Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

What do I do if I told you it’s attached to my head?

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Same I just did an 8, but yea he has so much less hp I had to heal him as enhancement when he’s set to healer…

I know hes level 18 but like… Idk. what blizz’s plans were for the tuning of damage on brann and how much we are supposed to soak. Especially on classes that don’t have so much damage mitigation. Torghast had like abiliites to help all specs with damage mitigation. They seem to be nerfing that baseline with this expansion and also they just nerfed a tanking npc basically for specs that need it. So idk… I still haven’t leveled my alts and now I am worried to have to play specs like mage at 8s, with that absurd damage to deal with.


Well, I am at a loss.

Good :crossed_fingers:

oh my! you did that one? last night? before the hotfix today? that made brann useless? i’m shocked! truly, you are a testament to how good players can be at this game!


Holy hell. Just disable Delves until yall figure what the hell to do with them. Yall just keep making it worse and worse.

I came back to TWW specially for Delves and it’s progression and it’s been nothing short of a frustrating disaster.


either way
we still aren’t even to 1st vault in S1

Trying this out on my Ret paladin and brann (level 38) is probably doing 15% of the DPS he was before, with ilvl 600, actually kinda wild. I was clearing 10’s easily and almost did some 11’s deathless, and now 8’s feel like a struggle.


congratulations, you have just entirely broken healer solo in your “Spec/class agnostic” content


How can we even let Brann “take the lead”? The aggro table is obviously messed up in delves. As a demonology warlock in most other content, your pet can easily keep aggro. In delves however, I get aggro 90% of the time and all I can do is use mits and a lock cookie but what happens when you run out of mitigation, heals when the boss can’t be stunned, disoriented or feared? Well, you just die because you keep getting auto’d and aoe’d down.


and they shadow capped brann to 38 the other night


What makes all these hotfixes worse is that some people didn’t have their delve vault already and they just made it harder to get with one day left. Thankfully I have t8 vaults on my main and one other character. I thought I had 1 slot on a bunch of others but didn’t realize you had to do 2 delves rather than 1 so those only did 1 t8 before they made it worse.

Also kind of hilarious that they worked overtime on a Sunday to make it worse lol.

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And that was before today’s hotfix. I’m talking about doing it after they nerfed his survivability into the ground.

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Well today is another low point in the rollercoaster! That’s unfortunate lol. Tomorrow is another day though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dedicated QA testing team instead of beta access and early access as “epic features” would probably avoid this

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People were legit just afk auto attacking and letting Brann hold aggro and do most/all the damage while focusing on self-sustain yesterday. The change they made late last night that reduced Brann’s damage (or rather, when you would not experience the bug) is why the threat issue felt really bad because Brann was in fact doing near to no damage (only about 10% of overall damage in a given Delve). If the bug was enabled, he was doing 70-80% of damage in a Delve.

With the hotfixes he should be able to do about a quarter of your damage in a Delve, so threat will still be an issue but not so much that he cannot off-tank for you as long as you are not AoEing.

My point is, the aggro table feels weird in delves. I went into a delve with a friend who plays frost mage earlier. I sent my felguard to attack the boss then stopped attacking completely for 99% of the encounter and the boss didn’t shift aggro, it was only on me.

Bad job, guys! We’ll get em tomorrow

*taps meters* Healer threat from healing the 1.5m casters machine gunning you down.

It was a 1.5 month beta, the shortest in the game’s history, and they didn’t listen to feedback as they rushed the game out.

Don’t you even try to pin this on beta testers. QA doesn’t play the game, players do. Listening to players early for a few months would have fixed this.


Bran is doing less than 10% of my damage. Sometimes even less than 5%. I thought they buffed him.

I’m ilvl 540 on alt