Bring Auction House Overhaul to Classic

Your right math is hard. For you.

223% increase to 1 million would be 3230000

Also this doesnt account for those people who had to purchase BFA to play classic.

While you fumble to prove your numbers are accurate, the only thing you’ve proved is that your making up numbers.

lol /10char


Once again, Classic isn’t about an improved version of anything, in fact its about not improving things at all. The only reason you got an improved mail system is because Blizzard was just being lazy.

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“no changes”
gets AH addon that literally changes everything with the AH
“I said, no changes.”


smdh…Its like I am talking to my dog…

even if I did not quote exact numbers, the sentiment is still the same… classic numbers dwarf retail

and you dont need BfA to play classic…only the base game and a sub…

anything else you want to add to the conversation to prove your ignorance?


You cant quote exact numbers. Otherwise i wouldnt have made a comment.

Thats my point.

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So, go do that then. Don’t try to bring that crap to “Classic.” We’ve had enough changes.

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223% increase in subscription revenue with link to news article stating that is not exact enough for you?

does that somehow confuse you?

I could link articles to some math websites so you can learn how percentages work

Ditto. As it currently stands, I don’t use the AH because it’s such a mess. I’d love an overhaul.

It’s like people don’t read the news of the game they play… blizzard has made tons of changes already and will keep doing so.
Pull your heads from the sand

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Can’t tell if stupid or just stupid. 100% of 1million is 1 million, not 2 million. That would be a 100% INCREASE, so 100%+100%=200% meaning 2 million.

Don’t get sassy if you don’t know wtf you’re talking about




This is the forum thread for how the new AH looks on the PTR. There are a lot of comments but imho quite a lot of them are worth reading.

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I’m not necessarily defending the ah ui. I don’t have a significant problem with it, but I don’t try to play ah mogul or anything like that. All I was saying is if people are literally just clicking buyout on the very first thing that comes back in the search no matter what the price is… They kinda get what’s coming to them right?

Listing low bid price and high buyouts gets your auction to the top of the default list, but it takes one single mouse click to resort the results by highest prices, which is typically stacks with starting bid close to buyout, then you scroll to see what the cheapest stack is. I get wanting things to be as easy as possible, and I think it’s fair to say the auction house could be better. But if consumers are in so much of a rush to buy whatever that they don’t bother looking at the price, I genuinely don’t care.

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Sit down. Use a calculator, put in 223% increase to 1million.

Are you telling me that its wrong?

And your attempting to call me stupid? What in the F. You have to be kidding. And the hearts. Wow.

After reading their changes, I’m kinda for it. A lot of the extra bells and whistles wouldn’t work right in classic but the commodities thing would go a long way towards dealing with the walls of linen and copper in the most fair way possible.

However, if there’s to be a commodities market like this, buy orders are crucial to making it work. I’m trying to move some extra Dark Iron bars, and I don’t really have the time to sit around and yell about it in trade for hours. So, it’d be nice to know what people’s general price point is on the server: I’m the only one selling these so even historical add ons are only reporting back my own auction prices.

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World of Warcraft Classic tripled subscriptions in August, according to new research from SuperData The original release of World of Warcraft from 2005 brought old players and new ones back into the realm of Azeroth, with subscriptions growing an estimated 223 percent from July to August. The amount of players is still lower than what they were during last August’s Battle for Azeroth expansion, but retail WoW updates tend to pull in lots of players in general

This is directly from one of the articles pertaining to this.

Growing from 1million by 223% isnt 2 million.

Just WoW. The meme saying 1+ 1 =4 suddenly makes sense.

First off, the article ASSUMES Subscription revenue, but that’s not what the quoted chart says.

The chart only refers to “Top Grossing Games.” Since Blizz hasn’t released sub numbers in forever, and have repeatedly said they include the shop in their numbers, that chart is a combination of many things.

I grant you that subs increased when Classic launched. However, to say they doubled or tripled is probably false, or at the very least, you don’t have enough evidence to show that based on that chart alone.

Edit: As an example, I purchased a 6 month sub because of the included mount, and I’ve barely played Classic and I did this in August.

sadly it already kind of is a mesh of classic,tbc and retail?

Aside from layering and a larger server size, how so?