Everyone knows it and the horse has been long dead, but brew desperately needs some tuning. Significant damage buffs including a tier buff, removal of variance of tiger palm (face palm + crit RNG + reliance on counterstrike is way too much), celestial brew buff (it still vanishes instantly) and niuzao is still useless. Surely we see something come tuesday blizz
Would recommend buffing blackout kick buff from tier to 250% to at least make it feel super strong, would help single target a ton but the main culprit will always be tiger palm and how much variance it has
List of changes that would help us significantly
Charred Passions - 75% up from 50
Opportunistic Strikes - 250% up from 150%
Keg Smash - 20% damage increase (makes up for our s1 tier loss and makes it a much strong threat generator)
Face Palm - Nerf to 150% increased damage but is 100% chance up from 50%
Celestial Brew - Purified Chi buffed to 50% per stack (300% purified chi total) so it continues to reward good usage of stacks
Spinning Crane Kick - 100% buff (we all know it needs more but I’ll be realistic) OR gives 200% increased threat
Blackout Combo - Celestial Brew addtional stacks now go past the Purified Chi cap of 6. Breath of Fire DR increased to 20% when blackout comboed
Rising Sun Kick - Cleaves 5 targets now and damage increased by 20%
EDIT: Look at the amount of people who enjoy brew and want it to succeed, cmon blizzard we need to see something soon
WW and MW are pretty damn good right now so I imagine your going to be ignored for at least another tier. Sorry gamer o7.
If you could, would you change/replace Brewmasters mastery? Or are you happy with its design? I know some seasons you recommend it and some you don’t.
Same question for celestial brew I guess.
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Would 100% rework the mastery, something more interesting or synergistic with the kit. Even making blackout combo our mastery and reworking some of the synergies to be useful
Also yes I’d change celestial brew to give some benefit after it breaks, armor or DR or something along those lines
mw/ww bout to get owned from world first race and in true brew fashion the spec likely gonna catch strays for that
buff brew it’s so fun but always bad and like 5x the effort for no payoff 
Nothing quite like paying for the devs own balance decisions 
WW is doing too much damage right now, Brew is screwed.
MoP Classic is coming, that’s where I’m gonna get my Brew fix. Retail is not the place lol.
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Yea I’m sorry to say it but when Liquid runs 5 monks for their Gallywix kill that means your class is about to get blasted even if your spec was never present 
I just want all tanks and healers to be extremely strong and fun so I can go back to playing dps and not wait 30 mins to do anything
Yeah, it’s always interesting to see my tiger palm do eleventy billion damage one hit and very little the next. Consistency, or at least less variance, would be nice.
agreed, make them all very strong
I’ve been playing Chen on Heroes of the Storm. That’s how bad I want an actual good Brew.
I wish they had more keg abilities. I wish they had cooler abilities in general.
more leaning into the keg theme would be so fun
Brewmaster in need of tuning
If the Brewmaster is anything like my Gibson SJ the b string is always going flat.
Stagger just gives me a nice feedback visual that I can’t get on tanks that just mitigate everything. That’s why I play it, but I do wish it got more love.
Celestial fortune always struck me as like a soft-mastery. I like the interaction with crit, but a ramping dodge buff was always kinda meh feeling.
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at least a ret wasn’t on the kill so i dont have to worry about my main
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hoping blizz answers the brew prayers
Gunna be funny when brm gets nerfed because of ww/mw
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The devs don’t give a flying hoot. They will ignore the spec as long as its able to do “casual” content.