Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Yeah im with you cause my DK was a cake walk in delves while my priest was like kneeling in broken glass. Lets see if this fixes it.


in tak’rethan abyss his favorite activity is to either a). lead your target into a pack of mobs or b). decide to walk off the massive underwater cliff causing the mob to evade and spawn on you 2 minutes later jumpscaring you

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It’s almost as if none of the devs actually play WoW, and have no idea what their “fixes” will do to the game.


Delves were supposed to be one of the big wins of this expac, and, well, they’re a work in progress. I still think they should make it solo only, get that working, and then go to the drawing board with group. My personal opinion is you have follower dungeons to support small 2-3 group players, maybe delves should be solo, at least to get them working right.

This whole expac feels like the coordination between teams is terrible. This is like when WOD had a flying mount that was clearly a AU Draenor creature as the bonus item ,only to suddenly announce there would be no flying. Complete chaos, no management at a project level.


heres a hint, it absolutely doesnt it will be worse.


:clown_face: Feedback? test things before launching them in a broken state. It would take no more than a day or two to fix every single balance issue in the game.


This feels like a pretty exaggerated perspective to be honest. Delves are supposed to get harder as difficulty increases. The highest rewards available are equal to normal raid drops, with heroic raid drops in the vault. Or on the dungeon scale, +5 keys. I think the challenge is suitable for the rewards on offer.

And all this is coming from the perspective of a priest. An at-best average priest, at that. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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More like Brann the Broken



Thanks, you’ve ruined delves for healers. Bran does no dps, aggros from one heal and makes the entire experience miserable.

Like that he’s usable as a healer for my dps characters. Please fix for healers.


I would appreciate having a tank companion, since as ranged dps main, all I seem to do is quickly grab aggro and die, CC and all.


Bran now refuses to heal himself in-between fights. I got to boss room and Bran just stood there at half health.

What’s even funnier/dumber, is that I ran out to another room, and his health immediately went back to full. But then when I returned to boss room, it went back to half health again!!!

So I pulled the boss into the other room, so Bran could fight at full health. Absolute madness. Totally buggy mess and they fix one bug only to introduce 3 more. I can’t remember being this frustrated by a feature before.

Hey Blizz, do you know what “respecting the player’s time” even means? If you respected our time, you would’ve tested this feature for another few months before making us be your unpaid QA. You should be embarrassed by all this.


This is cool and all but

  • Brann is still useless on Tier ?? for zekvir and this change basically merced his scaling on higher tier delves so he gets effectively 1 tapped by AoE or other things
  • Branns AI is still a problem, a huge problem Zekvir shouldn’t be so RNG dependent and hope and praying Brann doesn’t stand in melee for the thirty thousandth time and get perm feared

this doesn’t fix much and only causes more problems


On today’s episode of Brann being useless he’s the fruits of him instantly dying when touching a mushroom or spin from the last boss in Fungal Folly regardless of how I position the fellow.


We’ve seen some complaints that Brann is often completely worthless.
We have identified a bug where he was mistakenly, sometimes, actually worth a damn.
We have corrected this mistake to ensure he is always worthless.

Thank you for working tirelessly this weekend for this bug fix.


I do not remember ever saying we should remove Tanks and DPS from the game to make things better for healers, so no, I do not need to own a mirror.

The Devs really need to decide what they want this content to be


so blizz, question. what is the intended game play of solo healer in devles anyways?

pull mob(s), and then sit there brainlessly heal tanking it all hoping to rngesus that i don’t get one shot from a crit while bran throws nerf darts at it for 10 mins?

is this supposed to be the game play loop? really?

that’s just lame.


Tell that bum Bronzbeard to go level himself. There are plenty of quests in the zones he could be doing instead of depending on us to power level him :crazy_face:


Yeah, that about sums up every run I have done so far as healer. Sure, we could swap specs to tank or dps but why should we need to do that just to have a decent experience?

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I just did Fungal Folly on 9 and Brann was dead 90% of the fight. Survived it, but can’t be intended.