Bring back 5mans

You say that but I think that mega dungeon, the mecha gnome one will feel like that for a while until you out gear it.

The thing is, there are those of us who keep telling Blizzard that we want these things, they go ahead and create something like that, then the other players complain until they remove it.

There needs to be a separate experience, or at least a different queue (or hell, just let us walk in the dungeon entrance with the mode turned on) for those of us who want the Dungeon Crawl. That way the muggles can continue on with their slot machine rush mechanics without even knowing or caring that there is something else.


Which would be amazing. If they can pull it off. The remodeled Karazhan was quite good until we out-geared it and then it was added to the M+ rotation. Same thing will happen to the new mega dungeon, unless they work to make it always be relevant. Which they won’t do, because week 1 of release umpteen doodle people are going to flood the forums complaining it isn’t in the LFG queue.

They have attempted to do this with Timewalking, I think. But they haven’t gotten it right yet. And I suspect they have stopped trying and moved on to other content, like Islands. I think they had hoped that Islands would fill this spot. If they had actually played them or read the feedback, they’d have seen this wasn’t the case.

What were dungeons like back in the day, using what OP is talking about? Was it because folks were under geared, so that made it more difficult and thrilling?

Timewalking can be fun but it’s not at all a dungeon crawl. It’s basically the rush mechanic but with normalized gear and monster scaling.

Yeah, they don’t have the balancing right. I think they didn’t really want to, because 1. we were already headed down the gogogogo path and 2. they could see the complains that would come from a lot of the more vocal community about “My time is important though!” So, yeah.

And to answer your question, 5 to 8 hour dungeon crawls with multiple trips to cities to recruit replacements for people who had to leave. Was more frustrating and fun than it sounds.

I admit, one of the major reasons I absolutely despise Mythics is the utter zergfest they are. They could have just one giant room with spawning mobs that would be about as useful as the current design. The actual artwork, layout, dungeons, etc are completely pointless since you’re just running against the giant timer.

They tried bringing back CC with Cata dungeons, and everyone was so crazy stupid from the Wrath era that they quickly realized it was a bad idea. Even GC got completely roasted for his “Git Gud!” post about it. I really don’t foresee it coming back any time in the near future.

I’d much rather see different objectives or whatever based on your Keystone, versus just the repetitious nature of the grind.


And here’s the thing, I don’t think anyone is suggesting that dungeons be returned to the 5-8 hour Raid-lite versions that were in Classic. But it would be nice to have a similar experience that could be completed in about 1 to 1.5 hours that included CC, ultility, planned pulling of trash, and boss fights with raid like mechanics for 5 players.


Yeah, but with the current gear bloat, you’ll never get it. I just don’t think THAT feel will ever return as long as Blizzard hands out iLevel upgrades like candy at the city parade. If your city still hands out candy at their parades that is. Whatever, you get the point.

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I’m pretty much in shock that 5 man heroic dungeons weren’t relevant past ilvl 325 … this is a shame and Blizzard needs to make all dungeons relevant thru out the expansion by adjusting the loot drops and since we have personal loot I don’t see why we don’t have this?

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Much like scaling and gear normalization in Timewalking, the same could happen for dungeon crawls.

I think new 5man kara at appropriate ilvl before it was +'d is a really good example of what I want more of!

That’s because they do that with base mythic dungeons.

‘Heroic’ dungeons are training wheel dungeons for new players.

That’s basically how higher level M+ work but with a timer.

Mythic + is very stressful imo. It’s 20-30min + that you need to be on your toes with no break to stop and think about what you’re doing, you are expected to already know and when you do you can still mess up, ruining the experience (timer). The highest I’ve ever ran, I believe, was an 11. I enjoy and really love that the content got harder but I hate the timer, so for that reason I don’t run them often.

I do understand you can ignore the timer but the penalty makes it not worth your time.

Edit: They need to get rid of the penalty and just reward those who complete it in time with a little something extra. Can’t make everyone happy but it could be a nice start.

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What penalty? You are rewarded for completing on time with an extra drop and your keystone gets upgraded. If you just complete you earn 2 drops and the key downgrades. I see no penalty.

The penalty is each run you don’t meet the timer downgrades your key, punishing you and making your loot that much worse each time.


It all comes down to this. WoW has always done an incredible job of making every player feel like they are the best player in the world. (Just talk to someone you’ve just met IRL about WoW and listen to them rave about their toon/stuff they’ve done)

This was done by letting people get through content and feel progressed (Even 5 man content gave this feeling). Now players are finding out that maybe they really aren’t the best player in the world, that they have things to learn, and they don’t like that feeling. They want that old feeling back of being the best WoW player around.

No, high M+ should be giving mythic gear, timing a 15 shouldn’t be giving me 370 trash.