Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

I feel it’s the exact same because the healers also don’t like getting slammed by groups for half their hp and they usually don’t have the means to stop say 2-3 casters from filling their butts up with web or shadow bolts.


Ship it bugged and fun, “fix” bugs, break it, hotfix it, Bop It! TWIST IT! PULL IT PASS IT.


They’d have to do a couple things for this to be something they can do.

  1. Admit they were wrong and do not know better
  2. Have made a backup.

It is a fact of life and a game balance issue. Blizzard has had plenty of time to adjust those dungeons so they can be done without healers or tanks. They have NPCs doing a fairly decent job in those follower dungeons - no reason they can’t be in normal and heroic if the queue gets over 5 minutes.

Your class has a dps spec - the fact you don’t want to use it is a player role preference issue.

Yeahhhhhh. I took something like 4 minutes to kill a single mob because it had…60? Million hp. It didn’t even really do anything, just giant, meaty autos so I couldn’t really pull it into other stuff.


In delves of endless kiting, (where permitted.) I hit packs with something and ran away, waited for Brann to kill.

Literally the only way to live as some classes.

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Yea but if they were to change it, doesn’t matter too much.

So if it takes 3x longer, it doesn’t matter much?

I wish I had your willingness to piss away time.


so basically you ignored everything about the insane damage being done to players and nerfed bran to the ground when his AI was already useless.

Sounds about Blizzard.


The auto attack damage is honestly the biggest issue right now. Why are mobs hitting for 800k+ in a T8? If you don’t have significant self-healing or the ability to kite, you just flat out can’t beat certain mobs. It has nothing to do with difficulty, it’s just incredibly poor tuning.

Most of these delves don’t have mechanics. They have numbers bigger than yours. See: All the overtuned end-bosses like Waxface. That just isn’t fun, plain and simple.


Another thing, can you decrease his damage taken by AOE attacks some more? He’s dying to AOE while my pet tanks the boss.


It doesn’t take 3x longer lol. Unless maybe if Brann was your only damage source because you’re only kiting and doing no damage.

(Haven’t tried an 11at all yet, wonder how it will go.)

At this point they should disable delves, so players stop wasting coffer keys. Fix what needs fixing, test it internally for once, and then open delves again.


And now he loves to die apparently and you have to stop trying to stay alive and ress him while all of that is happening or just take the -1 on lifes specially if you make him heal and you need the heals…

I have, on several specs and roles.

There is no defending this.


But delves at 8 (which most people care about) are functional.

Because you just care about the weekly 4 keys.

Some of us wanted replayability, and we were promised such.


Brann annihilating stuff doesn’t make things more replayable.

Thank you Blizzard, delves have been an endless source of entertainment…

…on the forums lol.