Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

All that needed to be done was make solo delves less painful than group.

Somehow they managed to mess that up, into what we have now


How about we get rid of melee crits while we’re at it? No reason that mobs should have a 3% chance to instantly delete your character if you don’t play a tank spec. Horrible mechanic that should have been removed from the game a decade ago.

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Just did a solo tier 8 delve after seeing this hotfix, and my level 37 healing Brann with epic curios did 7.5% of the damage overall, which is considerably lower than he’s ever done.


I got no idea what to make of delves after all the tweaks, honestly. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: I got into Hardmode ?? guy, get him to 80% quickly, come back the next day, slam my face into 95% because brann won’t hit the cocoon or do dmg in general.

Next day 8s explode, then they sometimes don’t, other mobs randomly hit really hard.

So hard to get a feel for stuff.

It would work if everyone was stuck on the same level , but no there’s people with Brann stuck at 34/35/36/38 etc.

I just Did a Delve as Disc, Bran is doing LESS DAMAGE than a healer, can’t keep threat, and he is taking a lot of damage now and requires a lot of healing.

Whoever is making these decisions needs to be put in charge of something else.


with the amount of damage he’s doing now, might as well be.

Please fix the underlight angler.

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I’m pretty sure that, based on the bug that was fixed, Brann’s going to feel weaker at higher delve levels now than he was before. The delve scaling for mobs is a lot higher than this new 125% buff he got. So he’s stronger than he was before as a baseline, but with the correction of the bug he’s weaker in higher difficulties than he used to be for players who were unknowingly affected by the bug.

yo blizz, can you make a tank selection for bran so us healers can actually do solo delves? i’d appreciate it.

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I mean they are trying, I don’t remember the last time we had a Blue Post and Hotfixes during the weekend.

Though with Blizzards luck the issues we have is probably being caused by a line of code that has been in the game since 2005.

Remember when FFXIV Endwalker’s bug was from code from the 1.0 version of the game? I wouldn’t be surprised if its the case here and I hope we have a post-op Blue Post explaining why we are having these issues.

I mean i can take a slight nerf, but holy hell he’s doing less than 50% before, and according to some other specs like healers, cant even hold aggro from their damage.

this is a rollercoaster of fixes, and none of it is working

He needs to tank and do damage though, just one or the other is not enough with the way that enemy damage output currently works, aoes and off-target spell casting.

He could not keep threat off healers even before this change.

So to summarize, it’s now even harder for people whose relics are bugged to never upgrade to actually get use out of brann in 8s and higher. Fun. Why don’t you fix bugs that are preventing players from gaining power before you fix bugs that allow the players that have been prevented from powering up to clear content they should be capable of?

This must be how rdruids feel having all their healing coming from trees

Nerf this useless dwarf and mob hp pools pls :dracthyr_a1: :newspaper_roll:

LMAO meeeee

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Probably in 12.0 and by that time no one will care about delves anymore.

I wonder how character ilevel synergizes with brann’s output. Not that that helps you, but if there’s any interaction there - which I thought there was - that adds an additional variable to the mix.

This is a big leap forward for Blizz. Follower dungeons are for one difficulty of content that have very little variability (compared to delves with the different stories/scenarios) and here blizzard is developing a follower that is supposed to be potent enough through 11 tiers, and solo vs group play. Ambitious, and I think they’ll make it work in the end for more folks.

Idk is Bran hitting for only 60k normal in a T8 at level 27? Needs more testing here this seems off.


That’d make sense, considering Brann went from 1x damage to 2.25x damage with this change, and is now unaffected by delve difficulty. Before, he’d be doing 1x damage, but would be affected by the difficulty modifier for the delve…which is what, like 5x for T8? 5x damage is higher than 2.25x unfortunately, but at least now it’ll be consistent instead of the weirdness we’ve had the past few days where we’ve had people on both sides arguing about how much damage Brann is doing. :sweat_smile:

no thats not normal. thats wet noodle bran

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