Brewmaster in need of tuning

I’m not gonna rejoice over the paltriest of buffs that don’t address any of the issues that Brewmaster has.


It was tongue in cheek. I noticed that 3% is what s1 4set gave us, so it’s probably not even noticeable.

It’s still extremely disheartening we always seem to get a lazy tuning pass, where Hunters get an entire paragraph and developer mentions Everytime. It solidifies that they just don’t like Brews really :pensive:

Changes work out to about 4% overall in sim profiles.

Still 1% behind the 15%/20% change they made for all tanks.

I’m also just going to leave this here:

h ttps://

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well we made it at least, they read the thread cause the tier got buffed exactly how we asked. now rework niuzao and buff Celestial Brew pls blizz


Someone complained that warrior lost their only strength as the “dps tank” and I was like “huh?”


nerf doesnt seem that big on them tbh

Its 5% aoe, 2% single target.

yea so they’re still just gapping, ez pz


I’d rather just buff stagger than to get a heal.

We need haste scaling!

I think it is over Brewbros. This company is just insane. How can they be this incompetent? It actually blows my mind that they collect paychecks to ignore customers.


Blood went untouched which is wild considering their damage is pretty high while having far superior self sustain… especially when you compare it to War and Monk.

I don’t understand their tank tuning at all. They left VDH busted for all of S3 and S4 in DF. They buffed Prot pally to the moon in S1 TWW and then left it there. Meanwhile Brewmaster has seen very few total changes since S3 of DF…

“well no one plays it” That is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If they buffed Brew to the busted levels of VDH in S3 DF or Prot Pally S1 TWW you can bet the numbers would shift to 50% or more high keys being Brewmaster.

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afaik their dam is pretty reliant on blood beast procs (could be wrong so please correct me otherwise)

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Content creators all seem to get a little excited for brew pre-expansion, so I think some of them would rather play monk than vdh/paladin again, idk. Something happens between beta and launch tho. Might have to get Equinox to purposefully play badly next cycle if the memes are true about him getting our dps nerfed :stuck_out_tongue:

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At this point it would require a 50% damage buff for us to be the most damage tank again. These changes are at least changes, but kinda shrug.

Brew at 1.3M x 1.5 = 1.95M to overperform Prot warrior at 1.9M. My guess is we will go up by only ~100k DPS ( 1.4M )?

also the fact that blizz says this with MW when SCK is such a useless part of brews kit is so sad


They nerfed Brew during pre-patch/release.

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Yeah and I don’t know why. It’s not like we have aoe/cleave silences or grips. I just wanna do big numbers if I’m gonna require more healing.

holy smokes? 3%? Praise jesus that we are saved