Players can sit in the seats and get the event bar but the event no longer starts. Just noticed this today.
I think I had this happen to me last week but it started when one of the seated players got out of the chair and then sat back down.
This bug is still happening. Tried myself multiple times with different groups of people and we can’t get the event to start. The food flashes on the plate for a second and then disappears. The minigame just doesn’t work.
Wasn’t this the case last year as well?
Not sure if bugged or what but no one in the shard I am in has been able to participate in the Chowdown contest this evening. Will this be addressed before the end of Brewfest?
Completely un-playable tonight. My group tried sitting at different spots and the event refuses to start.
Also, If you hover over the plates in front of you a specific way, You can see the food on the plates. But it vanishes a second later.
I’ve tried putting bug reports in. I have tried on different alts on different times. It just doesn’t work on Gilneas and Elune. It’s hasn’t worked for two days now so people aren’t even trying to do it. And I just had three more people to try it just now and it’s STILL not working. We all exited and then jumped back in 4 times and nothing. Maybe either FIX IT or put other dailies for tokens on another daily.
It’s DEFINATELY the not plate thing. On the Alliance side there are only 3 plates and 3 seats outside Ironforge. I just logged onto my horde and there are 4 seats and 4 plates in the horde area. I just got 4 horde players to sit and nothing. Food flashed briefly but disappeared and no amount of exiting and jumping back in could fix it.
It seems to be completely broken still, hopefully maintenance will fix it.
considering it was broken last year and never got fixed…i wouldn’t count on it. i know on Duskwood (or maybe it was Sisters?) there were two seats that had a completely full choke meter. no amount of drinking would bring it down, and it would gradually fill over time too.
i don’t remember how many maintenance’s (both standard and emergency) they had last year, but it didn’t fix the issue…something tells me the Chowdown contest will still be broken, and will remain broken well into next year’s Brewfest.
which sucks, because the few times the contest works, i’m having fun helping others get tokens for their trophies. ._. and its weird how its fine on one server, but not on another. i’d say something else, but i’m gonna err on the side of caution and hold my tonuge. .-.
edit: yeah, its not working on Moon Guard either. just tried it with 4 others, and it didn’t even start. sausages appeared then quickly disappeared…really frustrating when something fun gets broken like this. ah well…guess it was fun while it lasted.
brewfest chowdown quest event is not starting. i have had no issues on other players cycled thru this event.
hopefully this gets fixed fast or i could miss out on getting up to 9000 brewfest prize tokens
so maintenance didn’t fix it then. like i said…it was fun while it lasted.
wait, how are you getting tokens from it? there’s a quest you can do, but its once per year. you get chowdown tokens for winning, but you only need 5 for the trophy.
I believe they are mocking you, me and anyone who complains about something that does not work as intended. Trolls like this have been kicked out of dungeon finder groups so much that they feel they reached the apex of the game months ago and are here to troll anyone in hopes of making them share in their misery.

I believe they are mocking you, me and anyone who complains about something that does not work as intended.
yeah…i kinda figured that was the case. best i can do, is hope for the best, but expect the worse really. .-.
Well, after the reset, now people just sit at the stools, you chow, they get credit. Seriously Blizzard, how do you break something this badly?
at least the event starts for you…though its probably a good thing i got the trophy when i did, cause now it looks to be unobtainable, due to the contest being broken 6 ways from Tues. ._.
edit: okay…so it starts for Moon Guard Alliance, but not Moon Guard Horde. @_@ seriously, the event is so badly bugged and glitched this year, i don’t understand how this is even happening.

Seriously Blizzard, how do you break something this badly?
normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Blizzard Devs believe that if it ain’t broke, we just haven’t tried hard enough yet.
One player starts with 1 point already before it starts too. When that happens, which is more often than not, there is no way to beat them.
I had that happen a few times. I just get out of the seat until the next round.
I got a Response today and they effectively told me they have no intent on fixing this issue. Oh well, and too bad for you?! This response is unacceptable.>>>
It’s been down for two days(since brewfest started). Some say it gets fixed then while ppl are playing someone gets up too soon and it reBreaks it. Not sure if this will ever get fixed. This is a very common bug over the years. Hello? is anyone out there from Blizzard??? Hello!
If they’re not going to fix it, can they just make the toy available for brewfest tokens? that’s all anyone is playing it for