Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

no its not Bran mining nodes while I’m in combat has nothing to do with skill please stop being you.


I just ran a Delve on T8 level 32 Brann, 604 iLevel, and he feels useless honestly. Regular mobs were killing my pet, Brann, and me damn near instantly. I had to pull singular mobs or small groups while popping cds just to make it to the end. I really hope delves will be in a playable state soon, cuz I would love to solo Zekvir, but even regular delves just feel impossible now.


When are you going to fix leveling? Early access yes it was a little too easy but as always with Blizzard and their hamfisted solutions you’ve gone way to far the other way… If it isn’t an elite it shouldn’t take cool downs to bring down.

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But didn’t you hear? There’s a few elitists in this thread that have no issue with their specific class/spec combo, so you should just get good.

Obviously joking. It’s busted.


Similar experience. My hunter is 601 iLvl, and Brann is level 37. That said, he has a 77% increase in his damage.

All of a sudden after this “1.25x damage buff”, he hits for- get this…60,000 damage volley shots. For a grand total of less than a million damage, in Tier 8. There’s no way this is working remotely as intended.


He was being affected by the same scaling-auras as the mobs in the delves. They removed that, then added 125%. That’s why he hits for WAY less now.

Time to reroll an Elitist and get them to 80 I guess haha.


feedback? I will say. The truth is more hotfix make the Deleve harder to play as a healer…


Even if it wasn’t more difficult(it is), it is definitely more monotonous.


I think that’s right.

I feel bad for my bro. Similar iLevel DH tank, I think he’s 605? He was getting two shot. Just instant death. I think my fave from that delve I Just ran was the inconsistency. I have the aimed arrow curio for a bit of extra damage. He aims, fires, 16k damage. Later on in the dungeon, against essentially a trash mob the ones who don’t even really have a name plate he hit for 1.9mil. Later on at an Elite, 50k damage. I’m glad the damage went to something useful.

This change essentially bricks solo delves again on high tiers (8s are doable with certain classes and specs) but 9 - 11? with Brann being gutted again Solo again gets punished
what is with you all at Blizzard deploying a hotfix walking out the door and refusing to collect feedback from people using the system?


Considering this feature is the reason why I came back, I’m fine with the balancing going on. As a ret pal, there are some delves I simply can’t do because of the pulls but there are others that I can do and really enjoy them. Its insanely rewarding beating a boss and then getting a champion item from the bountiful. I have the vault maxed out and will be buzzing when I can see what the gear choices are.

Best feature of the expansion for sure… haters gonna hate then QQ.


So you do not like the extra gold? Weird.

Not when he should be fighting… no.


In one day most of the people won’t be doing delves at all and we will go back for them being the same as torgast

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Disc and Holy Priest have no kick, there are a few mobs and bosses that become impossible without a kick because you will be one shot.

We talking like a full 5skibidillion(with defensive) straight to the skibidome, just because your spec is one of only two specs in the game that have no kick for “diversity” reasons. We can’t dang go and have all healers rolling an interupt, that would be far too homogeneous!

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Tell Brann to stop throwing his healing potions in the middle of the damn AoE death pools…


which is a shame because it was really well received before they started touching it inappropriately. Like a few bips and bops were just way overtuned but it was fun, and then they completely overcorrected to the feedback and if they could provide anybody with a thesis statement for exactly what they’re trying to accomplish we could tell them how to do it, so its not so much that they don’t know what they’re doing its that it feels like they don’t even know what they’re trying to do.


Yep, all they needed to do was make solo a bit easier, and deal with outliers like the Priest specs that have no option to talent into an interrupt(and any other outliers).

Instead they ooked it right in the dooker and now it is a big stinky rat swamp.