Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Wut? No they don’t they do waaaaay too much damage are you kidding?


It was such a wild take, I didn’t want to respond to it.


Yea, they need buffs :clown_face: if they don’t do 90% of your health they are not challenging :clown_face:


Yeah as a mage I find it impossible to mitigate damage unless Brann tanks. Solo mage is not fun, it’s just irritating.


So would it be more practical to set your loot choice to your healer spec and go in as dps or tank?

I’m only asking because I can’t imagine trying to run a delve as healer only with a dps AI to accompany me.

Weirdly, it worked earlier this week in small stints, between hotfixes.

Brann was decent for healer solo.

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Hmmm…I wonder if I can move it.

Delve as a healer is fine.

I do not think healers should be getting told they need to swap roles to do Delves. The fact that you said you “can’t imagine” trying to run th ese as a healer shows just how neglected the role is in Delves.

The answer to your question is yes.

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“An end game for everyone!”

Cue the gatekeepers.

I’ve never played as a healer. That’s why I was asking. That and I’ve done a couple of delves as dps and as tank spec.

They were relatively easy at first and fun, now not so much. I do like Brann though. He does help me a lot.

OK, so Brann’s cap is now 38, but the problem I have is that mine is 33 and no longer getting exp from anything in the delves, no matter the level or if it is or isn’t a bountiful. So, am I stuck at 33?

He did until earlier today. His damage is horrid now.

Unless you are the second class citizen of wow, aka any spec that is not good. Also, you are not allowed to complain if you try to do this new solo content progression path as the third class citizen role of WoW, healer.

I have some friends stuck at 38, some stuck at 36, and several stuck at 32-33.

World of Warcraft: Test in Prod

level 60? Seriously?

Just imagine doing a +8 with a total combined dps output of somewhere between 150-250k, that is what you get on healers currently.


Don’t piss down our backs and tell us it’s rainin


Hey Blizz, how about you fix the Heroic Lockout for Specific Heroic Grim Batol due to the weird back in the day Cata dungeons would lockout on heroics? It’s the only dungeon in the game’s season right now that does it. I’ve also heard of people not even being able to enter the Mythic0 version cause no gap in the wall to enter the instance.