Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

The beetle guy was where I got Immortal Spelunker. Each of those spikes on t11 one-shots you, including if you walk into one after it is already in place.

That kinda stuff I can get behind though, because there’s counterplay.

The other stuff, the sustained or burst AoE, not so much.

It’s useful to tlet Blizzard know that they should ignore most of the whining and not ruin something good that they added.

People were whining like this about Dragon Riding when it was introduced in DF. They obviously should know that that the loud vocal minority on the forums in no way reflects how most players feel about content.

Stop reading the moment I read the buzzword “whining”.

Have a good week.


Oh yeah… That’s been a big complaint for me and my buddy too. It’s one thing to have punishing mechanics… and I can appreciate them wanting to make the combat a little longer… but those elites take forever to die after one of the changes they made earlier in the week. Attention span starts to be more of an issue after a while.

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OOF, thats metal. We stopped at T8’s for the rewards. T11 is too hardcore for my bacon. Haha.

Yeah I felt the same way, I can cope with punishing mechanics as long as I can see them and there is space to avoid them. Punishing but fair = good gameplay.

The sustained AOE nukes are brutal though. I dunno how some specs survive them.

The elites seem to have insane health for no good reason.

Some of the trash in delves has 2-3x the hp of most TWW world rares, and almost as much health as the rares in the elite areas.

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Yep the elites are annoying as a solo player. It’s just a big hp sponge


Yep. Play a tank, so I have it easier than most, but spending that much time on a single elite just feels like artificial difficulty.

I really hope they don’t leave delves like this. Like they’ve already killed off mythic+ for me this season and then delves are exhausting and make me tired

Yeah… there is definitely a sweet spot for combat duration… and when you’re burning through long CD’s multiple times in one fight that isn’t a boss… that’s definitely too long. Feels like watching paint dry if combat goes on too long.

I get why they wanted it to be longer. I feel like the little guys die at a reasonable speed. The Elites could have like half the HP they currently have and that wouldn’t really change the difficulty any – it’d just save some time.

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Delves be easy what are you guys struggling with?

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100%, and I recognize that I am in a spoiled state where I have the ability to live through that without fear of dying via attrition.

This sucks so much more for other people.

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Going in under geared and experiencing FOMO because other people are getting gear they aren’t. Worried they aren’t going to be able to get into Mythic+ groups next week.

Adding massive amount of HP and damage scaling to mobs is the most boring and lamest interactions in an MMO… There is nothing fun just waiting for CDs between pulls just to make dps/heal checks.


It is 100% lazy, artificial difficulty increases to try to make up for a lack of diversity in mechanics and encounters.


C’thun 2.0

While Zekvir ?? is supposed to be a challenge, it really does feel and maths out to be completely undoable at this time.

This comes from someone doing original mage Tower (on all specs and classes aside from warrior/mage/monk) at level and Kanrethad/Green Fire at level.

Mage Tower was tight, yes, but doable at minimal ilvl as it was a mechanics based fight. There was never anything that felt undoable or having to choose which way to wipe.

Zekvir kindly gives us that option three ways as a warlock:
• Spider add (whether i’ve dealt 50% or 90% of the damage to the web the spider always spawns with 100% health and immediately goes into casting the web blast). this can be doable with chain fears/mortal coil, but when two spawn its a wipe. Without the spiders having memory of the webs HP, there’s no point in killing the webs. With how much health the spider has, no point killing them.
• Interrupts: Poison versus Regen. The 10% regen (>60%) is the only meaningful interrupt in a class that has -one- interrupt every 16-30s (with mandatory interrupts <15s apart). If that goes off, you may as well reset. So Poison has to go off, healer bran will sometimes insta-dispel you only to die. Lock candy (1m) and pots (5m) aren’t up frequently enough to be meaningful. There aren’t enough defensives to mitigate the damage — so you die.
• Eat the cone and go again

Kanrethad is an example of a fight that uses a classes entire toolkit, long (10m at level), punishing, but doable. He never flat out one shot you unless a mechanic was missed, but would wipe the floor with you if you weren’t clockwork.

Zekvir, on the either hand, is punishing to be punishing in numbers and mechanics. For classes without a reliable second interrupt, get wrekt i guess.
He one shots Felguard’s since they’re treated as a tank (not a meaningful option), but you also need the felguard (or fel pup for non-demo) for the interrupt.

