The blues weren’t worth the difficulty is what I meant. The drop blues and valor blues were garbage; they were almost universally poorly itemized and even in a full set of max-ilvl blues you were pretty weak going into the first tier of raiding for most players.
There’s a reason basically everyone quit despite the great revamped 1-60 experience and a pretty fun leveling experience.
You must be new to WoW
Normal is leveling dungeon, Heroic is 120+ dungeon that’s queable, Mythic is idiot mode with timer that Blizzard has you on thinking it’s the best and beats the rest while raider:io keeps you out! hahahaha
That’s why the Kara in legion was perfect till you out geared it. I made a lfg saying chill learning run. Got 4 other people who luckily were cool and had a amazing time learning the dungeon
I’ve played since Vanilla.
I mean asking for yet more variations of the same 5 mans we have now after normal, heroic, mythic and mythic+ levels…
I really don’t think it’s a warranted necessity. No clue how they’d balance these kinds of things considering average ilvl of a group can vary widely. Along those lines, what would be the ilvl rewards from one of these dungeons?
I get you guys don’t like timers, or gogogo, but there’s just a lot of inconsistencies with this concept.
Not to mention, ActiBlizz wouldn’t ever do it. If it isn’t an eSport, or an RNG way to reinforce gambling habits worth the development time, they aren’t interested.
You really see that as a penalty? Interesting. I see it as the results of not completing it in time. A penalty would be that on your new downgraded key the mobs would be even stronger as punishment for failing. Or you have 5 less minutes to complete in time. Or your weekly chest will now give you an item 5 iLevels less than normal. Something like that is a penalty.
Yes, it’s a penalty for not completing it in time. And that’s the whole point - some people hate timers that force gogogo. Dungeons never used to need timers to be a fun rewarding experience.
To be balanced with rewards from raids they do need a timer.
No, they don’t.
Firstly, Blizzard can make challenging content without a timer and random cancerous affixes.
Secondly, why SHOULD you get mythic raid gear from a dungeon? Just because you’re a meta class and enjoy racing timers? I raid heroic AOTC - that’s the limit of what I want to do, I prefer smaller <20 raiding, don’t want the headache of rostering mythic. Which is fine, I don’t expect Mythic ilvl gear from heroic raids. I accept it, don’t have an issue.
Thirdly, raid’s don’t have a timer or cancerous affixes (yet) and they’re plenty challenging.
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You remind me of that kid in the Expanse who goes through the ring for the first time. Faster and better lootz. Glory to the Belters!
Just because old timers who remember running Blackrock with guild mates who they still are friends with more than a decade later actually remember tough runs doesn’t mean you can’t have your shiny rng reward. Keep paying your sub but maybe save up and buy a shift key.
In the old days (before Cat) people got to know the folks they were spending more than fifteen minutes with. Because you had to. And yes, it was fun. And challenging. Just longing for something lost doesn’t mean we are attacking you or what you like. Absolutes don’t make a position correct.
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I don’t agree with a lot of people on here, but you good sir are WOKE af. They turned a fun and engaging activity outside of raiding into an esport treadmill that turns the allure of an MMORPG into that of an aRPG. I miss the “heroic dungeon” progression we used to have, being able to target specific drops and running the dungeons I chose like you described. Why do we even have normal/heroic dungeons at this point?
This is who Blizz has largely been catering to.
Here you go new Blizz. Take a page from your predecessors.
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What, the more options crowd like myself? No, can’t really say they have.
No, the “OMG why does this take more than 20 seconds for me to get my gear” crowd.
if you have to ask this you shouldn’t be playing… YOU WALK INTO THE INSTANCE…
This. I want to have a HARD dungeon that is NOT a rush. I want it to take an hour. I want us to have to coordinate CCs. I miss that from prior xpacs. I’m tired of this different level of difficulty for the SAME thing.
I do miss the days that Normal and Heroic dungeons operated, with Challenge modes being your speed-run competition for a unique set of armor. The further we progress, the more I miss Mists of Pandaria as it was certainly one of my most enjoyable expansions for PvE content.
Dungeons back then were supposed to the be stages of learning. To learn raid mechanics and how to handle them. some dungeons were preludes into raids too. Now it seems people skip the raids for Mythic+ and just… it gets dull to speedrun everything just for a shot of better gear sicne Raid night failed to yield anything.
My point went completely over your head.
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