Brian Birmingham leaves Blizzard. Rip Classic

I been telling you forever it feels like a cost analysis issue. I’m about 99% positive now that was a major part of the reason for not re developing the old RDF system.

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/shrug a lot of people are not happy with some of the design decisions that can be directly attributed to BB in classic. Some of that can be excused by corporate over lords and some cannot.


Wait… So was he responsible for “bad design decisions” or was he just a coder who never touched design?

I can’t keep up with yall…

Interesting to see Brian Tweet that Activision forced them to release TBCC and Wrath Classic before they were ready.

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He was a coder who was in charge of design for classic, maybe it was unfair to put him in that role and he should have been left as a pure developer solely responsible for implementing classic.

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I think most of it can in retrospect now. I kinda already knew why the Boosting Crusade happened; but now I feel Wrath was 6-9 Months early.

So… you’re saying

Is a false statement?

Or no?

I imagine he was talking about retail Xpacs, not Classic

He was definitely talking about Classic lmao


I have a new found respect for BB.

Not many people would be willing to risk their livelihood for the sake of their ideals.
I can’t imagine what it’s like in those offices right now. They let him go in an attempt to make an example out of him but all the facts that have come out since this was reported on means he wasn’t alone.

I wish the Blizzard employees luck in their fight.


Explains why classic development and bug fixes have been in the absolute trash.
what a trash company

Wouldn’t really make any sense. There wasn’t really much to get ready for Classic and I don’t think anyone was pushing for another several months of Vanilla OR Tbc.

In the context of the statement he was defending the people who were pushed into “crunch time” to push out an expansion that wasn’t ready. Clearly he was referring to retail, not classic.

I want a tell-all from Brian now.


Nah I doubt that had there been another few months of beta he would have changed his mind on some of the design decisions we saw.

My god man. They had to completely redevelop the game. They had a bit of old code, but they put it on the legion engine. Things like the arena system were handcrafted cus they couldnt use the old code on the new system. Rushing an already super small team thats reverse engineering code to work on a new engine isnt some easy task.
My coding skills are minor, but Ive worked with enough programmers to know that stuff isnt easy busy work.


He was clearly talking about Classic.


You spent the last 7 months calling him a clown for his decision to remove RDF. Is this another Zaalg 180?

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David rarely wins in the modern world. But I too wish them luck

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It was already RIP classic under his leadership anyway. It was his brilliant plan to not give us RDF and then be a clown about it on social media like he didn’t understand why people were mad.

So long Ion-lite.


I dunno. Maybe you’re right. I suppose we’d have to ask Brian to know for sure

and it was a fine decision. please cry more about it in the 10,000 RDF threads

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