Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

I have done 5’s on 5 different classes, 6’s on 4 different classes and 7’s on 2 different classes.

Ran 2 tier 8’s as a mistweaver with 600ilvl today.

I couldn’t tell if Brann was actually doing anything as DPS and I was getting hit hard enough that staying alive was an issue by itself. I don’t actually know if Brann is supposed to ever draw/keep aggro or not. Moving Brann over to healing seemed to have zero impact on how much damage he was doing and at least he was throwing health pots out. He still ended up dying several times. I spent minutes fighting trash packs… and had to be really selective. Any more than 3 thwacker or mystic kobolds at a time would kill me before I could get 2 GCDs out.

This is miserable.

I don’t want to just sit behind Brann and have him do all the work, but I’d rather run m0 pugs at this point.


T8s are fine as pres and aug. Doubt it’s that much different on Dev now.

Kiting, and more kiting, and some more kiting.

I know Brann’s T-Rex is iconic but please make it smaller or change it to a different pet or a different mechanic all together. He obstructs vision on certain things. or aggros random packs

Watching Brann run into the distance and stand like right in the middle of a pack of mobs that you aren’t currently fighting, a mile away is both hilarious and stress inducing.


You’re dedication to trolling here is quite impressive. It’s been proven you are lying about your progress yet you continue speaking from a place of authority when the majority of people are disagreeing with you.

It’s time for you to take your ball and go home.

Jesus, I’ll never understand what enjoyment these clowns get our of lying and trolling on a video game forum.


Why do you claim as such? I’m just too lazy to sync the forums with in game achievements.

Majority of players are bad.

T8s are easy enough to complete.

I hate this Dwarf so much, bros.


thats not how that works given achievement points have been account wide for quite sometime

low effort rage bait

depends entirely on class, and spec. and they are now more punishing solo then they were last week

your posts are just low effort trite

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Harder now sure, but people are acting like they are impossible.

Can prove it. I’m missing raid achievements, yet rio has them.

And if I log out /back in, I’m sure it’ll sync again.

I completely agree with others.

You’re obviously not being honest about your achievement.

How do I know this? Well, your character does not have ANY achievements for delves. It’s a FOS so IF you did in fact obtain the achievement why isn’t your actual wow character sheet not displaying your proof?

Here’s how you access your toon on WOW character look up (formerly armory).

  1. Open up your internet browser
  2. Go to wow character look up with a search engine
  3. open the link to the wow armory
  4. look for your character name in the results section
  5. open the correct link
  6. look at achievements…WHICH I may add does not show you have the achievement you claim you do.

I made it easy for you though…

Just click on this link to your profile…

Fauxstrasza - Achievements (Feats of Strength) (

(EDIT) in Fact you have ZERO achievements for any delve at all.

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I am crying, rolling on my bed, no kidding HAHAHAHAH

I’m claiming that the armory is not syncing up with ingame data, and I can prove this.
This character is linked with my main on rio.

I have no raid achievements (as you can see for TWW) yet I have 8/8 N which grants raid achievements.

And those too are account wide.

Sounds like you just like taking credit for other people’s achievements. I see no proof at all.

You’re a troll, and you are evidently also a bad player.

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Sorry you don’t know how websites work?

Yeah, that’s what it is, I don’t know how websites work.

“Clearly the armory is bugged(while working fine for everyone else) and you should click this profile of somebody named completely differently, and take my word that it’s me.”

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You realize me updating armory should be as simple as logging in and out, right?

You realize it works fine for everyone else? Your excuse doesn’t add up.

Notice how I’m using the same line of reasoning as your thoughts on delves?

Go away, nobody likes you, nobody will miss you.

So, still not the same dungeon and with a different class. Sure showed me.