Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

I miss when Brann felt powerful and actually contributed to my DPS. Now he’s just some dude who runs around hitting like a wet noodle and causing mobs to evade by standing on rocks.


Delves have been micromanaged into being a mess. Even in tier 1 the mobs are too chunky and deal too much damage. They are a chore and not fun at all anymore.

It reminds me of Shadowlands launch and how much I was looking forward to Torghast and what a mess they made of that too.

At this point, this needs some high level creative director intervention… unless the problem is there.


It sucks playing beta delves live.

Blizz this isnt beta, we cant go to a vendor and hand pick the best gear in the game and equip it like you could on beta.

The mobs need tuned, the bosses need tuned, the AOE range need to be halved. The one shot death mechanics need to be broadcasted way better and there needs to be a longer delay for reaction. Not instant death!

There need to be more visual cues to the mechanics.

Cloth players ( at the very least) need a boon or an option for brann to be a tank.

In the last four days the developers have accomplished the following through kneejerk hotfixes;

  1. Delves take twice as long to complete.
  2. Delves are now impossible for some specs.
  3. Brann is now completely useless, there is no reason to level him.
  4. Delve challenge mode bosses are now mathematically impossible for any spec.

And it’ll probably get even worse with more kneejerk hotfixes today and tuesday.


No worries i just woke up myself lol

How do you easily get past the two ascended with 9+?

I can kill them but it’s a pain.

We solved half of that problem at least. There’s no reason to level him but he also doesn’t level up, so, that checks out


That’s after a 125% buff too, I was curious as a melee why everybody kept saying Brann did anything at all, he’s practically trash, 10-20% of my damage most runs.

Delves have sooooo much potential as an evergreen system, but man their current state is giving me flashbacks to D3 when they first rolled out Torment and the devs were like “Yeah we never tested it. We just added some zeroes to the end of everything.”

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I’m just baffled by the entire delve mess. I’ve only recently gotten to delves as I hit 80 late last week. T5 is the highest I’ve done, and mobs chunk my health with melee attacks. And the bosses already feel like I can barely do them. Using all healing and defensive cooldowns to survive being hit for 20-40% of my health with auto attacks. I’m honestly afraid about wasting my time trying to go higher until this rollercoaster of “balancing” is over with.

And then we get into the ability for people to give meaningful feedback. They have made so many sweeping changes, that you have extreme conflicts going on with feedback just because someone may have been fine a day earlier, and now what they did previously has no place in the feedback department because the experience is now irrelevant.

Like right now, I have no idea if my Brann was bugged or not. All that I do know is it always felt like he did nothing. So I’m assuming mine was not bugged. I just don’t understand why they didn’t give two companions, and they would fill the rolls in the trinity that are needed. It would have been much easier to balance. And would not require this insane level of constant adjustments and headache.


Do you know what the circumstances were? You were 1) Party lead, and 2) First to zone in. THAT’S IT. It triggered for everyone solo. It was easily triggered in groups. That line of 'Specs that usually stay back"? That ain’t accurate. 608 BDK here, with his sweatlordy Nemesis achieve, and These Go To Eleven achieve. Brann, 1) has died for the first time ever for me in a T8. 2) went from doing 4-8m damage per target with Hunting Scope, to 1-2m damage. This means that, without the bug, he was doing 500k-ish without the bug, and without the 125% buff they gave him. That’s… Incredibly low for a 4 second channel.

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Then why would they say it was mostly triggered by ranged specs that ‘hung back’? They would just say everyone that zones in solo triggered it.

Fair. I forgot a line. Healers, Ranged, and Tanks all triggered the bug. Tested on three tanks of my own, alongside testing with about five guildmates. Why they obfuscated who could get the bug active, I don’t know.

The presence of the bug was -so severe- that I thought that the missing damage was the bug, and not that Brann was supposed to be gawdawful weak for everyone. We’re talking about a 400% damage difference between what Brann is doing now, and what he did on Tuesday. Where, as a tank, I would do 3m+ DPS single target in a 5 player stack.


Backed tracked maybe a bit too much, and died once to mushroom.

The last time I skipped em or run to Narnia while brann killed.

I didn’t fight them my self.

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its more like a 750% nerf since the “bug” was him scaling to delve difficulty. lower end you dont notice much, once you start hitting around 5 and 6 is where you start to see his dps not matter anymore, due to the size of enemy health

Did another test today, in mycomant cave. Brann still has foot disease and likes to hang out in exploding spores…

I just cleared my first 8 last eve. Not that I even notice as an arcane mage with brann as heals. It was even one I hadn’t done before.

I guess since I did all the cc and damage, pecking my way through and dying. I’ve never done a delve in a group. I’m not even ilev600.

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Can you guys please fix the curios not leveling bug?

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My curios are leveling just fine.