Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

It’s pretty funny how every single hotfix they have released to “fix” delves has made them worse each time, including this latest one.

All they had to do was simply adjust solo tuning slightly and delves would have been great, instead they are ignoring all player feedback and constantly making them much worse.

It’s even more mind blowing because if I kept making something worse over and over at my job I’d probably be disciplined at best and lose my job at worst. Can’t wait too see what other hotfixes these guys come up with next to continue making delves a more miserable experience.


And the people doing that the most were the specs/roles that get stomped from bad Delve design and needed Bran to help them the most.


Ya I’m getting tired of it being inconsistant. Make a decision and go with it, easy, hard, in the middle don’t care. Just want something consistant so I can know what to expect so I can plan accordingly.

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Because they don’t want to admit that his level is yet another thing they decided to time gate this expansion.


Extremely Rare Weekend Blue Post!

Guess fixing delves is a high priority after all if we are getting hotfixes on the weekend.


*ruining delves is a high priority



they just broke it even further

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Oh, is this a nerf for higher delves? :dracthyr_a1: Pack in a 11 just took me 5 minutes to kill.

ya see now? lol this is a significant nerf on higher tiers, or their hotfix isn’t doing what it says.

which is unsurprising

Dont worry soon we will be back to double blood lusting on trash pulls just like og raid finder fights that had terrible dps.

Happened to me FIVE times in the mushroom delve! It’s like the boss was on shrooms, he kept charging in random directions and resetting over and over. :skull:

It reads like Brann was bugged and doing too much damage scaling with delve level so they fixed that and gave him base damage buffs to compensate, which is probably a buff to lower delves and nerf to higher delves.

As soon as they hit their target

currently attempting to hit target


Really doubt this will fix anything in the long run. I wish it was a smoother transition when leveling up in the delves. Soon a lot of people will be running around in Mythic Raid gear and I am sure Blizzard will balance it more towards that ilevel instead of people in the 580s.

Why Brann sends me junk to my bags?. I always have 1-2 spaces empty, he sends me over and over and i cant get the important loot or items. I need to be deleting his junk over and over through all the delv. It is annoying.

Maybe he likes you. :dracthyr_love_animated:


OMG some healers where able to solo t8s!

ok let’s nerf brann so they can’t do that no more b/c clearly this is a huge issue.


They can’t very well do that when they’re already operating with a skeleton crew due to the massive layoffs that came after the Microsoft buyout, including hundreds more supposedly support staff just earlier this week.

At least you can even survive, even in 8s on my Disc Priest there are a few enemies that are almost 100% a death if Bran does not keep threat.

And there are a few, like the spider rider, that are a bricked Delve if there is no way to skip it.

…so you want Brann to heal the enemies?