No, really. I know you want to feel special, it’s okay. Your feelings of special-ness don’t diminish because someone else don’t care that you don’t like the same things.
I think it’d be cool if, when you insert a key, you can chose a timer or increased difficulty with set loot tables as I understand you’re espousing. So there would be some overlap: get a key doing mythic 0/+ and then use it for the “static” 5 man content, and vice versa.
I agree that speed adds intensity and can make it harder to complete a challenge, but only harder in the sense of making a timer. A game of chess can be incredibly difficult regardless of time, and I think this is more along the lines of what the OP is advocating: difficulty divorced from any measurement of time. (Other than possible enrage mechanics from the bosses). But being able to have the reward tied to completion of the activity and not to how “complete” or how quickly the dungeon is completed.
In the old forums, I discussed having a static dungeon that rewarded players for killing all NPCs, and giving players only 1 life, and the scaling would be mob density and health, without a timer. Thus, the difficulty is smartly clearing the entire dungeon without dying - easier on “lower” keys, harder on higher. Every time the group wipes (each player exhausts their life plus the one additional), the level would drop.
The loot could be static, or the item level could increase depending on “key level” completion.
The 1+1 lives component would be a measure in place to prevent simply zerging and throwing yourselves at a challenge: you’d have to approach it smartly and ideally a bit slowly to coordinate each pull.
That would be cool!
Not really, it’s not rocket science that a faster pace requires you to react quicker.
Yet, professional chess matches are timed. This is so that you have to be quick thinking and not require eons to make your next move.
While I agree, a more difficult encounter with better rewards would make the whole dungeon experience fun. However, trash is boring and will always be boring to me. I hate trash with a passion. It’s garbage to me, absolute garbage.
While not everyone may feel this way, it is undeniable that moving fast pressures the entire group and that creates excitement (at least for me it does). The timer is the only buzzkill because it’s harsh punishment if you miss the mark. Aside from that, I love speed runs and I love to see how fast I can push the clock.
I just hate trash so I haven’t been involved in much M+.
Hey Panic read the above post about chess dude. Stop feeling special.
Hey dude, your condescending attitude makes me say no, so no
They don’t. You can walk into a heroic dungeon the second you hit 120. Same as you can with mythics.
Yea, chess matches do have time involved.
I do think the time is designed to keep tournaments “moving” and add additional intensity to an otherwise definitive-winner game (beyond stalemate). Each chess match will conclude with a winner, regardless of time.
Oh, and to better address - potentially - the trash comment: if we made trash more important and encounters themselves, perhaps it would change the term from trash to simply challenge or encounters.
With that written, I respect your opinion and can easily see the concept of adding trash/making that more difficult nothing more than additional hurdles.
and end up playing the dungeon with top tier geared players who just run through it like wet butter. Then run with speed runners like Panic up there. Its the same thing.
Ending up with gear ranging from ilvl 300 to 375 and still haven’t learned the mechanics cause you ran with players who sped run it all.
And we fail because we didn’t go “make friends” who will stop progression and stay at that ilvl so the dungeon is played as intended…The game itself undermines it’s own progression.
We will keep offering some ideas and see who people like them, or not. Meanwhile trolls will keep complaining about people complaining…lol
No, you very much cannot queue up for a heroic dungeon unless you have an ilevel of 305 even if you are 120.
Notice my wording please. “Walk in”. You can very much walk right in the front door of a heroic dungeon the very second you hit 120. It’s what I did on launch day with my guild.
Please at least READ the post before you instantly jump to conclusions in an attempt to “look smart”. Usually ends up biting you in the end.
Best post in a long time!!!
You can walk into any dungeon so long as you are the appropriate level. Not news.
This post for president!!!
Apparently it IS news to some people since the person I was replying to was not aware of it or they wouldn’t have made the post they did.
doesnt help when even some very known pro players admit some of the affix are extremely badly tuned and specifically 2 actually create a hard cap on the height a key can be done (as mechanics will start 1 shotting ppl)
Your “progression” would be far too easy to get comparable rewards. It isn’t going to happen and I’m not concerned about you quitting either. Adding another, much easier, way to do dungeons affects everyone. It isn’t a single player game.
WTF are you even on about?
Are you in some kind of personal echo chamber where people say things, you ignore what they actually say, and then you respond to what you think I said because it fits into your personal worldview? Because that’s what appears to be happening here.
“Far too easy” & “much easier way to do dungeons” - clearly you missed the part about how dungeons worked this way for a very long time, and no, they weren’t easy unless you utterly outgeared them. (like every other bit of content) You also clearly missed the part where I mention the mobs having more health, hitting harder, and needing to be CCd, which would imply tuning relative to what you get under a timer.
“I’m not concerned about you quitting either.” - Where did I say I was quitting? Where did I threaten to quit? What I said was elitist attitudes - such as the one you’re flashing here - drive people away from the game. Lower revenues equals less stuff. That’s how it works.
“It isn’t a single player game.” - Yes, because players having a real distaste for having to GOGOGO against a timer means we want a single player MMO. FFS, why are you even responding?
To make matters worse, you didn’t respond to the ONE THING this entire thread is about, and that’s there’s no reason YOU can’t have what you want and THEY can’t have what they want, at the same time. Except for your ego, that is.
I literally could not care less about “progression”. I think gear progression destroys the game and if it were to go away, I’d not shed a tear. Not that that’s going to happen but I don’t think gear progression is even a necessity for old school 5 man dungeons. They could just scale the whole dungeon to be the same for every player and I’d be a happy clam.
It’s not a competitive game either. Another player getting loot doesn’t affect your ability to continue playing the game. It’s a non-issue.