Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Interesting quirk, delve achievements AREN’T account wide on the forums, they just appear like they are.

Yes, I am aware.

I am more making fun of the fact that he is using this exact line of thinking for delves.

Apparently they’re fine for him, so everyone else must be bad.

Because if other people of the same class and spec can find success, what other reason could there be?

Like every class and spec is likely clearing 11s still post changes.

If other Evokers have their achievements up on the forums, why can’t you?

See how this line of thinking falls apart?

ok, i’m ready to drop this $%&/()=, It unenjoyable to play. The dev don’t know the difference between hard and stressful. It is not a Soul like game.


How many evokers are there posting on alts?

How many Evokers spend all day being a garbage human on the forums?

I’ve found one, for sure.


You are mad because I don’t shy away from the fact that others have different skill levels.

Go touch grass.

Aw muffin, I’ve cleared a hell of a lot more than your supposed main has for delves.

It’s easy for me.

Why isn’t it easy for you?

See? Doesn’t feel good does it?

Also, the irony of a forum troll telling somebody to touch grass is just amazing.

There are better players than me at this game. Good for you?

Yeah, and you’re still here trying to be an elitist and content gatekeeper.

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Wanting content to remain difficult has nothing to do with being an elitist or a gatekeeper.

You can literally try content … at any time.

(Well not really because Blizzard hotfixes like every day.)

Dude, don’t backpeddle, at least stick to your convictions.

People exist outside of your own personal experience, and the sooner you realize that, the better it’ll be for your friendship circles.


Your point?

Some people can’t even clear t4. Should t8 become the same as T3 so those can clear it?

Content is hard for some people, and to what changes (if any) do you suggest?

If you think I’m going to attempt to engage in a good-faith discussion with you, you burned that bridge yesterday.

You’re a troll, and nothing more.


You are content on trolling away in the first place.

There are no bridges to burn.

I want Brann to not fall over from AOE damage when fighting a T8 boss. They can buff his survivability without making things too easy.

That’s fair, sometimes he dies, then gets back up in 20 seconds, just to die again. lol.

“maybe if I reply to somebody in a lighthearted fashion, people will forget the eight pages of toxicity I spat into these threads.”


You label anyone that doesn’t bootlick as toxic.

Toxic is a meaningless buzzword.