of time.

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M+ / CM’s are 100x better than the old system.


Mythic 0 in fresh 120 questing gear with a few heroic dungeon pieces was challenging. I don’t think there was ever untimed 5-man content that was challenging to a group of players decked out in raid gear, and the thing is that virtually everyone is decked out in at least Normal raid-level gear very quickly at 120, and even if you aren’t the other players in your dungeon group probably are.

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I’m not sure if English isn’t your first language or you just can’t read, but that’s exactly the opposite of what I said.

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Considering the hubby and I had to ramp it up to torment 4 for it to begin to resemble the older Diablos in difficulty, yeah. I’m totally with the OP on this one.

Every time that timewalking is active, it reminds me of just how much I agree with this sentiment. Repeatable and challenging 5-man content is fun…speed runs are not.


What TWing dungeons are difficult?

I usually struggle to stay awake. Boring mechanics. Boring trash. Boss fights that I go into know next to nothing about at times, due to it being so long since I’ve run those dungeons, yet kill easily.

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You obviously don’t pug them very often.

So the issue is that people make them hard, and not the dungeons themselves?

I could say that about current m+ then.

PUGs making things harder (normal WoW effect) combined with content many haven’t done in years, does not make the content itself harder. Its just playing with a handicap.

I think you’re on to the unlying problem here. Back when dungeons had some challenge to them, it was pre-welfare epics (or at least right when they started handing them out at the end of BC). It was simply challenging because we all actually needed gear from that heroic dungeon. We didn’t out gear the place.

Nowadays, you can be raid ready the same day you hit max level. That used to be unheard of. I know Blizz isn’t going to pull gear away from people, and its probably too late at this point to change this. There would be rivers of 15 year-olds’ tears.

The dungeons were fun, well designed, and had tangible rewards possible from every boss plus the mount runs we’re awesome!

M+ is just annoying and bland. Participation this expansion so far is a reflection of that.

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Some of my best memories in the game involve meticulously making my way through Cata heroics with pugs.

I’m right there with you man.