[Brazil] Terrible route to Blizzard, very high latency every few minutes

i am a network operator, i know how to read those tests and i’ve tried explaining a few times already to both of you how they work.


a VPN solves it but why would i be expected to run a VPN just to be able to play the game?

i am not as much trying to find a workaround as much as i am trying to bring attention to the issue which has been ongoing for almost 3 months now, but because it’s exclusive to south america apparently nobody cares (and will confidently say wrong information).

If a VPN fixes your issue…
Then… The issue is with the way your ISP or their VPN is directing traffic.
Most issues are because your ISP equipment does not have the proper ports open in the equipment.
By using a VPN the VPN opens those ports.

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When you get to the six month mark your ISP may get involved and fix the issue. Mine kept telling me it was my problem and Blizzards. I persisted for six months wasting their time by making them come out and troubleshoot every week. Hey I pay them more then Blizzard so I wanted my moneys worth. A VPN helped me play the game because it rerouted around the troubled nodes. I guess they got tired of giving me discounts every week and sending the techs out because they finally fixed the issue after 6 months.

You should not berate people trying to help you its rude. Being rude and condescending to people just because you are frustrated is the wrong way to get help. Just because their text is green doesn’t make them a Blizzard employee which is, I suspect, why you are being rude and condescending to them. They are a voluntary player that helps out on this forum. If someone takes time out of their day to help people you should not take away that time by abusing them verbally.

I do hope you get this sorted like I said it took me 6 months of persistence with my ISP to finally get it sorted out. And we have these issues all the time in North America so it’s not just South America that has these issues.

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the issue is not in my ISP, i’ve explained earlier in the thread where the issue is, tons of other brazilians and people from south america in general are affected.


has absolutely nothing to do with ports.

i’m a network operator, i’ve explained the issue above. if you’re interested you can scroll up.

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I am also experiencing latency issues. I live in CST area of Florida and play on an EST server. My normal ping is usually around 50-75ms. For the past week or two, my latency just doubles or triples out of nowhere. I’m also experiencing 5-10s lag spikes in-game randomly. Nothing in my house has changed and my network is not congested. I am plugged in and not on wi-fi. I am not experiencing problems in any other game or Discord. I’ve power cycled my home network and it didn’t fix anything.

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just an update.
i had scoured the internet for a network operations contact at blizzard and talked directly with their engineers.
first response took a while but the issue is now resolved. they informed me that they had carried out maintenance on the 27th and 29th and this indeed solved the issue.
if anyone else in this thread still has some issue, it’s likely something unrelated and i’d suggest performing the MTR during the issue and posting it on the forums.

Still happening from players connecting to Chicago servers from OCE.

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