Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Brann shouldn’t be tanking anyway.

Sure, but those conditions are the only part of Delves it even matters in so still relevant.

Also this.

This expansion has been war tuning rather than anything else. Even with betas and pre early access there’s still constant changes and nerfs and the buffs do feel they don’t cover enough of what they take.

raises paw

Finished one now, it just took longer. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I think the thing to keep in mind with brann scaling is that its likely the scaling is probably somewhat crazy in delves. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if each level of delve had like a 30-50% scaling modifier for health and maybe damage since the baseline is effectively leveling content to the base power is incredibly low. Today I had brann doing close to a million dps on the end boss of an 11 fungle folly and doing like 100k maybe on zekvir ?. 125% probably is a boost from the brann we know and love from the preseason ie the brann that did no damage to begin with and the peak that we lost might be something as crazy as 500% to 1000% damage.

Oh yeah feel good about yourself Mr Vulpera? Huh?

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Always. :dracthyr_nod:

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look, they gotta makje sure delves last 6 months by making grinding all the way to the end of the season journey a goddang nightmare thats less rewarding than anything else progressionwise and therefore make people not wanna do it

You can “finish before you coffee gets cold!” and “got 10-15 minutes? You got time for a delve!” were clearly a bait and switch.

They realized it was close to what they promised, and we can’t allow that.


Just chiming in to say this change feels absolutely awful and the only way my class was able to solo anything above an 8 was with Brann holding aggro. If you are going this route then you absolutely need to roll back people’s “exploited” zek vir kills. My brann is incredibly high level and is now incredibly useless.


What all changed? Brann seems to no longer get XP for me, he is 34 I thought they capped him at 38. Even tried T10 just to make sure. Also, did the sinkhole and I have to sit in the bubble spawn because the breath bar goes down super-fast. So, I am assuming a lot more was changed.

And I thought my brann just got lost in a thought or something it caused me to die in one of my runs an hour ago as healer (he was a healer) it’s really terrible having him dying to whatever is happening in general I can’t imagine in the mid of a boss fight when you have aoe’s and white melee hits hitting you for 1/4 of your hp or 2/4 depending…

DPS Bran shouldn’t be tanking, but there should be a tank version of him. Make him a blood dk.


You can’t interrupt it anyway, just gotta personal through it and if your Brann is in healer mode hope he drops some potions for later.
It’s the bolt that has to be interrupted every time, the fight in general isn’t very good for some specs.

I mean the spinning mushroom guy at the end of Fungal Folly hits me for 1.2m or so in a T8, but when you go to T9 it’s 5m damage if you get hit by 1 tick of the spin.

tbh longer is the part that gets me because like. if it takes me 30-40 minutes to clear a delve for less reward I could be doing other stuff with my day like, I dunno. watching interesting youtube videos or playing a singleplayer videogame

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Keeping tricks up on Brann is how you comfortably do the delves as Sub on higher tiers. He will get smacked and possibly die but better him than you.

I wouldn’t know I play ranged and let me just say there is a reason why the only 11 i’ve even attempted is fungle folly lmao.

I feel that’s different vs a healer intentionally doing nothing so Brann could take damage.

it’s quite telling when it was only fun when he was bugged to get the same scaling boost the enemies were, so of course when it’s back to correct way it was designed to be it’s worse and unfun.

peak Blizzard design.