The semblance of what is supposed to happen is cool.

The Dance: In for cone, out for fear. Cool, understood, balanced.
Add priority: Balancing damage and interrupts on the boss - impossible
Interrupt Priority Conflict: To choose between poison or regen with only one interrupt feels impossible. Either his HP resets or you die to the second/third poison. Bran will get every other poison on you (maybe) as a healer, and will get every other to third interrupt as a dps. Both seem unreliable
[Likely overtuned] It seems like before Zekvir could damage the webs, but now he doesn’t. So all 15mil has to be dealt in 15 seconds as the Spiders don’t retain health lost.
Damage: Brann has the gun of a wet noodle, has blizz checked if he repaired his gear?
Healer: AFK check please— or don’t stand in a fear when healing. He’s got no self preservation

The execution is something to be desired. I do believe, however, that even with the best gear available right now (full heroic), if you didn’t get the schematic by cheesing with Brann “RNG” Bronzebeard pre-tuning — it’s not possible.

——— Fixes?? ———
• Allow Zekvir to attack the cocoon. Reward pre-positioning him to help the fight.
• Put the heal and poison cast on the same cooldown. This trolley problem has no answer for classes without multiple interrupts aside from “just have the health to eat every dot” or “just do damage fast”. Or extend the timer and interrupt him if a certain amount of damage is dealt (while also allowing the option to int if needed)
• Have the spider start with same %hp as the web was when it died (or extend the time of the cocoon cast/cut the hp in half but keep other mechanics of the spider the same. Reward early killing the web, don’t make it feel wallshaped)
• Give the spider a 5-10 second CD before it can cast when it spawns
• Tune down the bosses and adds damage significantly, but increase the boss HP. Allow for players to do the mechanics and enough time that messups become additive rather than explosive.
• Let Brann do damage again to give him survival instincts.
• Allow Zekvir to LoS the spider webs and take the slow/DoT

A long, mechanic heavy, and punishing fight isn’t bad for a solo challenge like this. Thats rewarding to be like “i did it, and i did it right” rather than “pewpew lol, just kill him lmao”

—-Numbers are scary—
That being said the math isn’t on our side
Zekvir- 195 million (assume 4.3-5 minute fight at 650k-750k raw dps)
Cocoon HP- 15 million (Cast 15 seconds - bare minimum DPS check at 1m/dps this is without raid buffs if you immediately switch to the cocoon).
Even if you lust the first one, you’d need to somehow be able to use lust multiple times to meet the timer. (just not possible as 10m sated)
Fix (like above) change nothing but cut web HP in half.

Spider Hp- 30 million since the spider doesn’t recognize cocoon damage (web blast is 1.5s; unsure internal CD, hits 90% at this time even at 608 gear with all warlock stam+ and unending resolve at 5.89mil HP). This spell also doesn’t care about walls and cannot be los’d—when one spider spawns may as well reset.

Two mandatory interrupt effects on the boss <15s apart on rotation — this is mathematically impossible for most all classes. the shortest direct interrupt cd (since stuns don’t work on zekvir) has an CD of 15s on Warrior pummel/Rogue Kick.

  • Fix: Share a cooldown, or make it possible to control Brann’s interrupt (and give him one as a healer)

Wonder if they’re running it as ez-mode healer which is tank+dps+Healer in one these days… Yep! Not to mention needing both gear, plus lvl 30+ bran to carry 'em lol

I’m probably wrong but I feel as though the whole scramble to “fix” Delves boils down to two points:

  1. Race to World First: With Delves opening up to be a faster way to get higher tier gear with less effort than Mythic+, I suppose Blizzard didn’t want there to be claims of an “unfair” or “exploitable” advantage for teams. But honestly the 1% are going to 1%.

  2. Money: Probably the more likely reason. They figure with folks gearing up faster than anticipated, they’d cancel their subscriptions sooner since not everyone plays alts. Should have been an easier way to address that than try and toy with a scaling system that’s been buggy since it launched.

Just my one cent.

Would be a beast master hunter going on about how everything is fine, actually. I’m sure it is, if you can summon your own tank and misdirect all your aggro on to it.

Prob should.fix the lack of saddle progress ok bg blitz