Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Did you try on ??

Blizzard is kneejerking because they are testing delves live rather than in beta, causing more stuff to break.


Honestly I’d have reduced hp and damage for various mobs more including most bosses. But I’ll take anything man! Granted it has only been less than a week so we’ll see how more tuning goes later on.


at this point all changes need to be reverted since it seemed like the less scuffed of it all lol

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brann’s aimed shot used to do 2-4 mill, now it’s 800k at best.

125% dmg buff my fanny.

he hits like a marshmellow now and can’t even out aggro a single auto attack from a healer. i mean really?


Yeah. Brann still goes down in 2-3 hits, his long cast time arrows I maxed out on… Friday or saturday I forget, deal nowhere near enough damage anymore, and the multimillion hits are still coming in. Also the egg meleed me for over a million before it hatched, which is hilarious but I don’t know if it is new.


I think I gave up on Delves this season. I’m too scared to try them again. Either they’re impossible or way too easy. I have yet to have them feel “right”.


But why no explanation as to why Brann suddenly stopped gaining experience in empowered Delves? Seems to happen if you were above level 34 or higher.


I tried last night. Tossed a flame shock on him, Brann did nothing and I died. Good to see I dont have to go back in yet lol

Sweet! Really appreciate you guys giving delves so much attention and working towards making them the best experience possible.

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Yeah, that’s quite a difference…

Shadow nerf:

”to enhance immersion and realism, Brann’s aim was reduced during high intensity, close quarter combat.”

But not like this one, yeah?


they flat out said that if you were a player who hung back and let brann do his thing you likely got the bug, which they fixed, so in those players cases brann may feel weaker

I’d believe that is a patch, I keep seeing him miss his shots by jumping to the side at the last second or just having “dodge” come up when he is firing.

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Even after the initial ‘fixes’ I was still able to (sometimes) burn the eggs on tier 2 Zekvir with Brann’s help as a tank, now he’s doing SIGNIFICANTLY less damage and it’s not even possible to do that. His arrow’s damage went down from 10-12mil to 2-3mil, Rapid Fire feels much weaker as well etc. His HP is the same, still keeps dying to two autos/couple of aoes.


He’s got that stormtrooper buff proc’ing hard

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Could you also fix Brann so he stops taking bosses outside of the arena and resetting them? Has happened in 3 delves.


Just having things do the same amount of damage is not actually equivalent though. Things like time to kill, defensives, stops etc could mean that one class getting hit for 80% is actually easier than some other spec only getting hit for 30%.

When’s the PTR gonna be over?


Brann doesn’t sit down to eat when injured anymore (since this update)