[Brazil] Terrible route to Blizzard, very high latency every few minutes

The 50 + are actually the node not responding to the ICMP . The 5 percent is most likely actually what you are losing and 5 percent the game would be unplayable

Your issue begins here

with the 5% loss there is no way to tell if the loss after this is acualy real and in most cases when its that high its not.

If you look at the node before this it says 65 but if that was real none of the nodes after that would be below 65% same with the other nodes . If you look at this node everything after that would be 80% and its not so the very high numbers are just busy nodes

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no, it doesn’t.
please read up the whole thread, i’ve explained this twice already.
you do not know how to read a traceroute/mtr.

if you don’t actually understand something, do not give solutions with confidence.

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The high numbers you are seeing are not real they are the nodes ignoring ICMP packets plain and simple

Actually i do but you do not seem to. None of the high loss numberers are real loss . ICMP are often ignored by nodes if they are busy. And that is what you are reading as packet loss

i am literally a network operator, i’ve worked for a living with networks for 10 years.
you do not know how to read an mtr.

individual router policies do not propagate down the path, network issues do.
as you can clearly see, starting at hop there’s a drastic latency and packet loss spike which is propagated through all subsequent hops. The issue is at or the connection between and the previous hop. is Blizzard.


If you actually where then you would then know the packet loss can not be lower then a previous node. If the loss on a previous not does not propagate then that is just the node ignoring ICMP. So if node 5 has 70% then if that loss was actually real every node after that would have 70%


Also if you where a Network admin you know that you always stop at the first trouble node because that issue is going to affect every node after it.



can we get some moderation here?

  1. packet loss is random. just because a hop is at issues at 20% doesn’t mean no subsequent hops can’t be lower, especially at a lower sample size. if you knew how MTR worked, you would see that the very first column shows count at 20, which is a low sample size. (meaning, literally 20 packets were sent to each hop)

  2. you are now contradicting yourself because previously you said that just because something shows packet loss doesn’t mean there’s a issue because it might simply be a policy in that router to answer to ICMP themselves, which is correct.

  3. if you actually checked my OP for the MTR that shows how the path should behave when there are no issues you would obviously see how wrong you are.

if you still double down i’ll just immediately block you.


If you think its a issue with blizzard then open a ticket. They will point out exactly what everyone else pointed out. Have never contradicted my self. No one here can help you correct your issue.


i did, it got instantly closed without the GM even reading the issue and suggesting the equivalent of “disable your addons”.

opened 2 more tickets and they were also closed by this same GM, “Rainmithwen”.

i decided to google their name and this is not their first rodeo in screwing with customers.


What a shameful display of blizzard technical support and “moderator” knowledge… Guess that happens when you left your team just barebones so you can milk your dying cow until the last drop… It’s way less expensive to pay a social media monkey than somebody that can fix the issues. Northernlite you should feel bad for what you are doing.


decided to google for, found many other players from brazil or elsewhere in south america having the same issue at this same hop.

in this last post, a brazilian GM replied and confirmed the issue at this very same hop, although this was back in 2019 so unsure if this could be related at all, but you can clearly see from this GM that the issue was in fact on their end because, as i’ve said before, they own and operate this hop.

more recent cases are in here and the last reply is from almost 2 months ago saying they were collecting information.

since this is probably happening to people connecting from south america (if the PTR record for this router is to be believed, it receives connections from brazil and likely south america in general), then i think i’ll have better luck raising the issue in the brazilian forums as tons of other people like me are experiencing this.


The misinformation here is really getting out of hand. The hop where the lag first appears is the culprit, unless it is using ICMP mitigation. The Blizzard IP everyone keeps Googling is a the authentication server IP, and the lag is happening long before finalizing the connection to it.


i am now moving the attention of this issue to a post in the brazilian forums (the last one i linked) since tons of other people have it as well and it’s way easier to get visibility.

also there’s (some) GM presence and they seem genuinely helpful.

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I have this problem for weeks and no one takes accountability. My solution is simple. I stop playing WOW. Fun fact: If you play classic this not happens at all, only in Retail.
Other thing: I pay my Isp to provide internet connection and they do, without problems, I pay Blizzard to be able to play WOW and I am not able to play, because of a problem in a node, Blizzard is not granting me the product that I am paying for, thus is Blizz who have to fix it. ( is Bliz who have to demand for the company they use the service for to fix it or contract other).


It’s mostly a problem with how routing peers and ISPs are allowed to operate in the USA. There is no net neutrality so companies can deprioritize traffic or have laggy nodes and there’s no solid way to hold them accountable.

That’s why Blizzard offers connection troubleshooting as a courtesy service, and they can’t guarantee a resolution since they don’t own ISPs or all nodes connecting to their servers. In this case, they don’t own the node where lag is first appearing. Some users are mistakenly pointing at the authentication server IP as the problem, which it is not.

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No need to call names, I don’t work for Blizzard and have no monetary incentive to lie about the situation. Tracking an issue just means listening to complaints. I also forgot to mention that I’m playing on a server that uses the IP you claimed is causing the problem. Haven’t experienced any problems until the DDoS attacks earlier today.

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I can’t even play anymore. DC every 3 minutes. WTF? For blizzard all problems are on our end, they never accept that is their fault. For reference, if it was something here or on every South American house, we would not be able to play any games routing to us, for example the superior mmo FFXIV

Btw, “open a ticket”. It does not work. The layoff hit hard the bad customer service they already had, now its only automate msgs only to let us even more mad.

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gaslighting is exactly what you and the other MVP have been doing. you don’t know how to read an MTR and the other guy even said “well, huh, obviously you’re not an actual network admin”.

the evidence is plainly obvious, it’s an issue at blizzard on which receives part of the connections from south america.


I hope you learn more about reading those tests and find a resolution for your issue. Good luck.