Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

some peoples are bugged with 1/4, in fact quite a few people are including some forum regulars that have posted images

it’s that upgrades come from drops, and they go straight to 4/4 for some reason.

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I can kill them but it’s a pain.

I basically took one and pulled it away then got the other 1 and pulled it away and got it. I’ve had them spawn in spots where I can’t Bypass.

Or on checkpoints those are fun.

Both terrible takes. I can see why no one takes you seriously

I did not mean to like your post.

I want to reply right when you post it on my phone.

Clearly none of the other millions of players are having an issue. thanks for this gem

And why are they terrible?

Evoker is advertised as mid-ranged, and people who play as a dracthyr, should look like one.

  1. More options are always better. Other people hate how the form looks.

  2. A dumb issue that does nothing but cause friction for no reason. Imagine if warlocks had a 15 yard cast range for no reason.

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Love to see the quick action on bug fixes!
Hopefully this ends up with more consistent gameplay.

Have you guys considered making unavoidable damage non existent in these?

I’ve noticed that a lot of mobs will machine gun cast spells, shoot spells around pillars, cast spells while they’re stunned. Those kind of mechanics feel extra bad because even when we use our tools to stop them, we still get hit anyways.

Things like stops not putting spells on CD’s or interrupts not actually silencing enemies… or interrupts not causing enemies to come into melee range.

They’re inconsistent with the rest of the game/mechanics we’ve been trained on for the last ~20 years.

Another thing that is kind of more frustrating than it is “Difficult” is that a lot of effects are difficult to see (partially transparent green breath indicators over a green floor with soft green/blue color palettes. It looks nice from an aesthetic standpoint, but getting killed by things that are hard to see isn’t really fun gameplay. It’s just frustrating.

I know Ion made a big point that you guys are never going to concede on visual acuity… but I really think it’s holding the game back. A lot of your players aren’t getting any younger and our eyesight isn’t getting better. Personally I have a degenerative eye disease that is thinning my cornea and I can’t even get lasik because of it… and glasses don’t help much cause they don’t change the shape of my lense. Also hard contacts will cause me to go blind eventually by scraping my lense.

So personally – I’d definitely appreciate a high visibility mode. Most modern games don’t try to cheese difficulty by making things hard to see… and they do it via clearly telegraphed attacks / clear borders on dangerous places to stand.

This is doubly impactful in an MMORPG where you’ve got combat text and nameplates and weak auras and 8million other things to look at on your screen.

One thing I’d really love to see in the Delves is for all damage to be avoidable so that we don’t need heals.

I feel for the struggle of balancing these things. I can’t imagine it’s easy making a challenge that works in this game w/ any combination of specs in solo play up to group play. It’s a heck of a task.

I don’t just wanna neg on these, cause I love the idea of Delves and having more 1~4 player content in the game. Lots of potential. Hopefully you guys get the time you need to get these things in the oven and the formula figured out for fun vs challenge.


Let’s clip wings, get rid of the demonic look. maybe take away elf. Maybe a few resources too.

Oh, get rid of sigils, replace it with shouts.

Then, we can have totally not warrior.

Imagine if there was never to be another melee class because who wants to be in melee? 40 yard range is always better.

Your hotfixes are terrible. Brann is useless now. Fortunately, Delves won’t matter soon at which point I’m sure they will be made playable again. Oh well.

Can you make him stop yelling at me to get out of every avoidable mechanic while he dies standing in said mechanics(he’s literally usless on some boss fights because he cant avoid them and spends the whole fight dead), while you’re at it can you nerf mobs auto attacks for non tank players(lets say like 70%) and nerf mob health for tank/healers? I’m 6 ilvs over the recommended for 8s and some mobs melee me for 50% of my health, I feel bad for classes without tank specs because I have to swap to tank spec just to kill some bosses.

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Brann comes back to life after like 20 seconds I think?

And you can revive him but that doesn’t matter when a boss does an aoe attack every 20 seconds and just rekills him lol, to be fair this is only one boss fight Ive experienced this on.

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Yea he died… a lot. in the underwater delve.

wait, curios are supposed to still be leveling and not being only dropping from the claw that the random Zekvir drops when he invades? that is where i have gotten the only 2 upgrades I have since leveling brann to 38

I did one last night where he got absolutely farmed by the boss that slingshots the cart across the room.

I was dying laughing. Me and my buddy were doing our best Brann impersonations. “Don Stan Theyarr!” SPLAT


Watch out cham(splat) love it

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hes just being a good teammate and showing you exactly where not to stand.


It was like watching Sonic the Hedgehog die, except instead of exploding into coins, he was just spraying health potions all over the track.

He was the best teammate for sure.

He may have been trying to bait us into going on to the track with his potions though… Jury is still out on that one. It was a good laugh though either way lmao. He didn’t wanna be the only one taking a dirt nap.

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