Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

Him doing a bad job with classic doesn’t mean he doesn’t have some juicy inside info about classic and WoW in general :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, immediately after posting my first tweet in months (currently pinned), my youngest child peed on the bathroom floor, then slipped on it, hit his head, and got covered in his own pee. ![:roll_eyes:] He’s okay! The head injury was minor, and he’s been bathed! !

Not at all relevant to WOW, but it is hilarious :stuck_out_tongue: I suppose he’ll have some time to focus on the kiddo now.

He’s a team lead of Classic. His experience is with Classic. He said both expansions, meaning the two Classic ones.

I embellished it a bit saying they were forced. He merely said Activision pressured them to release them early. Which is no surprise, but nice to get verification.


If this game wasn’t dead, its on life support at this point.
No bug fixes and there are over 6 months + of bugs people have been reporting not addressed
this game already won’t last past wrath.
given a decent retail launch + the state of classic. this game is on life support at this point
literal dumpster company

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Honestly dude

He was obviously talking about Shadowlands and Dragonflight 5head. Why would the Classic lead talk about Classic expacs? pffft

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Friendly reminder Corporate Consults are trash. and this system is brought to you by corporate consultant
but hey atleast we know the game is dead

I always think of the two Bobs from Office Space.

Brian’s twits on the news here.

at last the corruption of classic is being cleansed
i’m happy to see him go, he was not caring for any classic player anyways!



The bell curve is there for almost all corporations. Stack ranking is still pretty common place. Amazon does it. Goldman Sachs does it. etc. They all weed out the bottom 5% every year.

Edit: Does it promote bad culture? Absolutely. But they don’t call it corporate politics for nothing. If you’re good at it, you get promoted.

If it’s such an efficient way of making the “cream rise to the top” and weeding out the bottom… then how come it’s only ever applied to rank and file and never the execs? Why don’t the lowest performing executives at ABK also receive performance based ratings that affect their compensation?

“Rules for thee but not for me”


Execs are all cream, baby.

just more of blizzards toxic work environment

Lol. I guess they’re execs for a reason. They played game well enough to be above it. But I’d rather keep my skills so i can find another job if i ever get sacked.

Its ready when the CFO is ready sounds like.

Which many guessed at. Many knew it’s ready when its ready left the building long ago. we’d be blizzard hating negative folk to some for that.

this was jsut like old boy wiki filing the goverment is watching you. here are records.

okay…thanks dude. i knew this and was called a tin foiler for it. One less tin foil hat to wear.

Bad people in charge are making good people leave for bad reasons yet again.

They pitch these systems as ways to make the company work more efficiently. If that applies to rank and file, it applies just as much to execs. From a purely business perspective (you know… the EXACT thing they’re supposed to be focused on…) it makes zero sense to provide immunity for them if it’s such a panacea for curing underperforming workers in other positions. Perhaps even less so as the relative impact of a single coder is likely far less than the impact of a single exec, so increases in their performance would be much more beneficial to the companies bottom line…

Yeah well, corporations is just shady business.

Classic has been mismanaged and screwed up from the get go.

Allowing that disgustingly Rank 14 grind that is physically unhealthy to be re-lived is just mind boggling.

So many things 100% needed to be changed and were asked for in early stages of beta by wow players that have played from the start.

PVP gear easily accessible as pve raid gear. World pvp literally dies around AQ40 when pve people start 1 shotting everyone who does not enjoy raiding. It was a problem back then and it was a problem with the release. It was shown again in with the release of SOM which literally died at that gearing disparity.

Vanilla wow was built around conflicts out in the open world.

TBH anyone who had any decision making with the release of classic and som needed to be fired and replaced. It could have been the start to a new age of wow and instead they tried to bleed the sheep of as much $$$$ as they could before the ship sank.

look at the on going issues with wrath. They’re literally turning their heads when blatant things need to be changed.

T1 pvp weapon cost the same as T2 pvp weapon RIGHT NOW LIVE WRATH… Like who is running the show and how freaking blind are they? Listen to players? There is no way.

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lots of things broken, nothing get fixed. but this guy wanna hand everyone gold star?