Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Did you mean your post for me or for Kaivax? It’d probably be better to direct your post at Kaivax as I don’t work there and am essentially tech illiterate.

at least tanks and dps are doing damage the whole time.

all can do is just heal myself and pray i survive.

it’s not fun in the least.


I do damage when I heal.

Perhaps you should too?

As of now, brann is like 50-70% contribution.

125% per tier huh interesting can you make him lvl past 15 on reg delves it just take a bit longer as well

us to brann now:


Yeah, last boss is so bad. Spin and spores on the ground just melt Brann. I tried dragging the boss wherever and Brann always found a way to die within 10 seconds.

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its incredible that i find this company can make AI like follower dungeons AND this abomination at the same time


Serious question as Idk the answer.

Wouldn’t a follower dg be better to run as a healer? I only ask because Brann isn’t set up to tank.
Just dps and heals.

One can only hope next week that classes, specs, and mythic+ dungeons get the daily fixes it’ll undoubtedly need to turn the very much expected over tuned messes into reasonable challenges.

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• Brann Bronzebeard
o The issues, where do I begin the inconsistency of Brann, the changes that aren’t warranted, followed by not scaling down enemy health in high tiers as compensation to off set this change (09/15 hotfix) effectively makes Brann useless
o His AI and pathing are nothing short of questionable, on both zek’vir tiers he is a dice roll of whether or not he actually does anything contribution wise. And on Tier ?? if he stands in Melee and gets perm feared (which happens a lot) your run is over. And it feels awful to have your solo runs be a game of chance because of Brann
o His Curios and Relics, most of these feel underwhelming, I don’t understand some of them, and its pretty locked into Porcelain and Amorphous. Or Lights Will and Amorphous. For a system that could have been so much more creative and exciting, the relics just fell flat and confusing
• Hotfixes
o The inconsistency of the hotfixes has been a sore subject, group delves hotfixed which have broke solo delves, changes made the next day which fixed solo but didn’t nerf or fix everything (waterworks)
• Delve bosses/enemies
o Good lord the heralds are over tuned, especially if you play a class that has one interrupt, and no way else to interrupt some of the heralds, these can make or break a high run if you get a bad spawn, or you’re stuck trying to skip them with other means. Its not fun especially when there is almost zero counter play to just a 1 shot
o Some of these bosses need a revision (waterworks as a prime example) the nerfs didn’t address the primary damage which was his fire AoE, and on high tiers it just mercs about anyone who doesn’t have the defensives or sustain + damage to get through it, and while the rest of the delve may have been easy getting just merced by something that your class has no counter to, feels awful

Please can we get an actual Blizzard post asking for Delve feedback these inconsistent hotfixes arent an answer and only cause more problems


Brann’s behaviour should be more like that Captain-something chick Paladin in the follower dungeons. She knows what she’s doing.


Follower dungeons do not let you use Coffer Keys for 603 loot, nor do they let you fill your vault with 616 choices.

The Follower dungeon NPCs make Brann look like he is running on an 8088 with a few loose screws.


Capt. Garrick, and not a bad a bad tank tbh lol. Liking follower dungeons a lot more than delves currently. Too bad follower dungeons become so irrelevant after you do the dungeon related quests.


So is this why when I watched Xaryu solo Zekvir ?? at 593 his bran tanked the entire fight and all he had to do was pray for kicks and save CDs for the eggs? lol.

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Im redoing an 8 i did earlier today, Im a druid tank 596 with a 30 brann and i cannot seem to feel a difference is that because im not “sitting back” i just dont get it, very confusing all of this

Many classes and specs have a much different experience.

I know it’s easy for me, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy for every class and spec.


A lot of people do not currently grasp just how drastic the differences are between some specs.

I did almost every +8 this week as Either Rsham or Disc Priest, but I did do one as Enhance. I will tell you, the single Enhance 8 I did was so insanely faceroll compared to the healer ones that it is borderline disrespectful to healers.


Brann nerfed by 800%
Brann buffed by 25%

He’s still useless now. Let us get rid of him, please.
I want to delve alone, like the nutty putty cave guy.


This, 100%.

The people who have it easy and claim all is well have no idea what other classes and specs are going through in delves.

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I was talking about reducing Branns hp/dmg. The mobs are undertuned and need some major buffs increasing their dmg/hp.