Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

You know what would be nice? If we could get a somewhat finished and polished game without so many constant fixes, patches, tuning, buffs, nerfs, etc… because people can’t do their jobs well to begin with and rush out product to appease the need for corporate greed.


It’s easy for me, but I’m wondering is the key to run down a perpendicular track when the boss pulls a minecart?

As prot I just stand in the webs and laugh, but I’m curious what the actual strat is supposed to be for people who don’t have that luxury.

Oh, yeah the cart mechanic is pretty easy. We just flip flop which side of the cross tracks to stand on. The real difficulty on that is just surviving the machine spell casts while laughing at Brann demonstrate the effectiveness of the cart slingshot.

There’s another delve with mine carts that keep flying down the hallway, and I had a similar experience.

Since the change to Brann, he runs onto the track, gets hit, goes flying, runs back onto the track and dies.

I couldn’t stop laughing.

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whatever your “hotfix” was made Brann useless. He constantly drops attack and just stands there for long durations, the bosses in solo have so much health even doing a ton of dmg to them isn’t enough as a caster before you have to run around and act like a chicken with your head cut off b/c they 2 shot you, the AOEs that cant be LoSed just melt everyone unless you can heal. Why not stop tweaking crap and build something out and actually test it before fing with your community and making every day different.

This “pillar of the game” seems to be collapsing already. What’s crazy is after today 90% of players won’t interact with them again. So delves were a “thing” for 1 week and blizz had no clue how to balance them in alpha, beta or live and that’s how they’ll be remembered.


This is pretty accurate.

This is causing huge division because of the constant changes. Some people played it during a window where it was easier and are championing the changes.

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850 + posts and a metric ton of other posts questioning this hotfix and Blizzard still no where to be seen. color me shocked


I think what they meant to say is that they had the feedback up on a computer monitor.

Nobody is watching.

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I think the worst AOE is the one that big beetle boss does – the stinging swarm… that thing ticks for like 1 million damage on a DPS w/o a major defensive running. The range on that spell is massive and it’s brutal to survive as a DPS.

You can max range it – but not every melee spec has the movement to outrange it. That AOE is slightly larger than the max length of Heroic Leap.

You can LoS it with corners/stairs but you still gotta be pretty careful… and that doesn’t help in one of the delves where you fight him in a big open area with no corners to LOS.

That is one mean beetle.

The rare mushroom guy too.

He does that move where he digs underground and pops up for millions. No counterplay.

Go solo into a T8 delve as a devastation evoker, get chunked for 15~20% of my HP per cast from trash, persist long enough to get to a boss who slaps me with 30% of my HP casts even when Brann has aggro and pulses an AOE that chunks off like half my HP.

Delves as solo content is just a straight up fiction. I was really excited for this, too. Life stuff is keeping me from raiding with my friends and I thought at least I could be playing the game in a somewhat meaningful way, keeping my gear kinda up to date for the nights I can raid. Nah.

Like, if delves are only supposed to be solo-friendly when you outgear them by 30 ilevels at least say that. It’s the messaging. Y’all got my hopes up for some kind of solo content at least on par with, I dunno, normal mode raids and maybe heroic at the highest level. The outgoing damage and HP pools makes it feel like I’m going into mythic in leveling gear.

If I knew going in that it would be this kinda wall I wouldn’t have gotten my hopes up and I’d be less disappointed.


Oh yeah, that Shroom dude ate my DH a few times. That whirlwind thing comes out really fast. One poorly time Fel Rush was all it took to send me to the shadow realm a few times.

Literally gotta play around the knowledge that it’ll slap you for 5 million damage if it clips you once.

If they listened to you guys Delves would be a slot machine where you entered your key and then pulled the arm for loot.

Oh I’m not talking about that one! I’m talking about the guy who digs underground, and pops up .5 seconds later doing 3-8m damage. Depending on level.

Blizzard had such an easy fix yet somehow made it worse. The delve controversy began when it was discovered that two manning was OP in Delves and just need tuning fixes. Somehow they’ve made it worse for everyone across the board.

Oh, I know the beetle guy does that too with the spikes shooting everywhere. There is one where he also spawns the floorspikes all over the room while doing that.

Those things hit like a truck, and your character model can get in the way of seeing them. Also if you hit one, they knock you back (probably into another one).

Lmao. My DH has spent a lot of time in these delves as a fel colored skidmark on the floor in these things.

On top of him being almost non-existent in his damage output now, he is often bugged in cross-faction groups. There has been several times where people of the opposite faction than the host can attack him, or even be attacked by him.

Also, sometimes, as a healer, I cannot cast single target heals on party members of the opposite faction in delves. Their names stay orange.

that’s already a thing when you go use your keys and you get your 3rd trinket or your 4th cloak…

but keep the smack talk sure it’s useful for ego purposes…


Been running 8s with two friends as a Tank/Healer/Dps combo with dps brann and good lord the HP on mobs is so outrageous lol. The elites sitting at 100mil hp and the bosses at 160 mil. Zero threat of dying, but it takes minutes to kill mobs lol