It’s not a zero sum game. Let’s do both.
It has the highest damage at the moment and good sustain. It’s the first tank to return to DF levels of damage. Hope to see more of us get there (cough brew)
Yes it’s just RNG, so we’ll have incredible damage on a pack and be worse on another.
The bad thing about the way this works for logs is that if someone does parse well (get Blood Beast and have it fed at all the right times) it does make Blood look particularly amazing on that log but doesn’t represent the average experience.
Death Strike cleave is also RNG because of the set, so Blood will run into the ‘get so high you instantly die’ thing it has with keys sadly.
I’ve seen some posts saying warrior will drop to 6th place now, “we had dps and now we have nothing” kinda stuff on reddit.
Even the players forget about brew
I’m not happy they went for nerfs with warrior. It should have been the baseline for where they bring the rest of us up to.
agreed, been saying it for years. bring everyone else up to where the strong spec is
Absolutely not, warriors were and still are to strong damage wise
Sin pre buff were actually competing with prot warrior on st sims
It’s more reasonable to bring a outlier spec down to the average
Where are you pulling this from?
Literally sim c
Where’s all the streamers and balloons
Thought BRM were gunna be hyped to be the new meta tank now
We certainly didnt get the S1 paladin treatment. No surprise there.
Literal logs on WCL says significantly different.
We are legit only 2 weeks into the season. Do you think anyone rn is anywhere close to bis???
i mean people have numbers from ptr as well with full bis, it doesnt change anything. me in full bis is the same gap or bigger when other tanks are full bis
BiS has nothing to do with it. Show me any fight in the logs where Protection Warriors are getting close to matching rogues. Should be easy on ST ones right?
or rethink this:
I am saying that sin in st sims with bis eas competing with prot warrior. Prot warrior shouldn’t be that much of a outlier
But that has nothing to do with gameplay? I can bet you that all that rage in the simc you’re looking at is being spent on revenge which makes it wildly inaccurate.
I hardly ever see them in keys. They are rare for a reason. They don’t just need buffs. They need to be more fun to play.
And execute.
You know every spec is capable of touching their sims and even going beyond on st fights, right??
Even with some mechanical intervention
The spec is wildly enjoyable in a vacuum, the problem is when you see the numbers compared to other tanks, lose aggro on several enemies when DPS are in cooldowns (which with some is basically all the time), start alting and realizing things you were struggling with on Brewmaster are a joke on other tanks, you bring little to no utility besides a dispel that other tanks bring at least partially and some decent off heals, it all adds up.
If they fixed those issues with the spec and maybe had a slight rework of the tree to actually provide options instead of a fixed skeleton that gets moderately changed based on M+ or Raid and provide actually different builds, including ones that viably include Niuzao in M+, it will unfortunately feel bad for the majority in an M+ setting. The complexity of the spec is fine, though I feel offering mildly worse passive/less complex options is more than fine and a good overall design goal, it’s just that the increased complexity doesn’t offer increased rewards.